path: root/db-4.8.30/test/scr037/BTreeCursorTest.cs
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authorJesse Morgan <>2016-12-17 21:28:53 -0800
committerJesse Morgan <>2016-12-17 21:28:53 -0800
commit54df2afaa61c6a03cbb4a33c9b90fa572b6d07b8 (patch)
tree18147b92b969d25ffbe61935fb63035cac820dd0 /db-4.8.30/test/scr037/BTreeCursorTest.cs
Berkeley DB 4.8 with rust build script for linux.
Diffstat (limited to 'db-4.8.30/test/scr037/BTreeCursorTest.cs')
1 files changed, 1192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/db-4.8.30/test/scr037/BTreeCursorTest.cs b/db-4.8.30/test/scr037/BTreeCursorTest.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fb6918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-4.8.30/test/scr037/BTreeCursorTest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1192 @@
+ * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ */
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Threading;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using BerkeleyDB;
+namespace CsharpAPITest
+ [TestFixture]
+ public class BTreeCursorTest
+ {
+ private string testFixtureName;
+ private string testFixtureHome;
+ private string testName;
+ private string testHome;
+ private DatabaseEnvironment paramEnv;
+ private BTreeDatabase paramDB;
+ private EventWaitHandle signal;
+ private delegate void BTCursorMoveFuncDelegate(
+ BTreeCursor cursor, LockingInfo lockingInfo);
+ private BTCursorMoveFuncDelegate btCursorFunc;
+ [TestFixtureSetUp]
+ public void RunBeforeTests()
+ {
+ testFixtureName = "BTreeCursorTest";
+ testFixtureHome = "./TestOut/" + testFixtureName;
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestAddKeyFirst()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ testName = "TestAddKeyFirst";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ // Add record("key", "data") into database.
+ CursorTest.GetCursorInBtreeDBWithoutEnv(
+ testHome, testName, out db, out cursor);
+ CursorTest.AddOneByCursor(db, cursor);
+ // Add record("key","data1") as the first of the data item of "key".
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")),
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1")));
+ cursor.Add(pair, Cursor.InsertLocation.FIRST);
+ // Confirm the record is added as the first of the data item of "key".
+ cursor.Move(new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")), true);
+ Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"),
+ cursor.Current.Value.Data);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestAddKeyLast()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ testName = "TestAddKeyLast";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ // Add record("key", "data") into database.
+ CursorTest.GetCursorInBtreeDBWithoutEnv(testHome, testName,
+ out db, out cursor);
+ CursorTest.AddOneByCursor(db, cursor);
+ // Add new record("key","data1") as the last of the data item of "key".
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")),
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1")));
+ cursor.Add(pair, Cursor.InsertLocation.LAST);
+ // Confirm the record is added as the first of the data item of "key".
+ cursor.Move(new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")), true);
+ Assert.AreNotEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"),
+ cursor.Current.Value.Data);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestAddUnique()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ testName = "TestAddUnique";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ // Open a database and cursor.
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED;
+ // To put no duplicate data, the database should be set to be sorted.
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED;
+ db = BTreeDatabase.Open(testHome + "/" + testName + ".db", dbConfig);
+ cursor = db.Cursor();
+ // Add record("key", "data") into database.
+ CursorTest.AddOneByCursor(db, cursor);
+ // Fail to add duplicate record("key","data").
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")),
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data")));
+ try
+ {
+ cursor.AddUnique(pair);
+ }
+ catch (KeyExistException)
+ {
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestDuplicateWithSamePos()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig;
+ BTreeCursor cursor, dupCursor;
+ DatabaseEnvironment env;
+ DatabaseEnvironmentConfig envConfig;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ Transaction txn;
+ testName = "TestDuplicateWithSamePos";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ envConfig = new DatabaseEnvironmentConfig();
+ envConfig.Create = true;
+ envConfig.UseMPool = true;
+ envConfig.UseTxns = true;
+ envConfig.NoMMap = false;
+ env = DatabaseEnvironment.Open(testHome, envConfig);
+ txn = env.BeginTransaction();
+ dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED;
+ dbConfig.Env = env;
+ db = BTreeDatabase.Open(testName + ".db", dbConfig, txn);
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key"));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ db.Put(key, data, txn);
+ txn.Commit();
+ txn = env.BeginTransaction();
+ cursor = db.Cursor(txn);
+ cursor.Move(key, true);
+ //Duplicate a new cursor to the same position.
+ dupCursor = cursor.Duplicate(true);
+ // Overwrite the record.
+ dupCursor.Overwrite(new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("newdata")));
+ // Confirm that the original data doesn't exist.
+ Assert.IsFalse(dupCursor.Move(pair, true));
+ dupCursor.Close();
+ cursor.Close();
+ txn.Commit();
+ db.Close();
+ env.Close();
+ }
+ [Test, ExpectedException(typeof(ExpectedTestException))]
+ public void TestDuplicateToDifferentPos()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig;
+ BTreeCursor cursor, dupCursor;
+ DatabaseEnvironment env;
+ DatabaseEnvironmentConfig envConfig;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ Transaction txn;
+ testName = "TestDuplicateToDifferentPos";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ envConfig = new DatabaseEnvironmentConfig();
+ envConfig.Create = true;
+ envConfig.UseMPool = true;
+ envConfig.UseTxns = true;
+ envConfig.NoMMap = false;
+ env = DatabaseEnvironment.Open(testHome, envConfig);
+ txn = env.BeginTransaction();
+ dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED;
+ dbConfig.Env = env;
+ db = BTreeDatabase.Open(testName + ".db", dbConfig, txn);
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key"));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ db.Put(key, data, txn);
+ txn.Commit();
+ txn = env.BeginTransaction();
+ cursor = db.Cursor(txn);
+ cursor.Move(key, true);
+ //Duplicate a new cursor to the same position.
+ dupCursor = cursor.Duplicate(false);
+ /*
+ * The duplicate cursor points to nothing so overwriting the
+ * record is not allowed.
+ */
+ try
+ {
+ dupCursor.Overwrite(new DatabaseEntry(
+ ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("newdata")));
+ }
+ catch (DatabaseException)
+ {
+ throw new ExpectedTestException();
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ dupCursor.Close();
+ cursor.Close();
+ txn.Commit();
+ db.Close();
+ env.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestInsertAfter()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ testName = "TestInsertAfter";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ // Add record("key", "data") into database.
+ CursorTest.GetCursorInBtreeDBWithoutEnv(testHome, testName,
+ out db, out cursor);
+ CursorTest.AddOneByCursor(db, cursor);
+ // Insert the new record("key","data1") after the record("key", "data").
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"));
+ cursor.Insert(data, Cursor.InsertLocation.AFTER);
+ /*
+ * Move the cursor to the record("key", "data") and confirm that
+ * the next record is the one just inserted.
+ */
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")),
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data")));
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.Move(pair, true));
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNext());
+ Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key"), cursor.Current.Key.Data);
+ Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"), cursor.Current.Value.Data);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveFirstMultipleAndMultipleKey()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveFirstMultipleAndMultipleKey";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, MultipleDatabaseEntry> pair;
+ MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry multiPair;
+ int cnt;
+ int[] size = new int[2];
+ size[0] = 0;
+ size[1] = 1024;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ cnt = 0;
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ cursor.MoveFirstMultiple();
+ else
+ cursor.MoveFirstMultiple(size[i]);
+ pair = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pair.Value)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ cnt = 0;
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey();
+ else
+ cursor.MoveFirstMultipleKey(size[i]);
+ multiPair = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ dbt in multiPair)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.Less(1, cnt);
+ }
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveMultiple()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveMultiple";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry key;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, MultipleDatabaseEntry> pair;
+ int cnt;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ // Move cursor to pairs with exact 99 as its key.
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ cursor.MoveMultiple(key, true);
+ pair = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ Assert.AreEqual(99, BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Key.Data, 0));
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pair.Value)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, cnt);
+ // Move cursor to pairs with the smallest key larger than 100.
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)100));
+ cursor.MoveMultiple(key, false);
+ pair = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ Assert.AreEqual(101, BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Key.Data, 0));
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pair.Value)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveMultipleKey()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveMultipleKey";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry key;
+ MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry mulPair; ;
+ int cnt;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ /*
+ * Bulk retrieve key/value pair from the pair whose key
+ * is exact 99.
+ */
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(key, true);
+ mulPair = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ pair in mulPair) {
+ Assert.GreaterOrEqual(3,
+ BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Key.Data, 0) - 98);
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, cnt);
+ /*
+ * Bulk retrieve key/value pair from the pair whose key
+ * is the smallest one larger than 100.
+ */
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)100));
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(key, false);
+ mulPair = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ pair in mulPair) {
+ Assert.AreEqual(101,
+ BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Key.Data, 0));
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.LessOrEqual(1, cnt);
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)100));
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(key, false, 1024);
+ mulPair = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ pair in mulPair) {
+ Assert.AreEqual(101,
+ BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Key.Data, 0));
+ Assert.AreEqual(101,
+ BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Value.Data, 0));
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.LessOrEqual(1, cnt);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveMultipleKeyWithRecno()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveMultipleKeyWithRecno";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry multiDBT;
+ int cnt;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.UseRecordNumbers = true;
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ cnt = 0;
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(98);
+ multiDBT = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ pair in multiDBT)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, cnt);
+ cnt = 0;
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(98, 1024);
+ multiDBT = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ pair in multiDBT)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, cnt);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveMultiplePairs()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveMultiplePairs";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry multiKeyDBTs1, multiKeyDBTs2;
+ int cnt;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ /*
+ * Bulk retrieve pairs from the pair whose key/data
+ * is exact 99/99.
+ */
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(pair, true);
+ multiKeyDBTs1 = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ p in multiKeyDBTs1)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, cnt);
+ // Bulk retrieve pairs from the pair whose key is exact 99.
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)98));
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(pair, true);
+ multiKeyDBTs2 = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ dbts in multiKeyDBTs2)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, cnt);
+ /*
+ * Bulk retrieve pairs from the pair whose key is
+ * exact 99 in buffer size of 1024k.
+ */
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)102));
+ cursor.MoveMultipleKey(pair, true, 1024);
+ multiKeyDBTs2 = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>
+ dbts in multiKeyDBTs2)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, cnt);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveMultiplePairWithKey()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveMultiplePairWithKey";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, MultipleDatabaseEntry> mulPair;
+ int cnt;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ /*
+ * Move the cursor to pairs with exact 99 as its key
+ * and 99 as its data.
+ */
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)99));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ cursor.MoveMultiple(pair, true);
+ mulPair = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ Assert.AreEqual(99, BitConverter.ToInt32(mulPair.Key.Data, 0));
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in mulPair.Value) {
+ Assert.AreEqual(99, BitConverter.ToInt32(dbt.Data, 0));
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ // Move cursor to pairs with the smallest key larger than 100.
+ cnt = 0;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)100));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes((int)100));
+ cursor.MoveMultiple(pair, false);
+ mulPair = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ Assert.AreEqual(99, BitConverter.ToInt32(mulPair.Key.Data, 0));
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in mulPair.Value) {
+ Assert.GreaterOrEqual(1,
+ BitConverter.ToInt32(dbt.Data, 0) - 99);
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveMultipleWithRecno()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveMultipleWithRecno";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, MultipleDatabaseEntry> pair;
+ int cnt;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ dbConfig.UseRecordNumbers = true;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ // Move cursor to the No.100 record.
+ cnt = 0;
+ cursor.MoveMultiple(100);
+ pair = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ Assert.AreEqual(100, BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Key.Data, 0));
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pair.Value)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ // Move cursor to the No.100 record with buffer size of 1024k.
+ cnt = 0;
+ cursor.MoveMultiple(100, 1024);
+ pair = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ Assert.AreEqual(100, BitConverter.ToInt32(pair.Key.Data, 0));
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pair.Value)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveNextDuplicateMultipleAndMultipleKey()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveNextDuplicateMultipleAndMultipleKey";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, MultipleDatabaseEntry> pairs;
+ MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry multiPair;
+ int cnt;
+ int[] size = new int[2];
+ size[0] = 0;
+ size[1] = 1024;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(99));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ cnt = 0;
+ cursor.Move(pair, true);
+ if (j == 0) {
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultiple());
+ else
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultiple(size[i]));
+ pairs = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pairs.Value) {
+ Assert.AreEqual(100, BitConverter.ToInt32(dbt.Data, 0));
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ } else {
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey());
+ else
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextDuplicateMultipleKey(size[i]));
+ multiPair = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> p in multiPair) {
+ Assert.AreEqual(100, BitConverter.ToInt32(p.Value.Data, 0));
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveNextUniqueMultipleAndMultipleKey()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveNextUniqueMultipleAndMultipleKey";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, MultipleDatabaseEntry> pairs;
+ MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry multiPair;
+ int cnt;
+ int[] size = new int[2];
+ size[0] = 0;
+ size[1] = 1024;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(99));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ cnt = 0;
+ cursor.Move(pair, true);
+ if (j == 0) {
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultiple());
+ else
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultiple(size[i]));
+ pairs = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pairs.Value) {
+ Assert.AreEqual(101, BitConverter.ToInt32(dbt.Data, 0));
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ } else {
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey());
+ else
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MoveNextUniqueMultipleKey(size[i]));
+ multiPair = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> p in multiPair) {
+ Assert.AreEqual(101, BitConverter.ToInt32(p.Value.Data, 0));
+ cnt++;
+ }
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, cnt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRefreshMultipleAndMultipleKey()
+ {
+ testName = "TestRefreshMultipleAndMultipleKey";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ string btreeDBFileName = testHome + "/" +
+ testName + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, MultipleDatabaseEntry> pairs;
+ MultipleKeyDatabaseEntry multiPair;
+ int cnt;
+ int[] size = new int[2];
+ size[0] = 0;
+ size[1] = 1024;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ dbConfig.Duplicates = DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED;
+ dbConfig.PageSize = 1024;
+ GetMultipleDB(btreeDBFileName, dbConfig, out db, out cursor);
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(99));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ cnt = 0;
+ cursor.Move(pair, true);
+ if (j == 0) {
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.RefreshMultiple());
+ else
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.RefreshMultiple(size[i]));
+ pairs = cursor.CurrentMultiple;
+ foreach (DatabaseEntry dbt in pairs.Value)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, cnt);
+ } else {
+ if (size[i] == 0)
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.RefreshMultipleKey());
+ else
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.RefreshMultipleKey(size[i]));
+ multiPair = cursor.CurrentMultipleKey;
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> p in multiPair)
+ cnt++;
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, cnt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ private void GetMultipleDB(string dbFileName, BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig,
+ out BTreeDatabase db, out BTreeCursor cursor)
+ {
+ db = BTreeDatabase.Open(dbFileName, dbConfig);
+ cursor = db.Cursor();
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) {
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ cursor.Add(pair);
+ }
+ if (dbConfig.UseRecordNumbers == true) {
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[512];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++)
+ bytes[i] = (byte)i;
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(100));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(bytes);
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ cursor.Add(pair);
+ } else {
+ if (dbConfig.Duplicates == DuplicatesPolicy.UNSORTED ||
+ dbConfig.Duplicates == DuplicatesPolicy.SORTED) {
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(99));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(100));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ cursor.Add(pair);
+ }
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(101));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(101));
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data);
+ cursor.Add(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestInsertBefore()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ DatabaseEntry data;
+ KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry> pair;
+ testName = "TestInsertBefore";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ // Add record("key", "data") into database.
+ CursorTest.GetCursorInBtreeDBWithoutEnv(
+ testHome, testName, out db, out cursor);
+ CursorTest.AddOneByCursor(db, cursor);
+ // Insert the new record("key","data1") before the record("key", "data").
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"));
+ cursor.Insert(data, Cursor.InsertLocation.BEFORE);
+ /*
+ * Move the cursor to the record("key", "data") and confirm
+ * that the previous record is the one just inserted.
+ */
+ pair = new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key")),
+ new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data")));
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.Move(pair, true));
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.MovePrev());
+ Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key"),cursor.Current.Key.Data);
+ Assert.AreEqual(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data1"), cursor.Current.Value.Data);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveToRecno()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ testName = "TestMoveToRecno";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ GetCursorInBtreeDBUsingRecno(testHome, testName,
+ out db, out cursor);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ db.Put(
+ new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i)),
+ new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i)));
+ MoveCursorToRecno(cursor, null);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestMoveToRecnoWithRMW()
+ {
+ testName = "TestMoveToRecnoWithRMW";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ btCursorFunc = new BTCursorMoveFuncDelegate(
+ MoveCursorToRecno);
+ // Move to a specified key and a key/data pair.
+ MoveWithRMW(testHome, testName);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRecno()
+ {
+ BTreeDatabase db;
+ BTreeCursor cursor;
+ testName = "TestRecno";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ GetCursorInBtreeDBUsingRecno(testHome, testName,
+ out db, out cursor);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ db.Put(
+ new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i)),
+ new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i)));
+ ReturnRecno(cursor, null);
+ cursor.Close();
+ db.Close();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public void TestRecnoWithRMW()
+ {
+ testName = "TestRecnoWithRMW";
+ testHome = testFixtureHome + "/" + testName;
+ Configuration.ClearDir(testHome);
+ // Use MoveCursorToRecno() as its move function.
+ btCursorFunc = new BTCursorMoveFuncDelegate(
+ ReturnRecno);
+ // Move to a specified key and a key/data pair.
+ MoveWithRMW(testHome, testName);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Move the cursor according to recno. The recno
+ * starts from 1 and is increased by 1.
+ */
+ public void MoveCursorToRecno(BTreeCursor cursor,
+ LockingInfo lck)
+ {
+ for (uint i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
+ if (lck == null)
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.Move(i));
+ else
+ Assert.IsTrue(cursor.Move(i, lck));
+ }
+ /*l
+ * Move the cursor according to a given recno and
+ * return the current record's recno. The given recno
+ * and the one got from the cursor should be the same.
+ */
+ public void ReturnRecno(BTreeCursor cursor,
+ LockingInfo lck)
+ {
+ for (uint i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
+ if (lck == null)
+ {
+ if (cursor.Move(i) == true)
+ Assert.AreEqual(i, cursor.Recno());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (cursor.Move(i, lck) == true)
+ Assert.AreEqual(i, cursor.Recno(lck));
+ }
+ }
+ public void GetCursorInBtreeDBUsingRecno(string home,
+ string name, out BTreeDatabase db,
+ out BTreeCursor cursor)
+ {
+ string dbFileName = home + "/" + name + ".db";
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig dbConfig = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ dbConfig.UseRecordNumbers = true;
+ dbConfig.Creation = CreatePolicy.IF_NEEDED;
+ db = BTreeDatabase.Open(dbFileName, dbConfig);
+ cursor = db.Cursor();
+ }
+ public void RdMfWt()
+ {
+ Transaction txn = paramEnv.BeginTransaction();
+ BTreeCursor dbc = paramDB.Cursor(txn);
+ try
+ {
+ LockingInfo lck = new LockingInfo();
+ lck.ReadModifyWrite = true;
+ // Read record.
+ btCursorFunc(dbc, lck);
+ // Block the current thread until event is set.
+ signal.WaitOne();
+ // Write new records into database.
+ DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(55));
+ DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(55));
+ dbc.Add(new KeyValuePair<DatabaseEntry, DatabaseEntry>(key, data));
+ dbc.Close();
+ txn.Commit();
+ }
+ catch (DeadlockException)
+ {
+ dbc.Close();
+ txn.Abort();
+ }
+ }
+ public void MoveWithRMW(string home, string name)
+ {
+ paramEnv = null;
+ paramDB = null;
+ // Open the environment.
+ DatabaseEnvironmentConfig envCfg =
+ new DatabaseEnvironmentConfig();
+ envCfg.Create = true;
+ envCfg.FreeThreaded = true;
+ envCfg.UseLocking = true;
+ envCfg.UseLogging = true;
+ envCfg.UseMPool = true;
+ envCfg.UseTxns = true;
+ paramEnv = DatabaseEnvironment.Open(home, envCfg);
+ // Open database in transaction.
+ Transaction openTxn = paramEnv.BeginTransaction();
+ BTreeDatabaseConfig cfg = new BTreeDatabaseConfig();
+ cfg.Creation = CreatePolicy.ALWAYS;
+ cfg.Env = paramEnv;
+ cfg.FreeThreaded = true;
+ cfg.PageSize = 4096;
+ // Use record number.
+ cfg.UseRecordNumbers = true;
+ paramDB = BTreeDatabase.Open(name + ".db", cfg, openTxn);
+ openTxn.Commit();
+ /*
+ * Put 10 different, 2 duplicate and another different
+ * records into database.
+ */
+ Transaction txn = paramEnv.BeginTransaction();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
+ {
+ DatabaseEntry key, data;
+ if (i == 10 || i == 11)
+ {
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("key"));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes("data"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ key = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i));
+ data = new DatabaseEntry(BitConverter.GetBytes(i));
+ }
+ paramDB.Put(key, data, txn);
+ }
+ txn.Commit();
+ // Get a event wait handle.
+ signal = new EventWaitHandle(false,
+ EventResetMode.ManualReset);
+ /*
+ * Start RdMfWt() in two threads. RdMfWt() reads
+ * and writes data into database.
+ */
+ Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RdMfWt));
+ Thread t2 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RdMfWt));
+ t1.Start();
+ t2.Start();
+ // Give both threads time to read before signalling them to write.
+ Thread.Sleep(1000);
+ // Invoke the write operation in both threads.
+ signal.Set();
+ // Return the number of deadlocks.
+ while (t1.IsAlive || t2.IsAlive)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Give both threads time to write before
+ * counting the number of deadlocks.
+ */
+ Thread.Sleep(1000);
+ uint deadlocks = paramEnv.DetectDeadlocks(DeadlockPolicy.DEFAULT);
+ // Confirm that there won't be any deadlock.
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, deadlocks);
+ }
+ t1.Join();
+ t2.Join();
+ paramDB.Close();
+ paramEnv.Close();
+ }
+ }