path: root/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave
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Diffstat (limited to 'htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave')
3 files changed, 436 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/editor_plugin.js b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/editor_plugin.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f49107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/editor_plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(function(e){var c="autosave",g="restoredraft",b=true,f,d,a=e.util.Dispatcher;e.create("tinymce.plugins.AutoSave",{init:function(i,j){var h=this,l=i.settings;h.editor=i;function k(n){var m={s:1000,m:60000};n=/^(\d+)([ms]?)$/.exec(""+n);return(n[2]?m[n[2]]:1)*parseInt(n)}e.each({ask_before_unload:b,interval:"30s",retention:"20m",minlength:50},function(n,m){m=c+"_"+m;if(l[m]===f){l[m]=n}});l.autosave_interval=k(l.autosave_interval);l.autosave_retention=k(l.autosave_retention);i.addButton(g,{title:c+".restore_content",onclick:function(){if(i.getContent({draft:true}).replace(/\s|&nbsp;|<\/?p[^>]*>|<br[^>]*>/gi,"").length>0){i.windowManager.confirm(c+".warning_message",function(m){if(m){h.restoreDraft()}})}else{h.restoreDraft()}}});i.onNodeChange.add(function(){var m=i.controlManager;if(m.get(g)){m.setDisabled(g,!h.hasDraft())}});i.onInit.add(function(){if(i.controlManager.get(g)){h.setupStorage(i);setInterval(function(){h.storeDraft();i.nodeChanged()},l.autosave_interval)}});h.onStoreDraft=new a(h);h.onRestoreDraft=new a(h);h.onRemoveDraft=new a(h);if(!d){window.onbeforeunload=e.plugins.AutoSave._beforeUnloadHandler;d=b}},getInfo:function(){return{longname:"Auto save",author:"Moxiecode Systems AB",authorurl:"",infourl:"",version:e.majorVersion+"."+e.minorVersion}},getExpDate:function(){return new Date(new Date().getTime()+this.editor.settings.autosave_retention).toUTCString()},setupStorage:function(i){var h=this,k=c+"_test",j="OK";;e.each([function(){if(localStorage){localStorage.setItem(k,j);if(localStorage.getItem(k)===j){localStorage.removeItem(k);return localStorage}}},function(){if(sessionStorage){sessionStorage.setItem(k,j);if(sessionStorage.getItem(k)===j){sessionStorage.removeItem(k);return sessionStorage}}},function(){if(e.isIE){i.getElement().style.behavior="url('#default#userData')";return{autoExpires:b,setItem:function(l,n){var m=i.getElement();m.setAttribute(l,n);m.expires=h.getExpDate();try{"TinyMCE")}catch(o){}},getItem:function(l){var m=i.getElement();try{m.load("TinyMCE");return m.getAttribute(l)}catch(n){return null}},removeItem:function(l){i.getElement().removeAttribute(l)}}}},],function(l){try{;if({return false}}catch(m){}})},storeDraft:function(){var i=this,,j=i.editor,h,k;if(l){if(!l.getItem(i.key)&&!j.isDirty()){return}k=j.getContent({draft:true});if(k.length>j.settings.autosave_minlength){h=i.getExpDate();if(!{"_expires",h)},k);i.onStoreDraft.dispatch(i,{expires:h,content:k})}}},restoreDraft:function(){var h=this,;if(i){content=i.getItem(h.key);if(content){h.editor.setContent(content);h.onRestoreDraft.dispatch(h,{content:content})}}},hasDraft:function(){var h=this,,i,j;if(k){j=!!k.getItem(h.key);if(j){if(!{i=new Date(k.getItem(h.key+"_expires"));if(new Date().getTime()<i.getTime()){return b}h.removeDraft()}else{return b}}}return false},removeDraft:function(){var h=this,,i=h.key,j;if(k){j=k.getItem(i);k.removeItem(i);k.removeItem(i+"_expires");if(j){h.onRemoveDraft.dispatch(h,{content:j})}}},"static":{_beforeUnloadHandler:function(h){var i;e.each(tinyMCE.editors,function(j){if(j.plugins.autosave){j.plugins.autosave.storeDraft()}if(j.getParam("fullscreen_is_enabled")){return}if(!i&&j.isDirty()&&j.getParam("autosave_ask_before_unload")){i=j.getLang("autosave.unload_msg")}});return i}}});e.PluginManager.add("autosave",e.plugins.AutoSave)})(tinymce); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/editor_plugin_src.js b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/editor_plugin_src.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..061cf13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/editor_plugin_src.js
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ * editor_plugin_src.js
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009, Moxiecode Systems AB
+ * Released under LGPL License.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * Contributing:
+ *
+ * Adds auto-save capability to the TinyMCE text editor to rescue content
+ * inadvertently lost. This plugin was originally developed by Speednet
+ * and that project can be found here:
+ *
+ *
+ * The plugin attempts to use the most advanced features available in the current browser to save
+ * as much content as possible. There are a total of four different methods used to autosave the
+ * content. In order of preference, they are:
+ *
+ * 1. localStorage - A new feature of HTML 5, localStorage can store megabytes of data per domain
+ * on the client computer. Data stored in the localStorage area has no expiration date, so we must
+ * manage expiring the data ourselves. localStorage is fully supported by IE8, and it is supposed
+ * to be working in Firefox 3 and Safari 3.2, but in reality is is flaky in those browsers. As
+ * HTML 5 gets wider support, the AutoSave plugin will use it automatically. In Windows Vista/7,
+ * localStorage is stored in the following folder:
+ * C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\DOMStore\[tempFolder]
+ *
+ * 2. sessionStorage - A new feature of HTML 5, sessionStorage works similarly to localStorage,
+ * except it is designed to expire after a certain amount of time. Because the specification
+ * around expiration date/time is very loosely-described, it is preferrable to use locaStorage and
+ * manage the expiration ourselves. sessionStorage has similar storage characteristics to
+ * localStorage, although it seems to have better support by Firefox 3 at the moment. (That will
+ * certainly change as Firefox continues getting better at HTML 5 adoption.)
+ *
+ * 3. UserData - A very under-exploited feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer, UserData is a
+ * way to store up to 128K of data per "document", or up to 1MB of data per domain, on the client
+ * computer. The feature is available for IE 5+, which makes it available for every version of IE
+ * supported by TinyMCE. The content is persistent across browser restarts and expires on the
+ * date/time specified, just like a cookie. However, the data is not cleared when the user clears
+ * cookies on the browser, which makes it well-suited for rescuing autosaved content. UserData,
+ * like other Microsoft IE browser technologies, is implemented as a behavior attached to a
+ * specific DOM object, so in this case we attach the behavior to the same DOM element that the
+ * TinyMCE editor instance is attached to.
+ */
+(function(tinymce) {
+ // Setup constants to help the compressor to reduce script size
+ var PLUGIN_NAME = 'autosave',
+ RESTORE_DRAFT = 'restoredraft',
+ TRUE = true,
+ undefined,
+ unloadHandlerAdded,
+ Dispatcher = tinymce.util.Dispatcher;
+ /**
+ * This plugin adds auto-save capability to the TinyMCE text editor to rescue content
+ * inadvertently lost. By using localStorage.
+ *
+ * @class tinymce.plugins.AutoSave
+ */
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.AutoSave', {
+ /**
+ * Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
+ * This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
+ * of the editor instance to intercept that event.
+ *
+ * @method init
+ * @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in.
+ * @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located.
+ */
+ init : function(ed, url) {
+ var self = this, settings = ed.settings;
+ self.editor = ed;
+ // Parses the specified time string into a milisecond number 10m, 10s etc.
+ function parseTime(time) {
+ var multipels = {
+ s : 1000,
+ m : 60000
+ };
+ time = /^(\d+)([ms]?)$/.exec('' + time);
+ return (time[2] ? multipels[time[2]] : 1) * parseInt(time);
+ };
+ // Default config
+ tinymce.each({
+ ask_before_unload : TRUE,
+ interval : '30s',
+ retention : '20m',
+ minlength : 50
+ }, function(value, key) {
+ key = PLUGIN_NAME + '_' + key;
+ if (settings[key] === undefined)
+ settings[key] = value;
+ });
+ // Parse times
+ settings.autosave_interval = parseTime(settings.autosave_interval);
+ settings.autosave_retention = parseTime(settings.autosave_retention);
+ // Register restore button
+ ed.addButton(RESTORE_DRAFT, {
+ title : PLUGIN_NAME + ".restore_content",
+ onclick : function() {
+ if (ed.getContent({draft: true}).replace(/\s|&nbsp;|<\/?p[^>]*>|<br[^>]*>/gi, "").length > 0) {
+ // Show confirm dialog if the editor isn't empty
+ ed.windowManager.confirm(
+ PLUGIN_NAME + ".warning_message",
+ function(ok) {
+ if (ok)
+ self.restoreDraft();
+ }
+ );
+ } else
+ self.restoreDraft();
+ }
+ });
+ // Enable/disable restoredraft button depending on if there is a draft stored or not
+ ed.onNodeChange.add(function() {
+ var controlManager = ed.controlManager;
+ if (controlManager.get(RESTORE_DRAFT))
+ controlManager.setDisabled(RESTORE_DRAFT, !self.hasDraft());
+ });
+ ed.onInit.add(function() {
+ // Check if the user added the restore button, then setup auto storage logic
+ if (ed.controlManager.get(RESTORE_DRAFT)) {
+ // Setup storage engine
+ self.setupStorage(ed);
+ // Auto save contents each interval time
+ setInterval(function() {
+ self.storeDraft();
+ ed.nodeChanged();
+ }, settings.autosave_interval);
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * This event gets fired when a draft is stored to local storage.
+ *
+ * @event onStoreDraft
+ * @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
+ * @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
+ */
+ self.onStoreDraft = new Dispatcher(self);
+ /**
+ * This event gets fired when a draft is restored from local storage.
+ *
+ * @event onStoreDraft
+ * @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
+ * @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
+ */
+ self.onRestoreDraft = new Dispatcher(self);
+ /**
+ * This event gets fired when a draft removed/expired.
+ *
+ * @event onRemoveDraft
+ * @param {tinymce.plugins.AutoSave} sender Plugin instance sending the event.
+ * @param {Object} draft Draft object containing the HTML contents of the editor.
+ */
+ self.onRemoveDraft = new Dispatcher(self);
+ // Add ask before unload dialog only add one unload handler
+ if (!unloadHandlerAdded) {
+ window.onbeforeunload = tinymce.plugins.AutoSave._beforeUnloadHandler;
+ unloadHandlerAdded = TRUE;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array.
+ * The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version.
+ *
+ * @method getInfo
+ * @return {Object} Name/value array containing information about the plugin.
+ */
+ getInfo : function() {
+ return {
+ longname : 'Auto save',
+ author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
+ authorurl : '',
+ infourl : '',
+ version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns an expiration date UTC string.
+ *
+ * @method getExpDate
+ * @return {String} Expiration date UTC string.
+ */
+ getExpDate : function() {
+ return new Date(
+ new Date().getTime() + this.editor.settings.autosave_retention
+ ).toUTCString();
+ },
+ /**
+ * This method will setup the storage engine. If the browser has support for it.
+ *
+ * @method setupStorage
+ */
+ setupStorage : function(ed) {
+ var self = this, testKey = PLUGIN_NAME + '_test', testVal = "OK";
+ self.key = PLUGIN_NAME +;
+ // Loop though each storage engine type until we find one that works
+ tinymce.each([
+ function() {
+ // Try HTML5 Local Storage
+ if (localStorage) {
+ localStorage.setItem(testKey, testVal);
+ if (localStorage.getItem(testKey) === testVal) {
+ localStorage.removeItem(testKey);
+ return localStorage;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ function() {
+ // Try HTML5 Session Storage
+ if (sessionStorage) {
+ sessionStorage.setItem(testKey, testVal);
+ if (sessionStorage.getItem(testKey) === testVal) {
+ sessionStorage.removeItem(testKey);
+ return sessionStorage;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ function() {
+ // Try IE userData
+ if (tinymce.isIE) {
+ ed.getElement().style.behavior = "url('#default#userData')";
+ // Fake localStorage on old IE
+ return {
+ autoExpires : TRUE,
+ setItem : function(key, value) {
+ var userDataElement = ed.getElement();
+ userDataElement.setAttribute(key, value);
+ userDataElement.expires = self.getExpDate();
+ try {
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore, saving might fail if "Userdata Persistence" is disabled in IE
+ }
+ },
+ getItem : function(key) {
+ var userDataElement = ed.getElement();
+ try {
+ userDataElement.load("TinyMCE");
+ return userDataElement.getAttribute(key);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore, loading might fail if "Userdata Persistence" is disabled in IE
+ return null;
+ }
+ },
+ removeItem : function(key) {
+ ed.getElement().removeAttribute(key);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ ], function(setup) {
+ // Try executing each function to find a suitable storage engine
+ try {
+ = setup();
+ if (
+ return false;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Ignore
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * This method will store the current contents in the the storage engine.
+ *
+ * @method storeDraft
+ */
+ storeDraft : function() {
+ var self = this, storage =, editor = self.editor, expires, content;
+ // Is the contents dirty
+ if (storage) {
+ // If there is no existing key and the contents hasn't been changed since
+ // it's original value then there is no point in saving a draft
+ if (!storage.getItem(self.key) && !editor.isDirty())
+ return;
+ // Store contents if the contents if longer than the minlength of characters
+ content = editor.getContent({draft: true});
+ if (content.length > editor.settings.autosave_minlength) {
+ expires = self.getExpDate();
+ // Store expiration date if needed IE userData has auto expire built in
+ if (!
+ + "_expires", expires);
+, content);
+ self.onStoreDraft.dispatch(self, {
+ expires : expires,
+ content : content
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * This method will restore the contents from the storage engine back to the editor.
+ *
+ * @method restoreDraft
+ */
+ restoreDraft : function() {
+ var self = this, storage =;
+ if (storage) {
+ content = storage.getItem(self.key);
+ if (content) {
+ self.editor.setContent(content);
+ self.onRestoreDraft.dispatch(self, {
+ content : content
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * This method will return true/false if there is a local storage draft available.
+ *
+ * @method hasDraft
+ * @return {boolean} true/false state if there is a local draft.
+ */
+ hasDraft : function() {
+ var self = this, storage =, expDate, exists;
+ if (storage) {
+ // Does the item exist at all
+ exists = !!storage.getItem(self.key);
+ if (exists) {
+ // Storage needs autoexpire
+ if (! {
+ expDate = new Date(storage.getItem(self.key + "_expires"));
+ // Contents hasn't expired
+ if (new Date().getTime() < expDate.getTime())
+ return TRUE;
+ // Remove it if it has
+ self.removeDraft();
+ } else
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Removes the currently stored draft.
+ *
+ * @method removeDraft
+ */
+ removeDraft : function() {
+ var self = this, storage =, key = self.key, content;
+ if (storage) {
+ // Get current contents and remove the existing draft
+ content = storage.getItem(key);
+ storage.removeItem(key);
+ storage.removeItem(key + "_expires");
+ // Dispatch remove event if we had any contents
+ if (content) {
+ self.onRemoveDraft.dispatch(self, {
+ content : content
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "static" : {
+ // Internal unload handler will be called before the page is unloaded
+ _beforeUnloadHandler : function(e) {
+ var msg;
+ tinymce.each(tinyMCE.editors, function(ed) {
+ // Store a draft for each editor instance
+ if (ed.plugins.autosave)
+ ed.plugins.autosave.storeDraft();
+ // Never ask in fullscreen mode
+ if (ed.getParam("fullscreen_is_enabled"))
+ return;
+ // Setup a return message if the editor is dirty
+ if (!msg && ed.isDirty() && ed.getParam("autosave_ask_before_unload"))
+ msg = ed.getLang("autosave.unload_msg");
+ });
+ return msg;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ tinymce.PluginManager.add('autosave', tinymce.plugins.AutoSave);
diff --git a/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/langs/en.js b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/langs/en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce6bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/js/tiny_mce/plugins/autosave/langs/en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+restore_content: "Restore auto-saved content",
+warning_message: "If you restore the saved content, you will lose all the content that is currently in the editor.\n\nAre you sure you want to restore the saved content?"
+}); \ No newline at end of file