import argparse import collections import csv import gnucashxml import os import sys from decimal import Decimal def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='The Usable GnuCash Budget Tool') cmd_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) cmd_group.add_argument('--create-tags', action='store_true', help='Update tags-file with any unmapped accounts') cmd_group.add_argument('--report', action='store_true', help='Produce a budget vs. actuals report') parser.add_argument('-t', '--tags', metavar='tags-file', required=True, help='The mapping of GnuCash accounts to budget tags') parser.add_argument('data_file', metavar='gnucash-file', help='The GnuCash data file to process') parser.add_argument('-b', '--budget', metavar='budget-file', help='A budget to report against.') args = parser.parse_args() book = gnucashxml.from_filename(args.data_file) if args.create_tags: create_tags(book, args.tags) elif report_actuals(book, args.tags) if args.budget: report_budget(args.budget, args.tags) def read_tags(filename): ''' Read a TSV file where each row maps a GnuCash account to a tag. A tag is one or more tab-separated values which are treated as budget categories, subcategories, etc. ''' tag_header = ('account_type',) tags = {} if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, csv.excel_tab) for row in reader: if row[0] == "account": tag_header = row[1:] else: tags[row[0]] = tuple(row[1:]) # TODO Sanity check: all tags and header must have same length. return (tag_header, tags) def write_tags(filename, tag_header, tags): ''' Write a tags file as described by read_tags(). ''' with open(filename, 'wb') as f: writer = csv.writer(f, csv.excel_tab) writer.writerow(['account'] + list(tag_header)) for account in sorted(tags): writer.writerow([account] + list(tags[account])) def create_tags(book, tags_file): ''' Read a GnuCash data file and add any new, unmapped accounts to tags_file. Note: the header 'account_type' is special: it always defaults to the account type, one of either INCOME or EXPENSE. ''' (tag_header, tags) = read_tags(tags_file) for (acc, children, splits) in book.walk(): if not children: if acc.actype == "INCOME" or acc.actype == "EXPENSE": acc_name = gnucash_account_fullname(acc) if acc_name not in tags: tags[acc_name] = default_tag(tag_header, acc) write_tags(tags_file, tag_header, tags) def report_header(tag_header): return ['month'] + list(tag_header) + ['source', 'value'] def report_row(month, tag, source, value): return [month] + list(tag) + [source, value] def report_actuals(book, tags_file): (tag_header, tags) = read_tags(tags_file) report = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(Decimal)) for (acc, children, splits) in book.walk(): acc_name = gnucash_account_fullname(acc) if acc_name in tags: for split in splits: date ="%Y-%m-01") report[date][tags[acc_name]] += split.value.copy_negate() writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, csv.excel_tab) writer.writerow(report_header(tag_header)) for month in sorted(report): for (tag, value) in report[month].iteritems(): writer.writerow(report_row(month, tag, 'actual', value)) def report_budget(budget_filename, tags_file): (tag_header, tags) = read_tags(tags_file) tag_set = set(tags.values()) with open(budget_filename, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, csv.excel_tab) writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout, csv.excel_tab) for row in reader: if row[0] == "month": continue else: month = row[0] tag = tuple(row[1:-1]) value = row[-1] if tag in tag_set: writer.writerow(report_row(month, tag, 'budget', value)) def default_tag(tag_header, acc): default = list(tag_header) if 'account_type' in default: default[default.index('account_type')] = acc.actype return tuple(default) def gnucash_account_fullname(acc, partial=''): if acc.parent: if partial: partial = "%s:%s" % (, partial) else: partial = return gnucash_account_fullname(acc.parent, partial) else: return partial if __name__ == "__main__": main()