use std::collections::BTreeMap; use boa_ast::Declaration; use boa_ast::Expression; use boa_ast::Script; use boa_ast::Statement; use boa_ast::StatementList; use boa_ast::StatementListItem; use boa_ast::declaration::Binding; use boa_ast::expression::access::PropertyAccess; use boa_ast::expression::access::PropertyAccessField; use boa_ast::expression::literal::Literal; use boa_ast::expression::operator::Assign; use boa_ast::expression::operator::Binary; use boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignTarget; use boa_ast::expression::operator::binary::BinaryOp; use boa_ast::expression::operator::binary::LogicalOp; use boa_ast::expression::operator::binary::RelationalOp; use boa_ast::property::PropertyDefinition; use boa_ast::property::PropertyName; use boa_ast::statement::iteration::IterableLoopInitializer; use boa_interner::Interner; use boa_interner::Sym; use ion_rs::SymbolTable; use crate::disasm::print_disassembly; use crate::ion::IonValue; use crate::runtime::Function; use crate::runtime::OpCode; use crate::runtime::Runtime; pub struct JsCompiler { interner: Interner, symbols: SymbolTable, vars: Vec>, max_var: Vec, bytecode: Vec, functions: Vec, identifiers: Vec>, } #[derive(Clone)] enum IdentifierType { Variable(IonValue), Function(usize), } impl JsCompiler { pub fn new(interner: Interner) -> JsCompiler { let mut compiler = JsCompiler { interner, symbols: SymbolTable::new(), vars: Vec::new(), max_var: vec![0], bytecode: Vec::new(), functions: Vec::new(), identifiers: Vec::new(), }; compiler.enter_block(); compiler } fn enter_block(&mut self) { let mut vars = if let Some(vars) = self.vars.last() { vars.clone() } else { BTreeMap::new() }; vars.insert("this".to_string(), 0); self.vars.push(vars); let identifiers = if let Some(identifiers) = self.identifiers.last() { identifiers.clone() } else { BTreeMap::new() }; self.identifiers.push(identifiers); } fn exit_block(&mut self) { self.vars.pop(); } fn get_or_create_variable(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> usize { let name = self.interner.resolve_expect(sym).to_string(); let idmaybe = self.vars.last().unwrap().len(); let id = *self.vars.last_mut().unwrap().entry(name).or_insert(idmaybe); let max_var = *self.max_var.last().unwrap().max(&id); self.max_var.pop(); self.max_var.push(max_var); id } fn set_jump_target(&mut self, jump_pc: usize, target_pc: usize) { let target_32: u32 = target_pc.try_into().unwrap(); for (i, b) in target_32.to_be_bytes().iter().enumerate() { self.bytecode[jump_pc + 1 + i] = *b; } } /// Attach a previous jump instruction to the next instruction. fn set_jump(&mut self, jump_pc: usize) { self.set_jump_target(jump_pc, self.bytecode.len()) } fn push_jump(&mut self) -> usize { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Jump.into()); self.push_u32(0xFFFFFFFF); self.bytecode.len() - 5 } fn push_dup(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Dup.into()); } fn push_dup2(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Dup2.into()); } fn push_swappop(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::SwapPop.into()); } fn push_invoke(&mut self, function_id: usize) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Invoke.into()); self.push_varuint(function_id); } fn push_invoke_dynamic(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::InvokeDynamic.into()); } fn push_yield(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Yield.into()); } fn push_return(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Return.into()); } fn push_push(&mut self, value: &IonValue) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::TypePush.into()); self.bytecode.extend(value.bytes()); } fn push_pop(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::TypePop.into()); } fn push_load(&mut self, varid: usize) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::TypeLoad.into()); self.push_varuint(varid); } fn push_store(&mut self, varid: usize) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::TypeStore.into()); self.push_varuint(varid); } fn push_iterate(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Iterator.into()); } fn push_next(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::Next.into()); } fn push_step_in(&mut self, varid: usize) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::StepIn.into()); self.push_varuint(varid); } fn push_step_out(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::StepOut.into()); } fn push_load_value(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::LoadValue.into()); } fn push_load_field(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::StructField.into()); } fn push_ifeq2(&mut self) -> usize { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::IfEq2.into()); self.push_u32(0xFFFFFFFF); self.bytecode.len() - 5 } fn push_ifne2(&mut self) -> usize { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::IfNe2.into()); self.push_u32(0xFFFFFFFF); self.bytecode.len() - 5 } fn push_ifgt2(&mut self) -> usize { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::IfGt2.into()); self.push_u32(0xFFFFFFFF); self.bytecode.len() - 5 } fn push_ifge2(&mut self) -> usize { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::IfGe2.into()); self.push_u32(0xFFFFFFFF); self.bytecode.len() - 5 } fn push_iflt2(&mut self) -> usize { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::IfLt2.into()); self.push_u32(0xFFFFFFFF); self.bytecode.len() - 5 } fn push_ifle2(&mut self) -> usize { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::IfLe2.into()); self.push_u32(0xFFFFFFFF); self.bytecode.len() - 5 } fn push_newlist(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::NewList.into()); } fn push_newstruct(&mut self) { self.bytecode.push(OpCode::NewStruct.into()); } fn push_varuint(&mut self, mut value: usize) { let mut buf = [0; (usize::BITS / 7 + 1) as usize]; let mut pos = 0; while value != 0 { buf[pos] = (value & 0x7F) as u8; value >>= 7; pos += 1; } buf[0] |= 0x80; pos = pos.max(1); for i in (0..pos).rev() { self.bytecode.push(buf[i]); } } fn push_u32(&mut self, value: u32) { self.bytecode.extend(value.to_be_bytes()) } pub fn compile_declaration(&mut self, decl: &Declaration) { match decl { Declaration::Function(func) => { self.max_var.push(*self.max_var.last().unwrap()); let pc = self.bytecode.len(); self.enter_block(); self.compile_statement_list(func.body().statements()); self.exit_block(); let name_symbol = if let Some(name) = { let id = self.to_symbol_id(name.sym()); self.identifiers.last_mut().unwrap().insert(name.sym(), IdentifierType::Function(id)); id } else { self.new_symbol_id(format!("anonFunction{}", self.functions.len())) }; self.functions.push(Function { name_symbol, arguments: func.parameters().length() as u16, variables: (self.max_var.pop().unwrap() + 1) as u16, pc, expected_stack_depth: 32, // TODO FIXME }); }, Declaration::Generator(_) => todo!(), Declaration::AsyncFunction(_) => todo!(), Declaration::AsyncGenerator(_) => todo!(), Declaration::Class(_) => todo!(), Declaration::Lexical(decl) => { for v in decl.variable_list().as_ref() { match v.binding() { Binding::Pattern(_) => todo!(), Binding::Identifier(ident) => { if let Some(init) = v.init() { if decl.is_const() { if let Some(value) = self.get_static_expression(init) { self.identifiers.last_mut() .unwrap() .insert(ident.sym(), IdentifierType::Variable(value)); continue; } } self.compile_expression(init); } else { self.push_push(&IonValue::new_null()); } let varid = self.get_or_create_variable(ident.sym()); self.push_store(varid); } } } }, } } fn new_symbol_id(&mut self, s: String) -> usize { self.symbols.intern(s) } fn to_symbol_id(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> usize { let s = self.interner.resolve_expect(sym).to_string(); self.symbols.intern(s) } fn to_ion_symbol(&mut self, sym: Sym) -> IonValue { IonValue::new_symbol(self.to_symbol_id(sym)) } fn literal_to_ion(&mut self, literal: &Literal) -> IonValue { match literal { Literal::String(sym) => self.to_ion_symbol(*sym), Literal::Num(v) => IonValue::new_f64(*v), Literal::Int(v) => IonValue::new_i32(*v), Literal::BigInt(v) => todo!(), Literal::Bool(v) => IonValue::new_bool(*v), Literal::Null => IonValue::new_null(), Literal::Undefined => IonValue::new_null(), // TODO: undefined? } } fn compile_assignment(&mut self, assignment: &Assign) { self.compile_expression(assignment.rhs()); match assignment.op() { boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Assign => {}, boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Add => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Sub => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Mul => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Div => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Mod => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Exp => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::And => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Or => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Xor => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Shl => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Shr => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Ushr => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::BoolAnd => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::BoolOr => todo!(), boa_ast::expression::operator::assign::AssignOp::Coalesce => todo!(), } self.push_dup(); match assignment.lhs() { AssignTarget::Identifier(ident) => { let varid = self.get_or_create_variable(ident.sym()); self.push_store(varid); }, AssignTarget::Access(_) => todo!(), AssignTarget::Pattern(_) => todo!(), } } fn compile_binary(&mut self, binary: &Binary) { match binary.op() { BinaryOp::Arithmetic(_) => todo!(), BinaryOp::Bitwise(_) => todo!(), BinaryOp::Relational(op) => { self.compile_expression(binary.lhs()); self.compile_expression(binary.rhs()); let jump_true = match op { RelationalOp::Equal => self.push_ifeq2(), RelationalOp::NotEqual => self.push_ifne2(), RelationalOp::StrictEqual => self.push_ifeq2(), RelationalOp::StrictNotEqual => self.push_ifne2(), RelationalOp::GreaterThan => self.push_ifle2(), RelationalOp::GreaterThanOrEqual => self.push_iflt2(), RelationalOp::LessThan => self.push_ifge2(), RelationalOp::LessThanOrEqual => self.push_ifgt2(), RelationalOp::In => todo!(), RelationalOp::InstanceOf => todo!(), }; self.push_push(&IonValue::new_bool(false)); let jump_false = self.push_jump(); self.set_jump(jump_true); self.push_push(&IonValue::new_bool(true)); self.set_jump(jump_false); }, BinaryOp::Logical(op) => { match op { LogicalOp::And => { self.compile_expression(binary.lhs()); self.push_dup(); self.push_push(&IonValue::new_bool(false)); let jump_done = self.push_ifeq2(); self.push_pop(); self.compile_expression(binary.rhs()); self.set_jump(jump_done) }, LogicalOp::Or => { self.compile_expression(binary.lhs()); self.push_dup(); self.push_push(&IonValue::new_bool(true)); let jump_done = self.push_ifeq2(); self.push_pop(); self.compile_expression(binary.rhs()); self.set_jump(jump_done) }, LogicalOp::Coalesce => { self.compile_expression(binary.lhs()); self.push_dup(); self.push_push(&IonValue::new_null()); let jump_done = self.push_ifeq2(); self.push_pop(); self.compile_expression(binary.rhs()); self.set_jump(jump_done) }, } }, BinaryOp::Comma => todo!(), } } fn get_static_expression(&mut self, expression: &Expression) -> Option { match expression { Expression::Identifier(ident) => { match self.identifiers.last().unwrap().get(&ident.sym()) { Some(IdentifierType::Function(id)) => Some(IonValue::new_symbol(*id)), Some(IdentifierType::Variable(value)) => Some(value.clone()), None => None, } }, Expression::Literal(lit) => Some(self.literal_to_ion(lit)), Expression::ArrayLiteral(alit) => { let mut list = Vec::with_capacity(alit.as_ref().len()); for exprmaybe in alit.as_ref() { if let Some(expr) = exprmaybe { if let Some(item) = self.get_static_expression(expr) { list.push(item) } else { return None; } } else { list.push(IonValue::new_null()) } } Some(IonValue::from(list)) }, Expression::ObjectLiteral(olit) => { let mut fields = Vec::with_capacity(; for propdef in { match propdef { PropertyDefinition::IdentifierReference(ident) => return None, PropertyDefinition::Property(name, expr) => { if let Some(value) = self.get_static_expression(expr) { match name { PropertyName::Literal(sym) => { let symb = self.to_symbol_id(*sym); fields.push((symb, value)); }, PropertyName::Computed(_) => return None, } } else { return None; } }, PropertyDefinition::MethodDefinition(_, _) => todo!(), PropertyDefinition::SpreadObject(_) => todo!(), PropertyDefinition::CoverInitializedName(_, _) => todo!(), } } Some(IonValue::from(fields)) }, Expression::Spread(_) => None, Expression::Function(_) => None, Expression::ArrowFunction(_) => None, Expression::AsyncArrowFunction(_) => None, Expression::Generator(_) => None, Expression::AsyncFunction(_) => None, Expression::AsyncGenerator(_) => None, Expression::Class(_) => None, Expression::TemplateLiteral(_) => None, Expression::PropertyAccess(atype) => { match atype { PropertyAccess::Simple(access) => { if let Some(target) = self.get_static_expression( { let field = match access.field() { PropertyAccessField::Const(sym) => { Some(self.to_ion_symbol(*sym)) }, PropertyAccessField::Expr(expr) => { self.get_static_expression(expr) }, }; if let Some(field) = field { return target.get_field(field.to_symbol_id()); } } None }, PropertyAccess::Private(_) => todo!(), PropertyAccess::Super(_) => todo!(), } }, Expression::Parenthesized(expr) => self.get_static_expression(expr.expression()), // TODO: Add static evaluation to these. Expression::Assign(_) => None, Expression::Unary(_) => None, Expression::Update(_) => None, Expression::Binary(_) => None, Expression::BinaryInPrivate(_) => None, Expression::Conditional(_) => None, Expression::Call(_) => None, Expression::SuperCall(_) => None, Expression::ImportCall(_) => None, // These probably don't make sense to evaluate statically. Expression::TaggedTemplate(_) => None, Expression::NewTarget => None, Expression::ImportMeta => None, Expression::Await(_) => None, Expression::Yield(_) => None, // I don't expect it will make sense to evaluate these statically. Expression::This => None, Expression::New(_) => None, Expression::Optional(_) => None, _ => todo!(), } } fn compile_expression(&mut self, expression: &Expression) { match expression { Expression::This => self.push_load(0), Expression::Identifier(ident) => { if let Some(value) = self.get_static_expression(expression) { self.push_push(&value); } else { let varid = self.get_or_create_variable(ident.sym()); self.push_load(varid); } }, Expression::Literal(lit) => { let value = self.literal_to_ion(lit); self.push_push(&value); }, Expression::ArrayLiteral(alit) => { if let Some(value) = self.get_static_expression(expression) { self.push_push(&value); } else { for exprmaybe in alit.as_ref() { if let Some(expr) = exprmaybe { self.compile_expression(expr); } else { self.push_push(&IonValue::new_null()); } } self.push_push(&alit.as_ref().len().into()); self.push_newlist(); } }, Expression::ObjectLiteral(olit) => { if let Some(value) = self.get_static_expression(expression) { self.push_push(&value); } else { for propdef in { match propdef { PropertyDefinition::IdentifierReference(ident) => { let varid = self.get_or_create_variable(ident.sym()); self.push_load(varid); let symb = self.to_ion_symbol(ident.sym()); self.push_push(&symb); }, PropertyDefinition::Property(name, expr) => { self.compile_expression(expr); match name { PropertyName::Literal(sym) => { let symb = self.to_ion_symbol(*sym); self.push_push(&symb); }, PropertyName::Computed(_) => todo!(), } }, PropertyDefinition::MethodDefinition(_, _) => todo!(), PropertyDefinition::SpreadObject(_) => todo!(), PropertyDefinition::CoverInitializedName(_, _) => todo!(), } } self.push_push(&; self.push_newstruct(); } }, Expression::Spread(_) => todo!(), Expression::Function(_) => todo!(), Expression::ArrowFunction(_) => todo!(), Expression::AsyncArrowFunction(_) => todo!(), Expression::Generator(_) => todo!(), Expression::AsyncFunction(_) => todo!(), Expression::AsyncGenerator(_) => todo!(), Expression::Class(_) => todo!(), Expression::TemplateLiteral(_) => todo!(), Expression::PropertyAccess(atype) => { match atype { PropertyAccess::Simple(access) => { self.compile_expression(; self.push_iterate(); let label_loop = self.bytecode.len(); self.push_dup2(); let jump_undef = self.push_ifge2(); self.push_load_field(); match access.field() { PropertyAccessField::Const(sym) => { let symbol = self.to_ion_symbol(*sym); self.push_push(&symbol); }, PropertyAccessField::Expr(expr) => { self.compile_expression(expr); }, } let jump_found = self.push_ifeq2(); self.push_next(); let jump_loop = self.push_jump(); self.set_jump_target(jump_loop, label_loop); // Found the field self.set_jump(jump_found); self.push_load_value(); let jump_cleanup = self.push_jump(); // Undefined field self.set_jump(jump_undef); self.push_push(&IonValue::new_null()); // Cleanup // We need to pop four values under the top value: // three for the iterator, one for the object. self.set_jump(jump_cleanup); for _ in 0..4 { self.push_swappop(); } }, PropertyAccess::Private(_) => todo!(), PropertyAccess::Super(_) => todo!(), } }, Expression::New(_) => todo!(), Expression::Call(call) => { for arg in call.args() { self.compile_expression(arg); } if let Some(value) = self.get_static_expression(call.function()) { self.push_invoke(value.to_symbol_id()); } else { self.compile_expression(call.function()); self.push_invoke_dynamic(); } }, Expression::SuperCall(_) => todo!(), Expression::ImportCall(_) => todo!(), Expression::Optional(_) => todo!(), Expression::TaggedTemplate(_) => todo!(), Expression::NewTarget => todo!(), Expression::ImportMeta => todo!(), Expression::Assign(assignment) => self.compile_assignment(assignment), Expression::Unary(_) => todo!(), Expression::Update(_) => todo!(), Expression::Binary(binary) => self.compile_binary(binary), Expression::BinaryInPrivate(_) => todo!(), Expression::Conditional(_) => todo!(), Expression::Await(_) => todo!(), Expression::Yield(_) => todo!(), Expression::Parenthesized(_) => todo!(), _ => todo!(), } } fn compile_statement_list(&mut self, statements: &StatementList) { for item in statements.as_ref() { match item { StatementListItem::Statement(statement) => self.compile_statement(statement), StatementListItem::Declaration(decl) => self.compile_declaration(decl), } } } fn compile_statement(&mut self, statement: &Statement) { match statement { boa_ast::Statement::Block(block) => { self.enter_block(); self.compile_statement_list(block.statement_list()); self.exit_block(); }, boa_ast::Statement::Var(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::Empty => {}, boa_ast::Statement::Expression(expression) => { self.compile_expression(expression); self.push_pop(); }, boa_ast::Statement::If(flow) => { self.compile_expression(flow.cond()); self.push_push(&IonValue::new_bool(false)); let jump_else = self.push_ifeq2(); self.compile_statement(flow.body()); if let Some(statement) = flow.else_node() { let jump_done = self.push_jump(); self.set_jump(jump_else); self.compile_statement(statement); self.set_jump(jump_done) } else { self.set_jump(jump_else); } }, boa_ast::Statement::DoWhileLoop(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::WhileLoop(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::ForLoop(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::ForInLoop(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::ForOfLoop(flow) => { self.compile_expression(flow.iterable()); self.push_iterate(); // Top of the loop let label_loop = self.bytecode.len(); self.push_dup2(); let jump_done = self.push_ifge2(); self.push_load_value(); // Save the request data in the binding match flow.initializer() { IterableLoopInitializer::Identifier(ident) => { let varid = self.get_or_create_variable(ident.sym()); self.push_store(varid); }, IterableLoopInitializer::Access(_) => todo!(), IterableLoopInitializer::Var(_) => todo!(), IterableLoopInitializer::Let(binding) | IterableLoopInitializer::Const(binding) => { self.enter_block(); match binding { Binding::Identifier(ident) => { let varid = self.get_or_create_variable(ident.sym()); self.push_store(varid); }, Binding::Pattern(_) => todo!(), } self.exit_block(); }, IterableLoopInitializer::Pattern(_) => todo!(), } // Run the loop body self.compile_statement(flow.body()); // Back to the top self.push_next(); let jump_loop = self.push_jump(); self.set_jump_target(jump_loop, label_loop); // Cleanup // We need to pop four values under the top value: // three for the iterator, one for the object. self.set_jump(jump_done); for _ in 0..4 { self.push_pop(); } }, boa_ast::Statement::Switch(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::Continue(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::Break(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::Return(ret) => { if let Some(expr) = { self.compile_expression(expr); self.push_yield(); } self.push_return(); }, boa_ast::Statement::Labelled(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::Throw(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::Try(_) => todo!(), boa_ast::Statement::With(_) => todo!(), } } pub fn dump(&self) { println!("Symbols"); println!("-------"); for (id, text) in self.symbols.symbols().iter().enumerate() { println!("{id:04X} {text}"); } println!(); println!("Functions"); println!("---------"); for func in &self.functions { println!("{:04X} pc: {:04X}", func.name_symbol, func.pc); } println!(); println!("Bytecode"); println!("--------"); println!("ADDRESS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F TEXT"); for (i, bytes) in self.bytecode.chunks(16).enumerate() { print!("{:08X} ", i * 16); for b in bytes { print!("{b:02X} "); } for _ in bytes.len()..16 { print!(" "); } print!(" "); for b in bytes { if (0x40..0x7F).contains(b) { unsafe { print!("{}", char::from_u32_unchecked(*b as u32)); } } else { print!("."); } } println!(); } println!(); println!("Disassembly"); println!("--------"); print_disassembly(&self.bytecode); println!(); } pub fn compile_script(&mut self, script: Script) { for item in script.statements().statements() { if let StatementListItem::Declaration(decl) = item { if let Declaration::Function(_) = decl { self.compile_declaration(decl); } else { todo!("Not supported in the global scope."); } } else { todo!("Not supported in the global scope."); } } } } impl From for Runtime { fn from(compiler: JsCompiler) -> Self { Runtime::new(compiler.symbols, compiler.bytecode, compiler.functions) } }