path: root/db-4.8.30/mod_db4/skiplist.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'db-4.8.30/mod_db4/skiplist.c')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/db-4.8.30/mod_db4/skiplist.c b/db-4.8.30/mod_db4/skiplist.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c806c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-4.8.30/mod_db4/skiplist.c
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+/* ======================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2000,2006 Theo Schlossnagle
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * The following code was written by Theo Schlossnagle for use in the
+ * Backhand project at The Center for Networking and Distributed Systems
+ * at The Johns Hopkins University.
+ *
+ * This is a skiplist implementation to be used for abstract structures
+ * and is release under the LGPL license version 2.1 or later. A copy
+ * of this license can be found file LGPL.
+ *
+ * Alternatively, this file may be licensed under the new BSD license.
+ * A copy of this license can be found file BSD.
+ *
+ * ======================================================================
+extern "C"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "skiplist.h"
+# include <dmalloc.h>
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a<b)?(a):(b))
+#define MALLOC(type, ptr) do { \
+ void *tmptr = malloc(sizeof(struct type)); \
+ if (tmptr == NULL){ \
+ fprintf(stderr, \
+ "In file %s on line %d: malloc failed to allocate memory, exiting...", \
+ __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ assert(0); \
+ } \
+ ptr = (struct type*)tmptr; \
+} while (0)
+#define MALLOC_N(type, num, ptr) do { \
+ void *tmptr = NULL; \
+ assert(num >= 0); \
+ tmptr = malloc(sizeof(struct type) * num); \
+ if (tmptr == NULL){ \
+ fprintf(stderr, \
+ "In file %s on line %d: malloc failed to allocate memory, exiting...", \
+ __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ assert(0); \
+ } \
+ ptr = (struct type*)tmptr; \
+} while (0)
+static int get_b_rand(void) {
+ static int ph=32; /* More bits than we will ever use */
+ static unsigned long randseq;
+ if(ph > 31) { /* Num bits in return of lrand48() */
+ ph=0;
+ randseq = lrand48();
+ }
+ ph++;
+ return ((randseq & (1 << (ph-1))) >> (ph-1));
+void skiplisti_init(Skiplist *sl) {
+ sl->compare = (SkiplistComparator)NULL;
+ sl->comparek = (SkiplistComparator)NULL;
+ sl->height=0;
+ sl->preheight=0;
+ sl->size=0;
+ sl->top = NULL;
+ sl->bottom = NULL;
+ sl->index = NULL;
+static int indexing_comp(void *a, void *b) {
+ assert(a);
+ assert(b);
+ return (void *)(((Skiplist *)a)->compare)>(void *)(((Skiplist *)b)->compare);
+static int indexing_compk(void *a, void *b) {
+ assert(b);
+ return a>(void *)(((Skiplist *)b)->compare);
+void skiplist_init(Skiplist *sl) {
+ skiplisti_init(sl);
+ MALLOC(_iskiplist, sl->index);
+ skiplisti_init(sl->index);
+ skiplist_set_compare(sl->index, indexing_comp, indexing_compk);
+void skiplist_set_compare(Skiplist *sl,
+ SkiplistComparator comp,
+ SkiplistComparator compk) {
+ if(sl->compare && sl->comparek) {
+ skiplist_add_index(sl, comp, compk);
+ } else {
+ sl->compare = comp;
+ sl->comparek = compk;
+ }
+void skiplist_add_index(Skiplist *sl,
+ SkiplistComparator comp,
+ SkiplistComparator compk) {
+ struct skiplistnode *m;
+ Skiplist *ni;
+ int icount=0;
+#ifdef SLDEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "Adding index to %p\n", sl);
+ skiplist_find(sl->index, (void *)comp, &m);
+ if(m) return; /* Index already there! */
+ MALLOC(_iskiplist, ni);
+ skiplisti_init(ni);
+ skiplist_set_compare(ni, comp, compk);
+ /* Build the new index... This can be expensive! */
+ m = skiplist_insert(sl->index, ni);
+ while(m->prev) m=m->prev, icount++;
+ for(m=skiplist_getlist(sl); m; skiplist_next(sl, &m)) {
+ int j=icount-1;
+ struct skiplistnode *nsln;
+ nsln = skiplist_insert(ni, m->data);
+ /* skip from main index down list */
+ while(j>0) m=m->nextindex, j--;
+ /* insert this node in the indexlist after m */
+ nsln->nextindex = m->nextindex;
+ if(m->nextindex) m->nextindex->previndex = nsln;
+ nsln->previndex = m;
+ m->nextindex = nsln;
+ }
+struct skiplistnode *skiplist_getlist(Skiplist *sl) {
+ if(!sl->bottom) return NULL;
+ return sl->bottom->next;
+void *skiplist_find(Skiplist *sl,
+ void *data,
+ struct skiplistnode **iter) {
+ void *ret;
+ struct skiplistnode *aiter;
+ if(!sl->compare) return 0;
+ if(iter)
+ ret = skiplist_find_compare(sl, data, iter, sl->compare);
+ else
+ ret = skiplist_find_compare(sl, data, &aiter, sl->compare);
+ return ret;
+void *skiplist_find_compare(Skiplist *sli,
+ void *data,
+ struct skiplistnode **iter,
+ SkiplistComparator comp) {
+ struct skiplistnode *m = NULL;
+ Skiplist *sl;
+ if(comp==sli->compare || !sli->index) {
+ sl = sli;
+ } else {
+ skiplist_find(sli->index, (void *)comp, &m);
+ assert(m);
+ sl= (Skiplist *) m->data;
+ }
+ skiplisti_find_compare(sl, data, iter, sl->comparek);
+ return (*iter)?((*iter)->data):(*iter);
+int skiplisti_find_compare(Skiplist *sl,
+ void *data,
+ struct skiplistnode **ret,
+ SkiplistComparator comp) {
+ struct skiplistnode *m = NULL;
+ int count=0;
+ m = sl->top;
+ while(m) {
+ int compared;
+ if(m->next) compared=comp(data, m->next->data);
+ if(compared == 0) {
+#ifdef SL_DEBUG
+ printf("Looking -- found in %d steps\n", count);
+ m=m->next;
+ while(m->down) m=m->down;
+ *ret = m;
+ return count;
+ }
+ if((m->next == NULL) || (compared<0))
+ m = m->down, count++;
+ else
+ m = m->next, count++;
+ }
+#ifdef SL_DEBUG
+ printf("Looking -- not found in %d steps\n", count);
+ *ret = NULL;
+ return count;
+void *skiplist_next(Skiplist *sl, struct skiplistnode **iter) {
+ if(!*iter) return NULL;
+ *iter = (*iter)->next;
+ return (*iter)?((*iter)->data):NULL;
+void *skiplist_previous(Skiplist *sl, struct skiplistnode **iter) {
+ if(!*iter) return NULL;
+ *iter = (*iter)->prev;
+ return (*iter)?((*iter)->data):NULL;
+struct skiplistnode *skiplist_insert(Skiplist *sl,
+ void *data) {
+ if(!sl->compare) return 0;
+ return skiplist_insert_compare(sl, data, sl->compare);
+struct skiplistnode *skiplist_insert_compare(Skiplist *sl,
+ void *data,
+ SkiplistComparator comp) {
+ struct skiplistnode *m, *p, *tmp, *ret, **stack;
+ int nh=1, ch, stacki;
+#ifdef SLDEBUG
+ skiplist_print_struct(sl, "BI: ");
+ if(!sl->top) {
+ sl->height = 1;
+ MALLOC(skiplistnode, sl->bottom);
+ sl->topend = sl->bottomend = sl->top = sl->bottom;
+ assert(sl->top);
+ sl->top->next = (struct skiplistnode *) NULL;
+ sl->top->data = (struct skiplistnode *) NULL;
+ sl->top->prev =(struct skiplistnode *) NULL;
+ sl->top->up = (struct skiplistnode *) NULL;
+ sl->top->down = (struct skiplistnode *) NULL;
+ sl->top->nextindex= (struct skiplistnode *) NULL;
+ sl->top->previndex = (struct skiplistnode *) NULL;
+ sl->top->sl = sl;
+ }
+ if(sl->preheight) {
+ while(nh < sl->preheight && get_b_rand()) nh++;
+ } else {
+ while(nh <= sl->height && get_b_rand()) nh++;
+ }
+ /* Now we have the new height at which we wish to insert our new node */
+ /* Let us make sure that our tree is a least that tall (grow if necessary)*/
+ for(;sl->height<nh;sl->height++) {
+ MALLOC(skiplistnode, sl->top->up);
+ sl->top->up->down = sl->top;
+ sl->top = sl->topend = sl->top->up;
+ sl->top->prev = sl->top->next = sl->top->nextindex =
+ sl->top->previndex = sl->top->up = NULL;
+ sl->top->data = NULL;
+ sl->top->sl = sl;
+ }
+ ch = sl->height;
+ /* Find the node (or node after which we would insert) */
+ /* Keep a stack to pop back through for insertion */
+ m = sl->top;
+ MALLOC_N(skiplistnode*, nh, stack);
+ stacki=0;
+ while(m) {
+ int compared=-1;
+ if(m->next) compared=comp(data, m->next->data);
+ if(compared == 0) {
+ free(stack);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if((m->next == NULL) || (compared<0)) {
+ if(ch<=nh) {
+ /* push on stack */
+ stack[stacki++] = m;
+ }
+ m = m->down;
+ ch--;
+ } else {
+ m = m->next;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Pop the stack and insert nodes */
+ p = NULL;
+ for(;stacki>0;stacki--) {
+ m = stack[stacki-1];
+ MALLOC(skiplistnode, tmp);
+ tmp->next = m->next;
+ if(m->next) m->next->prev=tmp;
+ tmp->prev = m;
+ tmp->up = NULL;
+ tmp->nextindex = tmp->previndex = NULL;
+ tmp->down = p;
+ if(p) p->up=tmp;
+ tmp->data = data;
+ tmp->sl = sl;
+ m->next = tmp;
+ /* This sets ret to the bottom-most node we are inserting */
+ if(!p) ret=tmp;
+ p = tmp;
+ }
+ free(stack);
+ if(sl->index != NULL) {
+ /* this is a external insertion, we must insert into each index as well */
+ struct skiplistnode *p, *ni, *li;
+ li=ret;
+ for(p = skiplist_getlist(sl->index); p; skiplist_next(sl->index, &p)) {
+ ni = skiplist_insert((Skiplist *)p->data, ret->data);
+ assert(ni);
+#ifdef SLDEBUG
+ fprintf(stderr, "Adding %p to index %p\n", ret->data, p->data);
+ li->nextindex = ni;
+ ni->previndex = li;
+ li = ni;
+ }
+ } else {
+ sl->size++;
+ }
+#ifdef SLDEBUG
+ skiplist_print_struct(sl, "AI: ");
+ return ret;
+struct skiplistnode *skiplist_append(Skiplist *sl, void *data) {
+ int nh=1, ch, compared;
+ struct skiplistnode *lastnode, *nodeago;
+ if(sl->bottomend != sl->bottom) {
+ compared=sl->compare(data, sl->bottomend->prev->data);
+ /* If it doesn't belong at the end, then fail */
+ if(compared<=0) return NULL;
+ }
+ if(sl->preheight) {
+ while(nh < sl->preheight && get_b_rand()) nh++;
+ } else {
+ while(nh <= sl->height && get_b_rand()) nh++;
+ }
+ /* Now we have the new height at which we wish to insert our new node */
+ /* Let us make sure that our tree is a least that tall (grow if necessary)*/
+ lastnode = sl->bottomend;
+ nodeago = NULL;
+ if(!lastnode) return skiplist_insert(sl, data);
+ for(;sl->height<nh;sl->height++) {
+ MALLOC(skiplistnode, sl->top->up);
+ assert(sl->top);
+ sl->top->up->down = sl->top;
+ sl->top = sl->top->up;
+ sl->top->prev = sl->top->next = sl->top->nextindex =
+ sl->top->previndex = NULL;
+ sl->top->data = NULL;
+ sl->top->sl = sl;
+ }
+ ch = sl->height;
+ while(nh) {
+ struct skiplistnode *anode;
+ MALLOC(skiplistnode, anode);
+ anode->next = lastnode;
+ anode->prev = lastnode->prev;
+ anode->up = NULL;
+ anode->down = nodeago;
+ if(lastnode->prev) {
+ if(lastnode == sl->bottom)
+ sl->bottom = anode;
+ else if (lastnode == sl->top)
+ sl->top = anode;
+ }
+ nodeago = anode;
+ lastnode = lastnode->up;
+ nh--;
+ }
+ sl->size++;
+ return sl->bottomend;
+Skiplist *skiplist_concat(Skiplist *sl1, Skiplist *sl2) {
+ /* Check integrity! */
+ int compared, eheight;
+ Skiplist temp;
+ struct skiplistnode *lbottom, *lbottomend, *b1, *e1, *b2, *e2;
+ if(sl1->bottomend == NULL || sl1->bottomend->prev == NULL) {
+ skiplist_remove_all(sl1, free);
+ temp = *sl1;
+ *sl1 = *sl2;
+ *sl2 = temp;
+ /* swap them so that sl2 can be freed normally upon return. */
+ return sl1;
+ }
+ if(sl2->bottom == NULL || sl2->bottom->next == NULL) {
+ skiplist_remove_all(sl2, free);
+ return sl1;
+ }
+ compared = sl1->compare(sl1->bottomend->prev->data, sl2->bottom->data);
+ /* If it doesn't belong at the end, then fail */
+ if(compared<=0) return NULL;
+ /* OK now append sl2 onto sl1 */
+ lbottom = lbottomend = NULL;
+ eheight = MIN(sl1->height, sl2->height);
+ b1 = sl1->bottom; e1 = sl1->bottomend;
+ b2 = sl2->bottom; e2 = sl2->bottomend;
+ while(eheight) {
+ e1->prev->next = b2;
+ b2->prev = e1->prev->next;
+ e2->prev->next = e1;
+ e1->prev = e2->prev;
+ e2->prev = NULL;
+ b2 = e2;
+ b1->down = lbottom;
+ e1->down = lbottomend;
+ if(lbottom) lbottom->up = b1;
+ if(lbottomend) lbottomend->up = e1;
+ lbottom = b1;
+ lbottomend = e1;
+ }
+ /* Take the top of the longer one (if it is sl2) and make it sl1's */
+ if(sl2->height > sl1->height) {
+ b1->up = b2->up;
+ e1->up = e2->up;
+ b1->up->down = b1;
+ e1->up->down = e1;
+ sl1->height = sl2->height;
+ sl1->top = sl2->top;
+ sl1->topend = sl2->topend;
+ }
+ /* move the top pointer to here if it isn't there already */
+ sl2->top = sl2->topend = b2;
+ sl2->top->up = NULL; /* If it isn't already */
+ sl1->size += sl2->size;
+ skiplist_remove_all(sl2, free);
+ return sl1;
+int skiplist_remove(Skiplist *sl,
+ void *data, FreeFunc myfree) {
+ if(!sl->compare) return 0;
+ return skiplist_remove_compare(sl, data, myfree, sl->comparek);
+void skiplist_print_struct(Skiplist *sl, char *prefix) {
+ struct skiplistnode *p, *q;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Skiplist Structure (height: %d)\n", sl->height);
+ p = sl->bottom;
+ while(p) {
+ q = p;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s", prefix);
+ while(q) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%p ", q->data);
+ q=q->up;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ p=p->next;
+ }
+int skiplisti_remove(Skiplist *sl, struct skiplistnode *m, FreeFunc myfree) {
+ struct skiplistnode *p;
+ if(!m) return 0;
+ if(m->nextindex) skiplisti_remove(m->nextindex->sl, m->nextindex, NULL);
+ else sl->size--;
+#ifdef SLDEBUG
+ skiplist_print_struct(sl, "BR:");
+ while(m->up) m=m->up;
+ while(m) {
+ p=m;
+ p->prev->next = p->next; /* take me out of the list */
+ if(p->next) p->next->prev = p->prev; /* take me out of the list */
+ m=m->down;
+ /* This only frees the actual data in the bottom one */
+ if(!m && myfree && p->data) myfree(p->data);
+ free(p);
+ }
+ while(sl->top && sl->top->next == NULL) {
+ /* While the row is empty and we are not on the bottom row */
+ p = sl->top;
+ sl->top = sl->top->down; /* Move top down one */
+ if(sl->top) sl->top->up = NULL; /* Make it think its the top */
+ free(p);
+ sl->height--;
+ }
+ if(!sl->top) sl->bottom = NULL;
+ assert(sl->height>=0);
+#ifdef SLDEBUG
+ skiplist_print_struct(sl, "AR: ");
+ return sl->height;
+int skiplist_remove_compare(Skiplist *sli,
+ void *data,
+ FreeFunc myfree, SkiplistComparator comp) {
+ struct skiplistnode *m;
+ Skiplist *sl;
+ if(comp==sli->comparek || !sli->index) {
+ sl = sli;
+ } else {
+ skiplist_find(sli->index, (void *)comp, &m);
+ assert(m);
+ sl= (Skiplist *) m->data;
+ }
+ skiplisti_find_compare(sl, data, &m, comp);
+ if(!m) return 0;
+ while(m->previndex) m=m->previndex;
+ return skiplisti_remove(sl, m, myfree);
+void skiplist_remove_all(Skiplist *sl, FreeFunc myfree) {
+ /* This must remove even the place holder nodes (bottom though top)
+ because we specify in the API that one can free the Skiplist after
+ making this call without memory leaks */
+ struct skiplistnode *m, *p, *u;
+ m=sl->bottom;
+ while(m) {
+ p = m->next;
+ if(myfree && p->data) myfree(p->data);
+ while(m) {
+ u = m->up;
+ free(m);
+ m=u;
+ }
+ m = p;
+ }
+ sl->top = sl->bottom = NULL;
+ sl->height = 0;
+ sl->size = 0;
+void *skiplist_pop(Skiplist * a, FreeFunc myfree)
+ struct skiplistnode *sln;
+ void *data = NULL;
+ sln = skiplist_getlist(a);
+ if (sln) {
+ data = sln->data;
+ skiplisti_remove(a, sln, myfree);
+ }
+ return data;