path: root/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists')
2 files changed, 618 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists/editor_plugin.js b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists/editor_plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4464599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists/editor_plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(function(){var e=tinymce.each,r=tinymce.dom.Event,g;function p(t,s){while(t&&(t.nodeType===8||(t.nodeType===3&&/^[ \t\n\r]*$/.test(t.nodeValue)))){t=s(t)}return t}function b(s){return p(s,function(t){return t.previousSibling})}function i(s){return p(s,function(t){return t.nextSibling})}function d(s,u,t){return s.dom.getParent(u,function(v){return tinymce.inArray(t,v)!==-1})}function n(s){return s&&(s.tagName==="OL"||s.tagName==="UL")}function c(u,v){var t,w,s;t=b(u.lastChild);while(n(t)){w=t;t=b(w.previousSibling)}if(w){s=v.create("li",{style:"list-style-type: none;"});v.split(u,w);v.insertAfter(s,w);s.appendChild(w);s.appendChild(w);u=s.previousSibling}return u}function m(t,s,u){t=a(t,s,u);return o(t,s,u)}function a(u,s,v){var t=b(u.previousSibling);if(t){return h(t,u,s?t:false,v)}else{return u}}function o(u,t,v){var s=i(u.nextSibling);if(s){return h(u,s,t?s:false,v)}else{return u}}function h(u,s,t,v){if(l(u,s,!!t,v)){return f(u,s,t)}else{if(u&&u.tagName==="LI"&&n(s)){u.appendChild(s)}}return s}function l(u,t,s,v){if(!u||!t){return false}else{if(u.tagName==="LI"&&t.tagName==="LI"){return"none"||j(t)}else{if(n(u)){return(u.tagName===t.tagName&&(s||||q(t)}else{if(v&&u.tagName==="P"&&t.tagName==="P"){return true}else{return false}}}}}function q(t){var s=i(t.firstChild),u=b(t.lastChild);return s&&u&&n(t)&&s===u&&(n(s)||"none"||j(s))}function j(u){var t=i(u.firstChild),s=b(u.lastChild);return t&&s&&t===s&&n(t)}function f(w,v,s){var u=b(w.lastChild),t=i(v.firstChild);if(w.tagName==="P"){w.appendChild(w.ownerDocument.createElement("br"))}while(v.firstChild){w.appendChild(v.firstChild)}if(s){}v.parentNode.removeChild(v);h(u,t,false);return w}function k(t,u){var s;if(!,"li,ol,ul")){s=u.getParent(t,"li");if(s){t=s}}return t}tinymce.create("tinymce.plugins.Lists",{init:function(u,v){var s=false;function x(y){return y.keyCode===9&&(u.queryCommandState("InsertUnorderedList")||u.queryCommandState("InsertOrderedList"))}function w(y,A){var z=y.selection,B;if(A.keyCode===13){B=z.getStart();s=z.isCollapsed()&&B&&B.tagName==="LI"&&B.childNodes.length===0;return s}}function t(y,z){if(x(z)||w(y,z)){return r.cancel(z)}}this.ed=u;u.addCommand("Indent",this.indent,this);u.addCommand("Outdent",this.outdent,this);u.addCommand("InsertUnorderedList",function(){this.applyList("UL","OL")},this);u.addCommand("InsertOrderedList",function(){this.applyList("OL","UL")},this);u.onInit.add(function(){u.editorCommands.addCommands({outdent:function(){var z=u.selection,A=u.dom;function y(B){B=A.getParent(B,A.isBlock);return B&&(parseInt(u.dom.getStyle(B,"margin-left")||0,10)+parseInt(u.dom.getStyle(B,"padding-left")||0,10))>0}return y(z.getStart())||y(z.getEnd())||u.queryCommandState("InsertOrderedList")||u.queryCommandState("InsertUnorderedList")}},"state")});u.onKeyUp.add(function(z,A){var B,y;if(x(A)){z.execCommand(A.shiftKey?"Outdent":"Indent",true,null);return r.cancel(A)}else{if(s&&w(z,A)){if(z.queryCommandState("InsertOrderedList")){z.execCommand("InsertOrderedList")}else{z.execCommand("InsertUnorderedList")}B=z.selection.getStart();if(B&&B.tagName==="LI"){B=z.dom.getParent(B,"ol,ul").nextSibling;if(B&&B.tagName==="P"){if(!B.firstChild){B.appendChild(z.getDoc().createTextNode(""))}y=z.dom.createRng();y.setStart(B.firstChild,1);y.setEnd(B.firstChild,1);z.selection.setRng(y)}}return r.cancel(A)}}});u.onKeyPress.add(t);u.onKeyDown.add(t)},applyList:function(y,v){var C=this,z=C.ed,I=z.dom,s=[],H=false,u=false,w=false,B,G=z.selection.getSelectedBlocks();function E(t){if(t&&t.tagName==="BR"){I.remove(t)}}function F(M){var N=I.create(y),t;function L(O){if(||{C.adjustPaddingFunction(false)(O)}}if(M.tagName==="LI"){}else{if(M.tagName==="P"||M.tagName==="DIV"||M.tagName==="BODY"){K(M,function(P,O,Q){J(P,O,M.tagName==="BODY"?null:P.parentNode);t=P.parentNode;L(t);E(O)});if(M.tagName==="P"||G.length>1){I.split(t.parentNode.parentNode,t.parentNode)}m(t.parentNode,true);return}else{t=I.create("li");I.insertAfter(t,M);t.appendChild(M);L(M);M=t}}I.insertAfter(N,M);N.appendChild(M);m(N,true);s.push(M)}function J(Q,L,O){var t,P=Q,N,M;while(!I.isBlock(Q.parentNode)&&Q.parentNode!==I.getRoot()){Q=I.split(Q.parentNode,Q.previousSibling);Q=Q.nextSibling;P=Q}if(O){t=O.cloneNode(true);Q.parentNode.insertBefore(t,Q);while(t.firstChild){I.remove(t.firstChild)}t=I.rename(t,"li")}else{t=I.create("li");Q.parentNode.insertBefore(t,Q)}while(P&&P!=L){N=P.nextSibling;t.appendChild(P);P=N}if(t.childNodes.length===0){t.innerHTML='<br _mce_bogus="1" />'}F(t)}function K(Q,T){var N,R,O=3,L=1,t="br,ul,ol,p,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,table,blockquote,address,pre,form,center,dl";function P(X,U){var V=I.createRng(),W;g.keep=true;z.selection.moveToBookmark(g);g.keep=false;W=z.selection.getRng(true);if(!U){U=X.parentNode.lastChild}V.setStartBefore(X);V.setEndAfter(U);return !(V.compareBoundaryPoints(O,W)>0||V.compareBoundaryPoints(L,W)<=0)}function S(U){if(U.nextSibling){return U.nextSibling}if(!I.isBlock(U.parentNode)&&U.parentNode!==I.getRoot()){return S(U.parentNode)}}N=Q.firstChild;var M=false;e(,Q),function(V){var U;if(V.hasAttribute&&V.hasAttribute("_mce_bogus")){return true}if(P(N,V)){I.addClass(V,"_mce_tagged_br");N=S(V)}});M=(N&&P(N,undefined));N=Q.firstChild;e(,Q),function(V){var U=S(V);if(V.hasAttribute&&V.hasAttribute("_mce_bogus")){return true}if(I.hasClass(V,"_mce_tagged_br")){T(N,V,R);R=null}else{R=V}N=U});if(M){T(N,undefined,R)}}function D(t){K(t,function(M,L,N){J(M,L);E(L);E(N)})}function A(t){if(tinymce.inArray(s,t)!==-1){return}if(t.parentNode.tagName===v){I.split(t.parentNode,t);F(t);o(t.parentNode,false)}s.push(t)}function x(M){var O,N,L,t;if(tinymce.inArray(s,M)!==-1){return}M=c(M,I);while(,"ol,ul,li")){I.split(M.parentNode,M)}s.push(M);M=I.rename(M,"p");L=m(M,false,z.settings.force_br_newlines);if(L===M){O=M.firstChild;while(O){if(I.isBlock(O)){O=I.split(O.parentNode,O);t=true;N=O.nextSibling&&O.nextSibling.firstChild}else{N=O.nextSibling;if(t&&O.tagName==="BR"){I.remove(O)}t=false}O=N}}}e(G,function(t){t=k(t,I);if(t.tagName===v||(t.tagName==="LI"&&t.parentNode.tagName===v)){u=true}else{if(t.tagName===y||(t.tagName==="LI"&&t.parentNode.tagName===y)){H=true}else{w=true}}});if(w||u||G.length===0){B={LI:A,H1:F,H2:F,H3:F,H4:F,H5:F,H6:F,P:F,BODY:F,DIV:G.length>1?F:D,defaultAction:D}}else{B={defaultAction:x}}this.process(B)},indent:function(){var u=this.ed,w=u.dom,x=[];function s(z){var y=w.create("li",{style:"list-style-type: none;"});w.insertAfter(y,z);return y}function t(B){var y=s(B),D=w.getParent(B,"ol,ul"),C=D.tagName,E=w.getStyle(D,"list-style-type"),A={},z;if(E!==""){"list-style-type: "+E+";"}z=w.create(C,A);y.appendChild(z);return z}function v(z){if(!d(u,z,x)){z=c(z,w);var y=t(z);y.appendChild(z);m(y.parentNode,false);m(y,false);x.push(z)}}this.process({LI:v,defaultAction:this.adjustPaddingFunction(true)})},outdent:function(){var v=this,u=v.ed,w=u.dom,s=[];function x(t){var z,y,A;if(!d(u,t,s)){if(w.getStyle(t,"margin-left")!==""||w.getStyle(t,"padding-left")!==""){return v.adjustPaddingFunction(false)(t)}A=w.getStyle(t,"text-align",true);if(A==="center"||A==="right"){w.setStyle(t,"text-align","left");return}t=c(t,w);z=t.parentNode;y=t.parentNode.parentNode;if(y.tagName==="P"){w.split(y,t.parentNode)}else{w.split(z,t);if(y.tagName==="LI"){w.split(y,t)}else{if(!,"ol,ul")){w.rename(t,"p")}}}s.push(t)}}this.process({LI:x,defaultAction:this.adjustPaddingFunction(false)});e(s,m)},process:function(x){var B=this,v=B.ed.selection,y=B.ed.dom,A,s;function w(t){y.removeClass(t,"_mce_act_on");if(!t||t.nodeType!==1){return}t=k(t,y);var C=x[t.tagName];if(!C){C=x.defaultAction}C(t)}function u(t){B.splitSafeEach(t.childNodes,w)}function z(t,C){return C>=0&&t.hasChildNodes()&&C<t.childNodes.length&&t.childNodes[C].tagName==="BR"}A=v.getSelectedBlocks();if(A.length===0){A=[y.getRoot()]}s=v.getRng(true);if(!s.collapsed){if(z(s.endContainer,s.endOffset-1)){s.setEnd(s.endContainer,s.endOffset-1);v.setRng(s)}if(z(s.startContainer,s.startOffset)){s.setStart(s.startContainer,s.startOffset+1);v.setRng(s)}}g=v.getBookmark();x.OL=x.UL=u;B.splitSafeEach(A,w);v.moveToBookmark(g);g=null;B.ed.execCommand("mceRepaint")},splitSafeEach:function(t,s){if(tinymce.isGecko&&(/Firefox\/[12]\.[0-9]/.test(navigator.userAgent)||/Firefox\/3\.[0-4]/.test(navigator.userAgent))){this.classBasedEach(t,s)}else{e(t,s)}},classBasedEach:function(v,u){var w=this.ed.dom,s,t;e(v,function(x){w.addClass(x,"_mce_act_on")});"._mce_act_on");while(s.length>0){t=s.shift();w.removeClass(t,"_mce_act_on");u(t);"._mce_act_on")}},adjustPaddingFunction:function(u){var s,v,t=this.ed;s=t.settings.indentation;v=/[a-z%]+/i.exec(s);s=parseInt(s,10);return function(w){var y,x;y=parseInt(t.dom.getStyle(w,"margin-left")||0,10)+parseInt(t.dom.getStyle(w,"padding-left")||0,10);if(u){x=y+s}else{x=y-s}t.dom.setStyle(w,"padding-left","");t.dom.setStyle(w,"margin-left",x>0?x+v:"")}},getInfo:function(){return{longname:"Lists",author:"Moxiecode Systems AB",authorurl:"",infourl:"",version:tinymce.majorVersion+"."+tinymce.minorVersion}}});tinymce.PluginManager.add("lists",tinymce.plugins.Lists)}()); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists/editor_plugin_src.js b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists/editor_plugin_src.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7ca762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/lists/editor_plugin_src.js
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+ * editor_plugin_src.js
+ *
+ * Copyright 2011, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * Contributing:
+ */
+(function() {
+ var each = tinymce.each, Event = tinymce.dom.Event, bookmark;
+ // Skips text nodes that only contain whitespace since they aren't semantically important.
+ function skipWhitespaceNodes(e, next) {
+ while (e && (e.nodeType === 8 || (e.nodeType === 3 && /^[ \t\n\r]*$/.test(e.nodeValue)))) {
+ e = next(e);
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ function skipWhitespaceNodesBackwards(e) {
+ return skipWhitespaceNodes(e, function(e) { return e.previousSibling; });
+ }
+ function skipWhitespaceNodesForwards(e) {
+ return skipWhitespaceNodes(e, function(e) { return e.nextSibling; });
+ }
+ function hasParentInList(ed, e, list) {
+ return ed.dom.getParent(e, function(p) {
+ return tinymce.inArray(list, p) !== -1;
+ });
+ }
+ function isList(e) {
+ return e && (e.tagName === 'OL' || e.tagName === 'UL');
+ }
+ function splitNestedLists(element, dom) {
+ var tmp, nested, wrapItem;
+ tmp = skipWhitespaceNodesBackwards(element.lastChild);
+ while (isList(tmp)) {
+ nested = tmp;
+ tmp = skipWhitespaceNodesBackwards(nested.previousSibling);
+ }
+ if (nested) {
+ wrapItem = dom.create('li', { style: 'list-style-type: none;'});
+ dom.split(element, nested);
+ dom.insertAfter(wrapItem, nested);
+ wrapItem.appendChild(nested);
+ wrapItem.appendChild(nested);
+ element = wrapItem.previousSibling;
+ }
+ return element;
+ }
+ function attemptMergeWithAdjacent(e, allowDifferentListStyles, mergeParagraphs) {
+ e = attemptMergeWithPrevious(e, allowDifferentListStyles, mergeParagraphs);
+ return attemptMergeWithNext(e, allowDifferentListStyles, mergeParagraphs);
+ }
+ function attemptMergeWithPrevious(e, allowDifferentListStyles, mergeParagraphs) {
+ var prev = skipWhitespaceNodesBackwards(e.previousSibling);
+ if (prev) {
+ return attemptMerge(prev, e, allowDifferentListStyles ? prev : false, mergeParagraphs);
+ } else {
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ function attemptMergeWithNext(e, allowDifferentListStyles, mergeParagraphs) {
+ var next = skipWhitespaceNodesForwards(e.nextSibling);
+ if (next) {
+ return attemptMerge(e, next, allowDifferentListStyles ? next : false, mergeParagraphs);
+ } else {
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ function attemptMerge(e1, e2, differentStylesMasterElement, mergeParagraphs) {
+ if (canMerge(e1, e2, !!differentStylesMasterElement, mergeParagraphs)) {
+ return merge(e1, e2, differentStylesMasterElement);
+ } else if (e1 && e1.tagName === 'LI' && isList(e2)) {
+ // Fix invalidly nested lists.
+ e1.appendChild(e2);
+ }
+ return e2;
+ }
+ function canMerge(e1, e2, allowDifferentListStyles, mergeParagraphs) {
+ if (!e1 || !e2) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (e1.tagName === 'LI' && e2.tagName === 'LI') {
+ return === 'none' || containsOnlyAList(e2);
+ } else if (isList(e1)) {
+ return (e1.tagName === e2.tagName && (allowDifferentListStyles || === || isListForIndent(e2);
+ } else if (mergeParagraphs && e1.tagName === 'P' && e2.tagName === 'P') {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ function isListForIndent(e) {
+ var firstLI = skipWhitespaceNodesForwards(e.firstChild), lastLI = skipWhitespaceNodesBackwards(e.lastChild);
+ return firstLI && lastLI && isList(e) && firstLI === lastLI && (isList(firstLI) || === 'none' || containsOnlyAList(firstLI));
+ }
+ function containsOnlyAList(e) {
+ var firstChild = skipWhitespaceNodesForwards(e.firstChild), lastChild = skipWhitespaceNodesBackwards(e.lastChild);
+ return firstChild && lastChild && firstChild === lastChild && isList(firstChild);
+ }
+ function merge(e1, e2, masterElement) {
+ var lastOriginal = skipWhitespaceNodesBackwards(e1.lastChild), firstNew = skipWhitespaceNodesForwards(e2.firstChild);
+ if (e1.tagName === 'P') {
+ e1.appendChild(e1.ownerDocument.createElement('br'));
+ }
+ while (e2.firstChild) {
+ e1.appendChild(e2.firstChild);
+ }
+ if (masterElement) {
+ =;
+ }
+ e2.parentNode.removeChild(e2);
+ attemptMerge(lastOriginal, firstNew, false);
+ return e1;
+ }
+ function findItemToOperateOn(e, dom) {
+ var item;
+ if (!, 'li,ol,ul')) {
+ item = dom.getParent(e, 'li');
+ if (item) {
+ e = item;
+ }
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.Lists', {
+ init: function(ed, url) {
+ var enterDownInEmptyList = false;
+ function isTriggerKey(e) {
+ return e.keyCode === 9 && (ed.queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList') || ed.queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList'));
+ }
+ function isEnterInEmptyListItem(ed, e) {
+ var sel = ed.selection, n;
+ if (e.keyCode === 13) {
+ n = sel.getStart();
+ enterDownInEmptyList = sel.isCollapsed() && n && n.tagName === 'LI' && n.childNodes.length === 0;
+ return enterDownInEmptyList;
+ }
+ }
+ function cancelKeys(ed, e) {
+ if (isTriggerKey(e) || isEnterInEmptyListItem(ed, e)) {
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ }
+ }
+ this.ed = ed;
+ ed.addCommand('Indent', this.indent, this);
+ ed.addCommand('Outdent', this.outdent, this);
+ ed.addCommand('InsertUnorderedList', function() {
+ this.applyList('UL', 'OL');
+ }, this);
+ ed.addCommand('InsertOrderedList', function() {
+ this.applyList('OL', 'UL');
+ }, this);
+ ed.onInit.add(function() {
+ ed.editorCommands.addCommands({
+ 'outdent': function() {
+ var sel = ed.selection, dom = ed.dom;
+ function hasStyleIndent(n) {
+ n = dom.getParent(n, dom.isBlock);
+ return n && (parseInt(ed.dom.getStyle(n, 'margin-left') || 0, 10) + parseInt(ed.dom.getStyle(n, 'padding-left') || 0, 10)) > 0;
+ }
+ return hasStyleIndent(sel.getStart()) || hasStyleIndent(sel.getEnd()) || ed.queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList') || ed.queryCommandState('InsertUnorderedList');
+ }
+ }, 'state');
+ });
+ ed.onKeyUp.add(function(ed, e) {
+ var n, rng;
+ if (isTriggerKey(e)) {
+ ed.execCommand(e.shiftKey ? 'Outdent' : 'Indent', true, null);
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ } else if (enterDownInEmptyList && isEnterInEmptyListItem(ed, e)) {
+ if (ed.queryCommandState('InsertOrderedList')) {
+ ed.execCommand('InsertOrderedList');
+ } else {
+ ed.execCommand('InsertUnorderedList');
+ }
+ n = ed.selection.getStart();
+ if (n && n.tagName === 'LI') {
+ // Fix the caret position on IE since it jumps back up to the previous list item.
+ n = ed.dom.getParent(n, 'ol,ul').nextSibling;
+ if (n && n.tagName === 'P') {
+ if (!n.firstChild) {
+ n.appendChild(ed.getDoc().createTextNode(''));
+ }
+ rng = ed.dom.createRng();
+ rng.setStart(n.firstChild, 1);
+ rng.setEnd(n.firstChild, 1);
+ ed.selection.setRng(rng);
+ }
+ }
+ return Event.cancel(e);
+ }
+ });
+ ed.onKeyPress.add(cancelKeys);
+ ed.onKeyDown.add(cancelKeys);
+ },
+ applyList: function(targetListType, oppositeListType) {
+ var t = this, ed = t.ed, dom = ed.dom, applied = [], hasSameType = false, hasOppositeType = false, hasNonList = false, actions,
+ selectedBlocks = ed.selection.getSelectedBlocks();
+ function cleanupBr(e) {
+ if (e && e.tagName === 'BR') {
+ dom.remove(e);
+ }
+ }
+ function makeList(element) {
+ var list = dom.create(targetListType), li;
+ function adjustIndentForNewList(element) {
+ // If there's a margin-left, outdent one level to account for the extra list margin.
+ if ( || {
+ t.adjustPaddingFunction(false)(element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (element.tagName === 'LI') {
+ // No change required.
+ } else if (element.tagName === 'P' || element.tagName === 'DIV' || element.tagName === 'BODY') {
+ processBrs(element, function(startSection, br, previousBR) {
+ doWrapList(startSection, br, element.tagName === 'BODY' ? null : startSection.parentNode);
+ li = startSection.parentNode;
+ adjustIndentForNewList(li);
+ cleanupBr(br);
+ });
+ if (element.tagName === 'P' || selectedBlocks.length > 1) {
+ dom.split(li.parentNode.parentNode, li.parentNode);
+ }
+ attemptMergeWithAdjacent(li.parentNode, true);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // Put the list around the element.
+ li = dom.create('li');
+ dom.insertAfter(li, element);
+ li.appendChild(element);
+ adjustIndentForNewList(element);
+ element = li;
+ }
+ dom.insertAfter(list, element);
+ list.appendChild(element);
+ attemptMergeWithAdjacent(list, true);
+ applied.push(element);
+ }
+ function doWrapList(start, end, template) {
+ var li, n = start, tmp, i;
+ while (!dom.isBlock(start.parentNode) && start.parentNode !== dom.getRoot()) {
+ start = dom.split(start.parentNode, start.previousSibling);
+ start = start.nextSibling;
+ n = start;
+ }
+ if (template) {
+ li = template.cloneNode(true);
+ start.parentNode.insertBefore(li, start);
+ while (li.firstChild) dom.remove(li.firstChild);
+ li = dom.rename(li, 'li');
+ } else {
+ li = dom.create('li');
+ start.parentNode.insertBefore(li, start);
+ }
+ while (n && n != end) {
+ tmp = n.nextSibling;
+ li.appendChild(n);
+ n = tmp;
+ }
+ if (li.childNodes.length === 0) {
+ li.innerHTML = '<br _mce_bogus="1" />';
+ }
+ makeList(li);
+ }
+ function processBrs(element, callback) {
+ var startSection, previousBR, END_TO_START = 3, START_TO_END = 1,
+ breakElements = 'br,ul,ol,p,div,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,table,blockquote,address,pre,form,center,dl';
+ function isAnyPartSelected(start, end) {
+ var r = dom.createRng(), sel;
+ bookmark.keep = true;
+ ed.selection.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+ bookmark.keep = false;
+ sel = ed.selection.getRng(true);
+ if (!end) {
+ end = start.parentNode.lastChild;
+ }
+ r.setStartBefore(start);
+ r.setEndAfter(end);
+ return !(r.compareBoundaryPoints(END_TO_START, sel) > 0 || r.compareBoundaryPoints(START_TO_END, sel) <= 0);
+ }
+ function nextLeaf(br) {
+ if (br.nextSibling)
+ return br.nextSibling;
+ if (!dom.isBlock(br.parentNode) && br.parentNode !== dom.getRoot())
+ return nextLeaf(br.parentNode);
+ }
+ // Split on BRs within the range and process those.
+ startSection = element.firstChild;
+ // First mark the BRs that have any part of the previous section selected.
+ var trailingContentSelected = false;
+ each(, element), function(br) {
+ var b;
+ if (br.hasAttribute && br.hasAttribute('_mce_bogus')) {
+ return true; // Skip the bogus Brs that are put in to appease Firefox and Safari.
+ }
+ if (isAnyPartSelected(startSection, br)) {
+ dom.addClass(br, '_mce_tagged_br');
+ startSection = nextLeaf(br);
+ }
+ });
+ trailingContentSelected = (startSection && isAnyPartSelected(startSection, undefined));
+ startSection = element.firstChild;
+ each(, element), function(br) {
+ // Got a section from start to br.
+ var tmp = nextLeaf(br);
+ if (br.hasAttribute && br.hasAttribute('_mce_bogus')) {
+ return true; // Skip the bogus Brs that are put in to appease Firefox and Safari.
+ }
+ if (dom.hasClass(br, '_mce_tagged_br')) {
+ callback(startSection, br, previousBR);
+ previousBR = null;
+ } else {
+ previousBR = br;
+ }
+ startSection = tmp;
+ });
+ if (trailingContentSelected) {
+ callback(startSection, undefined, previousBR);
+ }
+ }
+ function wrapList(element) {
+ processBrs(element, function(startSection, br, previousBR) {
+ // Need to indent this part
+ doWrapList(startSection, br);
+ cleanupBr(br);
+ cleanupBr(previousBR);
+ });
+ }
+ function changeList(element) {
+ if (tinymce.inArray(applied, element) !== -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (element.parentNode.tagName === oppositeListType) {
+ dom.split(element.parentNode, element);
+ makeList(element);
+ attemptMergeWithNext(element.parentNode, false);
+ }
+ applied.push(element);
+ }
+ function convertListItemToParagraph(element) {
+ var child, nextChild, mergedElement, splitLast;
+ if (tinymce.inArray(applied, element) !== -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ element = splitNestedLists(element, dom);
+ while (, 'ol,ul,li')) {
+ dom.split(element.parentNode, element);
+ }
+ // Push the original element we have from the selection, not the renamed one.
+ applied.push(element);
+ element = dom.rename(element, 'p');
+ mergedElement = attemptMergeWithAdjacent(element, false, ed.settings.force_br_newlines);
+ if (mergedElement === element) {
+ // Now split out any block elements that can't be contained within a P.
+ // Manually iterate to ensure we handle modifications correctly (doesn't work with tinymce.each)
+ child = element.firstChild;
+ while (child) {
+ if (dom.isBlock(child)) {
+ child = dom.split(child.parentNode, child);
+ splitLast = true;
+ nextChild = child.nextSibling && child.nextSibling.firstChild;
+ } else {
+ nextChild = child.nextSibling;
+ if (splitLast && child.tagName === 'BR') {
+ dom.remove(child);
+ }
+ splitLast = false;
+ }
+ child = nextChild;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ each(selectedBlocks, function(e) {
+ e = findItemToOperateOn(e, dom);
+ if (e.tagName === oppositeListType || (e.tagName === 'LI' && e.parentNode.tagName === oppositeListType)) {
+ hasOppositeType = true;
+ } else if (e.tagName === targetListType || (e.tagName === 'LI' && e.parentNode.tagName === targetListType)) {
+ hasSameType = true;
+ } else {
+ hasNonList = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (hasNonList || hasOppositeType || selectedBlocks.length === 0) {
+ actions = {
+ 'LI': changeList,
+ 'H1': makeList,
+ 'H2': makeList,
+ 'H3': makeList,
+ 'H4': makeList,
+ 'H5': makeList,
+ 'H6': makeList,
+ 'P': makeList,
+ 'BODY': makeList,
+ 'DIV': selectedBlocks.length > 1 ? makeList : wrapList,
+ defaultAction: wrapList
+ };
+ } else {
+ actions = {
+ defaultAction: convertListItemToParagraph
+ };
+ }
+ this.process(actions);
+ },
+ indent: function() {
+ var ed = this.ed, dom = ed.dom, indented = [];
+ function createWrapItem(element) {
+ var wrapItem = dom.create('li', { style: 'list-style-type: none;'});
+ dom.insertAfter(wrapItem, element);
+ return wrapItem;
+ }
+ function createWrapList(element) {
+ var wrapItem = createWrapItem(element),
+ list = dom.getParent(element, 'ol,ul'),
+ listType = list.tagName,
+ listStyle = dom.getStyle(list, 'list-style-type'),
+ attrs = {},
+ wrapList;
+ if (listStyle !== '') {
+ = 'list-style-type: ' + listStyle + ';';
+ }
+ wrapList = dom.create(listType, attrs);
+ wrapItem.appendChild(wrapList);
+ return wrapList;
+ }
+ function indentLI(element) {
+ if (!hasParentInList(ed, element, indented)) {
+ element = splitNestedLists(element, dom);
+ var wrapList = createWrapList(element);
+ wrapList.appendChild(element);
+ attemptMergeWithAdjacent(wrapList.parentNode, false);
+ attemptMergeWithAdjacent(wrapList, false);
+ indented.push(element);
+ }
+ }
+ this.process({
+ 'LI': indentLI,
+ defaultAction: this.adjustPaddingFunction(true)
+ });
+ },
+ outdent: function() {
+ var t = this, ed = t.ed, dom = ed.dom, outdented = [];
+ function outdentLI(element) {
+ var listElement, targetParent, align;
+ if (!hasParentInList(ed, element, outdented)) {
+ if (dom.getStyle(element, 'margin-left') !== '' || dom.getStyle(element, 'padding-left') !== '') {
+ return t.adjustPaddingFunction(false)(element);
+ }
+ align = dom.getStyle(element, 'text-align', true);
+ if (align === 'center' || align === 'right') {
+ dom.setStyle(element, 'text-align', 'left');
+ return;
+ }
+ element = splitNestedLists(element, dom);
+ listElement = element.parentNode;
+ targetParent = element.parentNode.parentNode;
+ if (targetParent.tagName === 'P') {
+ dom.split(targetParent, element.parentNode);
+ } else {
+ dom.split(listElement, element);
+ if (targetParent.tagName === 'LI') {
+ // Nested list, need to split the LI and go back out to the OL/UL element.
+ dom.split(targetParent, element);
+ } else if (!, 'ol,ul')) {
+ dom.rename(element, 'p');
+ }
+ }
+ outdented.push(element);
+ }
+ }
+ this.process({
+ 'LI': outdentLI,
+ defaultAction: this.adjustPaddingFunction(false)
+ });
+ each(outdented, attemptMergeWithAdjacent);
+ },
+ process: function(actions) {
+ var t = this, sel = t.ed.selection, dom = t.ed.dom, selectedBlocks, r;
+ function processElement(element) {
+ dom.removeClass(element, '_mce_act_on');
+ if (!element || element.nodeType !== 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ element = findItemToOperateOn(element, dom);
+ var action = actions[element.tagName];
+ if (!action) {
+ action = actions.defaultAction;
+ }
+ action(element);
+ }
+ function recurse(element) {
+ t.splitSafeEach(element.childNodes, processElement);
+ }
+ function brAtEdgeOfSelection(container, offset) {
+ return offset >= 0 && container.hasChildNodes() && offset < container.childNodes.length &&
+ container.childNodes[offset].tagName === 'BR';
+ }
+ selectedBlocks = sel.getSelectedBlocks();
+ if (selectedBlocks.length === 0) {
+ selectedBlocks = [ dom.getRoot() ];
+ }
+ r = sel.getRng(true);
+ if (!r.collapsed) {
+ if (brAtEdgeOfSelection(r.endContainer, r.endOffset - 1)) {
+ r.setEnd(r.endContainer, r.endOffset - 1);
+ sel.setRng(r);
+ }
+ if (brAtEdgeOfSelection(r.startContainer, r.startOffset)) {
+ r.setStart(r.startContainer, r.startOffset + 1);
+ sel.setRng(r);
+ }
+ }
+ bookmark = sel.getBookmark();
+ actions.OL = actions.UL = recurse;
+ t.splitSafeEach(selectedBlocks, processElement);
+ sel.moveToBookmark(bookmark);
+ bookmark = null;
+ // Avoids table or image handles being left behind in Firefox.
+ t.ed.execCommand('mceRepaint');
+ },
+ splitSafeEach: function(elements, f) {
+ if (tinymce.isGecko && (/Firefox\/[12]\.[0-9]/.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
+ /Firefox\/3\.[0-4]/.test(navigator.userAgent))) {
+ this.classBasedEach(elements, f);
+ } else {
+ each(elements, f);
+ }
+ },
+ classBasedEach: function(elements, f) {
+ var dom = this.ed.dom, nodes, element;
+ // Mark nodes
+ each(elements, function(element) {
+ dom.addClass(element, '_mce_act_on');
+ });
+ nodes ='._mce_act_on');
+ while (nodes.length > 0) {
+ element = nodes.shift();
+ dom.removeClass(element, '_mce_act_on');
+ f(element);
+ nodes ='._mce_act_on');
+ }
+ },
+ adjustPaddingFunction: function(isIndent) {
+ var indentAmount, indentUnits, ed = this.ed;
+ indentAmount = ed.settings.indentation;
+ indentUnits = /[a-z%]+/i.exec(indentAmount);
+ indentAmount = parseInt(indentAmount, 10);
+ return function(element) {
+ var currentIndent, newIndentAmount;
+ currentIndent = parseInt(ed.dom.getStyle(element, 'margin-left') || 0, 10) + parseInt(ed.dom.getStyle(element, 'padding-left') || 0, 10);
+ if (isIndent) {
+ newIndentAmount = currentIndent + indentAmount;
+ } else {
+ newIndentAmount = currentIndent - indentAmount;
+ }
+ ed.dom.setStyle(element, 'padding-left', '');
+ ed.dom.setStyle(element, 'margin-left', newIndentAmount > 0 ? newIndentAmount + indentUnits : '');
+ };
+ },
+ getInfo: function() {
+ return {
+ longname : 'Lists',
+ author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
+ authorurl : '',
+ infourl : '',
+ version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ tinymce.PluginManager.add("lists", tinymce.plugins.Lists);