path: root/db-4.8.30/test/recd015.tcl
diff options
authorJesse Morgan <>2016-12-17 21:28:53 -0800
committerJesse Morgan <>2016-12-17 21:28:53 -0800
commit54df2afaa61c6a03cbb4a33c9b90fa572b6d07b8 (patch)
tree18147b92b969d25ffbe61935fb63035cac820dd0 /db-4.8.30/test/recd015.tcl
Berkeley DB 4.8 with rust build script for linux.
Diffstat (limited to 'db-4.8.30/test/recd015.tcl')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/db-4.8.30/test/recd015.tcl b/db-4.8.30/test/recd015.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..699afcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db-4.8.30/test/recd015.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
+# Copyright (c) 1999-2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.
+# $Id$
+# TEST recd015
+# TEST This is a recovery test for testing lots of prepared txns.
+# TEST This test is to force the use of txn_recover to call with the
+# TEST DB_FIRST flag and then DB_NEXT.
+proc recd015 { method args } {
+ source ./include.tcl
+ global rand_init
+ error_check_good set_random_seed [berkdb srand $rand_init] 0
+ set args [convert_args $method $args]
+ set omethod [convert_method $method]
+ puts "Recd015: $method ($args) prepared txns test"
+ # Create the database and environment.
+ set numtxns 1
+ set testfile NULL
+ set env_cmd "berkdb_env -create -txn -home $testdir"
+ set msg "\tRecd015.a"
+ foreach op { abort commit discard } {
+ puts "$msg: Simple test to prepare $numtxns txn with $op "
+ env_cleanup $testdir
+ recd015_body $env_cmd $testfile $numtxns $msg $op
+ }
+ #
+ # Now test large numbers of prepared txns to test DB_NEXT
+ # on txn_recover.
+ #
+ set numtxns 10000
+ set txnmax [expr $numtxns + 5]
+ set env_cmd "berkdb_env -create -txn_max $txnmax \
+ -lock_max_lockers $txnmax -txn -home $testdir"
+ set msg "\tRecd015.b"
+ foreach op { abort commit discard } {
+ puts "$msg: Large test to prepare $numtxns txn with $op"
+ env_cleanup $testdir
+ recd015_body $env_cmd $testfile $numtxns $msg $op
+ }
+ set stat [catch {exec $util_path/db_printlog -h $testdir \
+ > $testdir/LOG } ret]
+ error_check_good db_printlog $stat 0
+ fileremove $testdir/LOG
+proc recd015_body { env_cmd testfile numtxns msg op } {
+ source ./include.tcl
+ sentinel_init
+ set gidf $testdir/gidfile
+ fileremove -f $gidf
+ set pidlist {}
+ puts "$msg.0: Executing child script to prepare txns"
+ berkdb debug_check
+ set p [exec $tclsh_path $test_path/wrap.tcl recd15scr.tcl \
+ $testdir/recdout $env_cmd $testfile $gidf $numtxns &]
+ lappend pidlist $p
+ watch_procs $pidlist 5
+ set f1 [open $testdir/recdout r]
+ set r [read $f1]
+ puts $r
+ close $f1
+ fileremove -f $testdir/recdout
+ berkdb debug_check
+ puts -nonewline "$msg.1: Running recovery ... "
+ flush stdout
+ berkdb debug_check
+ set env [eval $env_cmd -recover]
+ error_check_good dbenv-recover [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
+ puts "complete"
+ puts "$msg.2: getting txns from txn_recover"
+ set txnlist [$env txn_recover]
+ error_check_good txnlist_len [llength $txnlist] $numtxns
+ set gfd [open $gidf r]
+ set i 0
+ while { [gets $gfd gid] != -1 } {
+ set gids($i) $gid
+ incr i
+ }
+ close $gfd
+ #
+ # Make sure we have as many as we expect
+ error_check_good num_gids $i $numtxns
+ set i 0
+ puts "$msg.3: comparing GIDs and $op txns"
+ foreach tpair $txnlist {
+ set txn [lindex $tpair 0]
+ set gid [lindex $tpair 1]
+ error_check_good gidcompare $gid $gids($i)
+ error_check_good txn:$op [$txn $op] 0
+ incr i
+ }
+ if { $op != "discard" } {
+ error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0
+ return
+ }
+ #
+ # If we discarded, now do it again and randomly resolve some
+ # until all txns are resolved.
+ #
+ puts "$msg.4: resolving/discarding txns"
+ set txnlist [$env txn_recover]
+ set len [llength $txnlist]
+ set opval(1) "abort"
+ set opcnt(1) 0
+ set opval(2) "commit"
+ set opcnt(2) 0
+ set opval(3) "discard"
+ set opcnt(3) 0
+ while { $len != 0 } {
+ set opicnt(1) 0
+ set opicnt(2) 0
+ set opicnt(3) 0
+ #
+ # Abort/commit or discard them randomly until
+ # all are resolved.
+ #
+ for { set i 0 } { $i < $len } { incr i } {
+ set t [lindex $txnlist $i]
+ set txn [lindex $t 0]
+ set newop [berkdb random_int 1 3]
+ set ret [$txn $opval($newop)]
+ error_check_good txn_$opval($newop):$i $ret 0
+ incr opcnt($newop)
+ incr opicnt($newop)
+ }
+# puts "$opval(1): $opicnt(1) Total: $opcnt(1)"
+# puts "$opval(2): $opicnt(2) Total: $opcnt(2)"
+# puts "$opval(3): $opicnt(3) Total: $opcnt(3)"
+ set txnlist [$env txn_recover]
+ set len [llength $txnlist]
+ }
+ error_check_good envclose [$env close] 0