path: root/config-src/inspircd.helpop-full
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authorJesse Morgan <>2015-01-17 23:20:10 -0800
committerJesse Morgan <>2015-01-17 23:20:10 -0800
commit0d7fe028ac21d9ec8fa6322f531b97eddaf9bfe0 (patch)
treeb11df2444e4d6f68dd0188a437ba3429c63f1552 /config-src/inspircd.helpop-full
Initial commit for InsomniaIRC configs.
Diffstat (limited to 'config-src/inspircd.helpop-full')
1 files changed, 629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config-src/inspircd.helpop-full b/config-src/inspircd.helpop-full
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa0aa40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config-src/inspircd.helpop-full
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+# Helpop Standard #
+<helpop key="start" value="InspIRCd help system
+This system provides help for commands and modes.
+Specify your question or a command name as the
+parameter for this command.
+/HELPOP CUSER - To see a list of user commands
+/HELPOP COPER - To see a list of oper commands
+/HELPOP UMODES - To see a list of user modes
+/HELPOP CHMODES - To see a list of channel modes">
+<helpop key="nohelp" value="There is no help for the topic
+you searched for. Please try again.">
+# User Commands #
+<helpop key="cuser" value="User Commands
+<helpop key="sslinfo" value="/SSLINFO [nick]
+Shows the SSL key fingerprint for the user if they have an SSL
+client key.">
+<helpop key="fingerprint" value="/FINGERPRINT [nick]
+Shows the SSL fingerprint of a user.">
+<helpop key="uninvite" value="/UNINVITE [nick] [channel]
+Uninvite a user from a channel, same syntax as INVITE.">
+<helpop key="tban" value="/TBAN [channel] [duration] [banmask]
+Sets a timed ban. The duration of the ban can be specified in the
+following format: 1w2d3h4m6s which indicates a ban of one week, two
+days, three hours, four minutes and six seconds. Alternatively the
+ban may just be specified as a number of seconds. All timed bans
+appear in the banlist as normal bans and may be safely removed
+before their time is up.">
+<helpop key="dccallow" value="/DCCALLOW [+|-] [nick] [duration]
+Add a nickname to or delete a nickname from your DCCALLOW list.">
+<helpop key="cycle" value="/CYCLE [channel]
+Cycles a channel (Leaving and Rejoining), overrides restrictions that
+would stop a new user joining, such as User Limits and Channel Keys.">
+<helpop key="title" value="/TITLE [name] [password]
+Adds a WHOIS title line and optionally sets a VHOST depending
+on username and password.">
+<helpop key="watch" value="/WATCH [C|S|+/-[NICK]]
+Adds or deletes a user from the watch list. C clears the list
+and S queries the status.">
+<helpop key="vhost" value="/VHOST [username] [password]
+Authenticate for a vhost.">
+<helpop key="remove" value="/REMOVE [channel] [nick] {[reason]}
+Removes a user from a channel you specify. You must be at least a
+channel halfoperator to remove a user. A removed user will part with
+a message stating they were removed from the channel and by whom.">
+<helpop key="fpart" value="/FPART [nick] [channel] {[reason]}
+This behaves identically to /REMOVE, the only difference is that that
+[channel] and [nick] parameters are switched around to match /KICK's
+syntax. Also, /REMOVE is a builtin mIRC command which caused trouble
+for some users. This feature was added in the 1.1 branch.">
+<helpop key="devoice" value="/DEVOICE [channel]
+Devoices yourself from the specified channel.">
+<helpop key="silence" value="/SILENCE [+/-]<hostmask> [p|c|i|n|t|a|x]
+ p Block private messages
+ c Block channel messages
+ i Block invites
+ n Block private notices
+ t Block channel notices
+ a Block all of the above
+ x Exception
+A serverside /ignore of the given hostmask.
+/SILENCE without a parameter will list the hostmasks that you have silenced.">
+<helpop key="knock" value="/KNOCK [channel]
+Sends a notice to a channel indicating you wish to join.">
+<helpop key="user" value="/USER [ident] [local host] [remote host] :[GECOS]
+This command is used by your client to register your irc session.
+You should not use it during an established connection.">
+<helpop key="nick" value="/NICK [new nick]
+Change your nickname to [new nick].">
+<helpop key="quit" value="/QUIT {[reason]}
+Quit from IRC and end your current session.">
+<helpop key="version" value="/VERSION
+Returns the server's version number.">
+<helpop key="ping" value="/PING [server]
+Ping a server. Target server will answer with a PONG.">
+<helpop key="pong" value="/PONG [server]
+Your client should send this to answer server PINGs. You
+should not issue this command manually.">
+<helpop key="admin" value="/ADMIN [server]
+Fetches the administrative information on the given server.">
+<helpop key="privmsg" value="/MSG [target] [text]
+Sends a message to a user or channel specified in [target].">
+<helpop key="notice" value="/NOTICE [target] [text]
+Sends a notice to a user or channel specified in [target].">
+<helpop key="join" value="/JOIN [channel]{,[channel]} [key]{,[key]}
+Joins one or more channels you provide the names for.">
+<helpop key="names" value="/NAMES [channel]{,[channel]}
+Return a list of users on the channels you provide.">
+<helpop key="part" value="/PART [channel]{,[channel] [reason]}
+Leaves one or more channels you specify.">
+<helpop key="kick" value="/KICK [channel] [nick] {[reason]}
+Kicks a user from a channel you specify. You must be
+At least a channel halfoperator to kick a user.">
+<helpop key="mode" value="/MODE [target] [+|-][modes]{[+|-][modes]} {mode parameters}
+Sets the mode for a channel or a nickname specified in [target]
+A user may only set modes upon themselves, and may not set the
++o usermode, and a user may only change channel modes of
+channels where they are at least a halfoperator.">
+<helpop key="topic" value="/TOPIC [channel] {topic}
+Sets or retrieves the channel topic. If a channel topic is
+given in the command and the channel is either not +t, or
+You are at least a halfoperator, the channel topic will be
+changed to the new one you provide.">
+<helpop key="who" value="/WHO [ [search-pattern] [ohurmaiMplf] ]
+Looks up the information of users matching the range you provide.
+You may only /WHO nicknames in channels or on servers where you
+share a common channel with them, or ones which are not +i (unless
+you are an IRC operator). The search-pattern may be a special
+sequence of characters determined by the flags given below, or
+it may be one of a nickname, a channel, a hostmask, an ip address
+mask or a server mask.
+Valid WHO flags
+The following flags after the mask have the following affects:
+ o Show online IRC operators matching the mask
+ u Unlimit the results past the maximum /who results value
+ (IRC operators only)
+ r Show all users whose realnames match the mask. When this
+ flag is set it overrides the meaning of the search-pattern,
+ which must contain a glob pattern intended to match GECOS
+ (realname) fields.
+ h Show real hostnames rather than masked hostnames (IRC
+ operators only)
+ m Search for all users with a given set of user modes. When
+ this flag is set it overrides the meaning of the
+ search-pattern, which must contain the mode sequence to
+ search for, for example to find all users with +i and
+ without +s, issue the command WHO +i-s m.
+ a Show all users who have an away message matching the given mask
+ p Show all users who are connected on the given port number
+ i Show all users who have an ident (username) matching the given mask
+ M Show all users who have metadata attached to them with
+ the given key name
+ l Show only local users
+ f Show only remote (far) users
+You may combine multiple flags in one WHO command except where stated in the table above.">
+<helpop key="motd" value="/MOTD [server]
+Show the message of the day for [server]. Messages of the
+day contain important server rules and notice and should be
+read before using a server in any way!">
+<helpop key="rules" value="/RULES
+Show the rules file for the local server. This is similar in
+effect to /MOTD except that rules are optional. All users are
+sent the MOTD when they connect without having to request it.">
+<helpop key="oper" value="/OPER [login] [password]
+Attempts to authenticate a user as an IRC operator.
+Please be aware that both successful and unsuccessful oper attempts
+are logged, and sent to online IRC operators.">
+<helpop key="list" value="/LIST [pattern]
+Creates a list of all existing channels matching the glob pattern
+[pattern], e.g. *chat* or bot*.">
+<helpop key="lusers" value="/LUSERS
+Shows a count of local and remote users, servers and channels.">
+<helpop key="userhost" value="/USERHOST [nickname]
+Returns the hostname and nickname of a user, and some other
+miscellaneous information.">
+<helpop key="away" value="/AWAY {message}
+If a message is given, marks you as being away, otherwise
+removes your away status and previous message.">
+<helpop key="ison" value="/ISON [nick] {[nick]...}
+Returns a subset of the nicks you give, showing only those
+that are currently online.">
+<helpop key="summon" value="/SUMMON [user]
+Summons a user from the shell where the ircd is running onto irc
+This command is deprecated in the current protocol.">
+<helpop key="users" value="/USERS
+Shows users logged into the shell where the ircd is running.
+This command is deprecated in the current protocol.">
+<helpop key="invite" value="/INVITE [nick] [channel]
+Invites a user to a channel. If the channel is NOT +i, any
+user, channel op or not, may invite any other user to the
+channel, so long as they are a member of that channel.
+Otherwise, if +i is set only channel halfoperators
+and above may invite users into the channel.">
+<helpop key="pass" value="/PASS [password]
+This command is used by your irc client when setting up
+your irc session, and should not be issued by a fully
+connected client.">
+<helpop key="whowas" value="/WHOWAS [nick]
+Returns a list of times the user was last seen on irc
+along with the time they were last seen and their server.">
+<helpop key="links" value="/LINKS
+Shows all servers linked to this one. Note that in this
+server implementation all links will be flattened as
+a tree based layout is not in use.">
+<helpop key="map" value="/MAP
+Shows a graphical representation of all users and servers
+on the network. The tree diagram is inaccurate in this
+implementation as a tree based network is not in place.">
+# Oper Commands #
+<helpop key="coper" value="Oper Commands
+<helpop key="userip" value="/USERIP [nickname]
+Returns the ip and nickname of a user.">
+<helpop key="tline" value="/TLINE [host or ip mask]
+This command returns the number of local and global clients matched,
+and the percentage of clients matched, plus how they were matched
+(by IP address or by hostname).">
+<helpop key="taxonomy" value="/TAXONOMY [nick]
+Lists all metadata attached to the user.">
+<helpop key="lockserv" value="/LOCKSERV
+Locks out all new connections notifying connecting users that the
+service is temporarily closed and to try again later.">
+<helpop key="unlockserv" value="/UNLOCKSERV
+Opens the server up again for new connections.">
+<helpop key="jumpserver" value="/JUMPSERVER {[newserver] [newport] [+/-flags] {:[reason]}}
+Sets or cancels jumpserver mode. If no parameters are given,
+jumpserver mode is cancelled, if it is currently set. If parameters
+are given, a server address must be given for [newserver] and a
+server port must be given for [newport]. Zero or more status flags
+should be given for 'flags', from the list below (if you do not
+wish to specify any flags just place a '+' in this field):
+1. +a: Redirect all users immediately (except for opers) and cause
+them to quit with the given reason
+2. +n: Redirect any new users who connect and cause them to quit
+during registration
+You may use + and - to set or unset these flags in the command, the
+default flags are -a+n, which will just redirect new users. The
+reason parameter is optional, and if not provided defaults to
+'Please use this server/port instead' (the default given in various
+numeric lists)">
+<helpop key="filter" value="/FILTER [filter-definition] {[action] [flags] {[gline-duration]} :[reason]}
+This command will add a filter when more than one parameter is
+given, using the specified filter definition, action, gline
+duration (when the type is 'gline') and reason. When only one
+parameter is provided (the filter pattern) the provided filter will
+be removed. Note that if you remove a configuration-defined filter,
+it will re-appear at next rehash unless it is also removed from the
+config file.">
+<helpop key="clones" value="/CLONES [limit]
+Retrieves a list of users with more clones than the specified
+<helpop key="check" value="/CHECK [nick|ip|hostmask|channel]
+Allows opers to look up advanced information on channels, hostmasks
+or IP addresses, in a similar way to WHO but in more detail.">
+<helpop key="alltime" value="/ALLTIME
+Shows the time (with any delta, if applied) on all servers on
+the network.">
+<helpop key="rconnect" value="/RCONNECT [source mask] [target mask]
+All servers matching [source mask] will try to connect to
+the first server in the config file matching [target mask].">
+<helpop key="rsquit" value="/RSQUIT {[source mask]} [target mask]
+Causes the remote server [target mask] to be disconnected from
+the network, by [source mask] if specified.">
+<helpop key="operperms" value="/OPERPERMS [nick]
+List all commands an oper has access to use.">
+<helpop key="freeze" value="/FREEZE [nick]
+Prevents the user from sending commands until they reconnect.
+User is also notified they have been frozen.">
+<helpop key="unfreeze" value="/UNFREEZE [nick]
+Unfreezes a user frozen by the /FREEZE command.">
+<helpop key="spylist" value="/SPYLIST
+Operates the same as /LIST but includes +s and +p channels.">
+<helpop key="spynames" value="/SPYNAMES [channel]
+Operates the same as /name but works on +s and +p channels.">
+<helpop key="globops" value="/GLOBOPS [message]
+Sends a message to all +g users.">
+<helpop key="cban" value="/CBAN [channel] {[duration] :[reason]}
+Sets or removes a channel ban. You must specify at least
+3 parameters to add a ban, and one parameter to remove a ban.
+The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format
+1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,
+5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
+<helpop key="sajoin" value="/SAJOIN [nick] [channel]
+Forces the user to join the channel.">
+<helpop key="sapart" value="/SAPART [nick] [channel]
+Forces the user to part the channel.">
+<helpop key="samode" value="/SAMODE [#chan] +/-[modes] {[parameters for modes]}
+Gives the channel or nick the modes specified.">
+<helpop key="sanick" value="/SANICK [nick] [new nick]
+Changes the users nick to the new nick.">
+<helpop key="saquit" value="/SAQUIT [nick] [reason]
+Forces user to quit with the specified reason.">
+<helpop key="setidle" value="/SETIDLE [idle time]
+Sets your idle time (in seconds).">
+<helpop key="sethost" value="/SETHOST [host]
+Sets your host to the specified host.">
+<helpop key="setident" value="/SETIDENT [ident]
+Sets your ident to the specified ident.">
+<helpop key="setname" value="/SETNAME [name]
+Sets your name to the specified name.">
+<helpop key="swhois" line="/SWHOIS [nick] [swhois]
+Sets the users swhois field to the given swhois.">
+<helpop key="mkpasswd" value="/MKPASSWD [hashtype] [plaintext]
+Encodes the plaintext to a hash of the given type and displays
+the result.">
+<helpop key="opermotd" value="/OPERMOTD
+Re-displays the Oper MOTD.">
+<helpop key="nicklock" value="/NICKLOCK [nick] [new nick]
+Changes user's nick to the new nick, and forces
+it to remain as such for the remainder of the session.">
+<helpop key="nickunlock" value="/NICKUNLOCK [nick]
+Allows the user to change nicks.">
+<helpop key="chghost" value="/CHGHOST [nickname] [new hostname]
+Changes the hostname of the user to the new hostname.">
+<helpop key="chgname" value="/CHGNAME [nickname] [new name]
+Changes the name of the user to the new name.">
+<helpop key="chgident" value="/CHGIDENT [nickname] [new ident]
+Changes the ident of the user to the new ident.">
+<helpop key="shun" value="/SHUN [user@host] {[duration] :[reason]}
+Sets or removes a shun (serverside ignore) on a host and ident mask.
+You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a shun, and one
+parameter to remove a shun (just the user@host section).
+The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format
+1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,
+5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
+<helpop key="die" value="/DIE [password]
+If the correct password is provided, and you are an operator,
+This command will shut down the local server.">
+<helpop key="restart" value="/RESTART [password]
+If the correct password is provided, and you are an operator,
+This command will restart the local server.">
+<helpop key="commands" value="/COMMANDS
+Shows all currently available commands.">
+<helpop key="kill" value="/KILL [user] [reason]
+This command will disconnect a user from IRC with the given reason.">
+<helpop key="rehash" value="/REHASH
+This command will cause the server configuration file to be
+re-read and values re-initialized.">
+<helpop key="trace" value="/TRACE [nick|user@host|servermask]
+This command will provide a list of all users and servers which
+must be passed through or over to reach a given object (server or user).">
+<helpop key="connect" value="/CONNECT [servermask]
+Create a mesh connection to the given servermask. You must have
+configured the server for linking in your configuration file,
+and provided a password.">
+<helpop key="squit" value="/SQUIT [servermask]
+Disconnects the local server from the mesh network, causing every
+other server in the network to drop it.">
+<helpop key="modules" value="/MODULES
+Lists currently loaded modules, their memory offsets and version
+numbers and flags. If you are not an operator, you will see reduced
+<helpop key="loadmodule" value="/LOADMODULE []
+Loads a module into the IRCd.">
+<helpop key="unloadmodule" value="/UNLOADMODULE []
+Unloads a module from the IRCd. The module cannot have the static
+flag set (see the output of /MODULES).">
+<helpop key="reloadmodule" value="/RELOADMODULE []
+Unloads and reloads a module in the IRCd. This module cannot have
+the static flag set (see the output of /MODULES).">
+<helpop key="gloadmodule" value="/GLOADMODULE []
+Globally loads a module into the network.">
+<helpop key="gunloadmodule" value="/GUNLOADMODULE []
+Globally unloads a module from the network. The module cannot
+have the static flag set (see the output of /MODULES).">
+<helpop key="greloadmodule" value="/GRELOADMODULE []
+Globally unloads and reloads a module in the network. This module
+cannot have the static flag set (see the output of /MODULES).">
+<helpop key="kline" value="/KLINE [user@host] {[duration] :[reason]}
+Sets or removes a k-line (host based ban) on a host and ident mask.
+You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one
+parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section).
+The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format
+1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,
+5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
+<helpop key="zline" value="/ZLINE [ipmask] {[duration] :[reason]}
+Sets or removes a z-line (ip based ban) on an ip range mask.
+You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one
+parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section).
+The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format
+1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,
+5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
+<helpop key="qline" value="/QLINE [nickmask] {[duration] :[reason]}
+Sets or removes a q-line (nick based ban) on a nick mask.
+You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one
+parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section).
+The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format
+1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,
+5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
+<helpop key="gline" value="/GLINE [user@host] {[duration] :[reason]}
+Sets or removes a g-line (global host based ban) on host mask.
+You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one
+parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section).
+The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format
+1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,
+5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
+<helpop key="eline" value="/ELINE [user@host] {[duration] :[reason]}
+Sets or removes a e-line (local ban exception) on host mask.
+You must specify at least 3 parameters to add an exception, and one
+parameter to remove an exception (just the user@host section).
+The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format
+1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,
+5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
+# User/Channel Modes #
+<helpop key="umodes" value="User Modes
+o Is an IRC operator
+i Is invisible to /WHO
+w Can receive wallops messages
+s Can receive server notices
+n [mask] Can receive server notices specified by [mask]
+x Cloaked hostname (requires cloaking module)
+h Will receive helpops notification (requires helpop module)
+r Nickname is registered
+d Hides all non-private messages and notices
+B Is a bot
+G Messages are censored to user
+W Can see when a user uses WHOIS on them
+S mIRC colour codes are stripped to the user
+D User can not receive PRIVMSGs
+H Hides an oper's WHOIS line
+I Hides a user's channel list from non-opers
+Q Hides an oper completely
+R Only registered users can message you">
+<helpop key="chmodes" value="Channel Modes
+v [nickname] Gives voice to [nickname] (can talk on +m channel)
+h [nickname] Gives halfops to [nickname]
+o [nickname] Gives ops to [nickname]
+b [hostmask] Bans [hostmask] on the channel
+a [nickname] Give protected status to [nickname] (+q only)
+q [nickname] Give founder status to [nickname] (ulines only)
+i Make the channel invite only, must /INVITE users
+k [key] Set the channel key (password) to [key]
+l [limit] Set the maximum possible users to [limit]
+m Enable moderation. Only +vo(h) can speak
+n Only users who are members of the channel may message it
+p Make channel private (hide from /LIST)
+s Make channel secret (can't be used at the same time as +p)
+O Channel is IRCops only (can only be set by IRCops)
+t Only halfops and above can change the topic
+Q Only U-Lined servers/nicks can kick
+T Only halfops/ops can send NOTICEs to the channel
+C No CTCPs allowed to the channel
+c mIRC colour codes blocked on the channel
+S mIRC colour codes are stripped from the channel
+e [hostmask] Ban exception on [hostmask]
+K No /KNOCK allowed to channel
+L [channel] If the channel is full, redirect users to [channel]
+N No nick changes while on the channel
+G Censors channel based on network censor config
+g [word] All messages containing the word are blocked
+I [hostmask] Invite exception allows user to join a channel with +i
+j [joins]:[sec] Prevents join flooding
+J [seconds] Prevents auto-rejoin on kick
+f [*][lines]:[sec] Kick on text flood. With * user is banned
+V No invites allowed
+r Channel is registered
+R Only registered users can join
+M Non-registered users can't chat
+z SSL clients only
+x Join exception mask. Avoids +ibkO
+NOTE: A large number of these modes are dependent upon server-side modules
+being loaded by a server/network administrator. The actual modes available
+on your network may be very different to this list. Please consult your
+help channel if you have any questions.">
+# Stats Symbols #
+<helpop key="stats" value="/STATS [symbol]
+Shows various server statistics. Depending on configuration this
+command may be reserved for oper-only use.
+Valid symbols are:
+m Show command statistics, number of times commands have been used
+z Show memory usage statistics
+o Show a list of all valid oper usernames and hostmasks
+l Show all inbound and outbound server and client connections
+u Show server uptime
+k Show k-lines (local bans)
+g Show g-lines (global bans)
+q Show q-lines (nick mask bans)
+Z Show z-lines (ip mask bans)
+Y Show connection classes
+c Show link blocks
+U Show u-lined servers
+P Show online opers and their idle times
+I Show connect class permissions
+e Show e-lines (local ban exemptions)
+C Show channel bans
+s Show filters
+L Show all client connections with information and IP address
+T Show bandwidth/socket statistics
+p Show open client ports, and the port type (ssl, plaintext, etc) plus number of users on each port
+Note that all /STATS use is broadcast to online IRC operators.">