#_______________________________________________________________________________ # # edam's Arduino makefile #_______________________________________________________________________________ # version 0.5 # # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Tim Marston . # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # #_______________________________________________________________________________ # # # This is a general purpose makefile for use with Arduino hardware and # software. It works with the arduino-1.0 and later software releases. It # should work GNU/Linux and OS X. To download the latest version of this # makefile visit the following website where you can also find documentation on # it's use. (The following text can only really be considered a reference.) # # http://ed.am/dev/make/arduino-mk # # This makefile can be used as a drop-in replacement for the Arduino IDE's # build system. To use it, just copy arduino.mk in to your project directory. # Or, you could save it somewhere (I keep mine at ~/src/arduino.mk) and create # a symlink to it in your project directory, named "Makefile". For example: # # $ ln -s ~/src/arduino.mk Makefile # # The Arduino software (version 1.0 or later) is required. On GNU/Linux you # can probably install the software from your package manager. If you are # using Debian (or a derivative), try `apt-get install arduino`. Otherwise, # you can download the Arduino software manually from http://arduino.cc/. It # is suggested that you install it at ~/opt/arduino (or /Applications on OS X) # if you are unsure. # # If you downloaded the Arduino software manually and unpacked it somewhere # other than ~/opt/arduino (or /Applications), you will need to set up the # ARDUINODIR environment variable to be the path where you unpacked it. (If # unset, ARDUINODIR defaults to some sensible places). You could set this in # your ~/.profile by adding something like this: # # export ARDUINODIR=~/somewhere/arduino-1.0 # # For each project, you will also need to set BOARD to the type of Arduino # you're building for. Type `make boards` for a list of acceptable values. # For example: # # $ export BOARD=uno # $ make # # You may also need to set SERIALDEV if it is not detected correctly. # # The presence of a .ino (or .pde) file causes the arduino.mk to automatically # determine values for SOURCES, TARGET and LIBRARIES. Any .c, .cc and .cpp # files in the project directory (or any "util" or "utility" subdirectories) # are automatically included in the build and are scanned for Arduino libraries # that have been #included. Note, there can only be one .ino (or .pde) file in # a project directory and if you want to be compatible with the Arduino IDE, it # should be called the same as the directory name. # # Alternatively, if you want to manually specify build variables, create a # Makefile that defines SOURCES and LIBRARIES and then includes arduino.mk. # (There is no need to define TARGET). You can also specify the BOARD here, if # the project has a specific one. Here is an example Makefile: # # SOURCES := main.cc other.cc # LIBRARIES := EEPROM # BOARD := pro5v # include ~/src/arduino.mk # # Here is a complete list of configuration parameters: # # ARDUINODIR The path where the Arduino software is installed on your system. # # ARDUINOCONST The Arduino software version, as an integer, used to define the # ARDUINO version constant. This defaults to 100 if undefined. # # AVRDUDECONF The avrdude.conf to use. If undefined, this defaults to a guess # based on where avrdude is. If set empty, no avrdude.conf is # passed to avrdude (so the system default is used). # # AVRDUDEFLAGS Specify any additional flags for avrdude. The usual flags, # required to build the project, will be appended to this. # # AVRTOOLSPATH A space-separated list of directories that is searched in order # when looking for the avr build tools. This defaults to PATH, # followed by subdirectories in ARDUINODIR. # # BOARD Specify a target board type. Run `make boards` to see available # board types. # # CPPFLAGS Specify any additional flags for the compiler. The usual flags, # required to build the project, will be appended to this. # # LINKFLAGS Specify any additional flags for the linker. The usual flags, # required to build the project, will be appended to this. # # LIBRARIES A list of Arduino libraries to build and include. This is set # automatically if a .ino (or .pde) is found. # # LIBRARYPATH A space-separated list of directories that is searched in order # when looking for Arduino libraries. This defaults to "libs", # "libraries" (in the project directory), then your sketchbook # "libraries" directory, then the Arduino libraries directory. # # SERIALDEV The POSIX device name of the serial device that is the Arduino. # If unspecified, an attempt is made to guess the name of a # connected Arduino's serial device, which may work in some cases. # # SOURCES A list of all source files of whatever language. The language # type is determined by the file extension. This is set # automatically if a .ino (or .pde) is found. # # TARGET The name of the target file. This is set automatically if a # .ino (or .pde) is found, but it is not necessary to set it # otherwise. # # This makefile also defines the following goals for use on the command line # when you run make: # # all This is the default if no goal is specified. It builds the # target. # # target Builds the target. # # upload Uploads the target (building it, as necessary) to an attached # Arduino. # # clean Deletes files created during the build. # # boards Display a list of available board names, so that you can set the # BOARD environment variable appropriately. # # monitor Start `screen` on the serial device. This is meant to be an # equivalent to the Arduino serial monitor. # # size Displays size information about the built target. # # bootloader Burns the bootloader for your board to it. # # Builds the specified file, either an object file or the target, # from those that that would be built for the project. #_______________________________________________________________________________ # # default arduino software directory, check software exists ifndef ARDUINODIR ARDUINODIR := $(firstword $(wildcard ~/opt/arduino /usr/share/arduino \ /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java \ $(HOME)/Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java)) endif ifeq "$(wildcard $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/arduino/boards.txt)" "" $(error ARDUINODIR is not set correctly; arduino software not found) endif # default arduino version ARDUINOCONST ?= 100 # default path for avr tools AVRTOOLSPATH ?= $(subst :, , $(PATH)) $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/tools \ $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/tools/avr/bin # default path to find libraries LIBRARYPATH ?= libraries libs $(SKETCHBOOKDIR)/libraries $(ARDUINODIR)/libraries # default serial device to a poor guess (something that might be an arduino) SERIALDEVGUESS := 0 ifndef SERIALDEV SERIALDEV := $(firstword $(wildcard \ /dev/ttyACM? /dev/ttyUSB? /dev/tty.usbserial* /dev/tty.usbmodem*)) SERIALDEVGUESS := 1 endif # no board? ifndef BOARD ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "boards" ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean" $(error BOARD is unset. Type 'make boards' to see possible values) endif endif endif # obtain board parameters from the arduino boards.txt file BOARDSFILE := $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/arduino/boards.txt readboardsparam = $(shell sed -ne "s/$(BOARD).$(1)=\(.*\)/\1/p" $(BOARDSFILE)) BOARD_BUILD_MCU := $(call readboardsparam,build.mcu) BOARD_BUILD_FCPU := $(call readboardsparam,build.f_cpu) BOARD_BUILD_VARIANT := $(call readboardsparam,build.variant) BOARD_UPLOAD_SPEED := $(call readboardsparam,upload.speed) BOARD_UPLOAD_PROTOCOL := $(call readboardsparam,upload.protocol) BOARD_USB_VID := $(call readboardsparam,build.vid) BOARD_USB_PID := $(call readboardsparam,build.pid) BOARD_BOOTLOADER_UNLOCK := $(call readboardsparam,bootloader.unlock_bits) BOARD_BOOTLOADER_LOCK := $(call readboardsparam,bootloader.lock_bits) BOARD_BOOTLOADER_LFUSES := $(call readboardsparam,bootloader.low_fuses) BOARD_BOOTLOADER_HFUSES := $(call readboardsparam,bootloader.high_fuses) BOARD_BOOTLOADER_EFUSES := $(call readboardsparam,bootloader.extended_fuses) BOARD_BOOTLOADER_PATH := $(call readboardsparam,bootloader.path) BOARD_BOOTLOADER_FILE := $(call readboardsparam,bootloader.file) # obtain preferences from the IDE's preferences.txt PREFERENCESFILE := $(firstword $(wildcard \ $(HOME)/.arduino/preferences.txt $(HOME)/Library/Arduino/preferences.txt)) ifneq "$(PREFERENCESFILE)" "" readpreferencesparam = $(shell sed -ne "s/$(1)=\(.*\)/\1/p" $(PREFERENCESFILE)) SKETCHBOOKDIR := $(call readpreferencesparam,sketchbook.path) endif # invalid board? ifeq "$(BOARD_BUILD_MCU)" "" ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "boards" ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean" $(error BOARD is invalid. Type 'make boards' to see possible values) endif endif endif # auto mode? INOFILE := $(wildcard */*.ino */*.pde *.ino *.pde) ifdef INOFILE ifneq "$(words $(INOFILE))" "1" $(error There is more than one .pde or .ino file in this directory!) endif # automatically determine sources and targeet TARGET := $(basename $(INOFILE)) SOURCES := $(INOFILE) \ $(wildcard *.c *.cc *.cpp *.C) \ $(wildcard $(addprefix util/, *.c *.cc *.cpp *.C)) \ $(wildcard $(addprefix utility/, *.c *.cc *.cpp *.C)) # automatically determine included libraries LIBRARIES := $(filter $(notdir $(wildcard $(addsuffix /*, $(LIBRARYPATH)))), \ $(shell sed -ne "s/^ *\# *include *[<\"]\(.*\)\.h[>\"]/\1/p" $(SOURCES))) endif # software findsoftware = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1), $(AVRTOOLSPATH)))) CC := $(call findsoftware,avr-gcc) CXX := $(call findsoftware,avr-g++) LD := $(call findsoftware,avr-ld) AR := $(call findsoftware,avr-ar) OBJCOPY := $(call findsoftware,avr-objcopy) AVRDUDE := $(call findsoftware,avrdude) AVRSIZE := $(call findsoftware,avr-size) # directories ARDUINOCOREDIR := $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino LIBRARYDIRS := $(foreach lib, $(LIBRARIES), \ $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(lib), $(LIBRARYPATH))))) LIBRARYDIRS += $(addsuffix /utility, $(LIBRARYDIRS)) # files TARGET := $(if $(TARGET),$(TARGET),a.out) OBJECTS := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOURCES))) DEPFILES := $(patsubst %, .dep/%.dep, $(SOURCES)) ARDUINOLIB := .lib/arduino.a ARDUINOLIBOBJS := $(foreach dir, $(ARDUINOCOREDIR) $(LIBRARYDIRS), \ $(patsubst %, .lib/%.o, $(wildcard $(addprefix $(dir)/, *.c *.cpp)))) BOOTLOADERHEX := $(addprefix \ $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/arduino/bootloaders/$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_PATH)/, \ $(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_FILE)) # avrdude confifuration ifeq "$(AVRDUDECONF)" "" ifeq "$(AVRDUDE)" "$(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude" AVRDUDECONF := $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf else AVRDUDECONF := $(wildcard $(AVRDUDE).conf) endif endif # flags CPPFLAGS += -Os -Wall -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections CPPFLAGS += -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums CPPFLAGS += -mmcu=$(BOARD_BUILD_MCU) CPPFLAGS += -DF_CPU=$(BOARD_BUILD_FCPU) -DARDUINO=$(ARDUINOCONST) CPPFLAGS += -DUSB_VID=$(BOARD_USB_VID) -DUSB_PID=$(BOARD_USB_PID) CPPFLAGS += -I. -Iutil -Iutility -I $(ARDUINOCOREDIR) CPPFLAGS += -I $(ARDUINODIR)/hardware/arduino/variants/$(BOARD_BUILD_VARIANT)/ CPPFLAGS += $(addprefix -I , $(LIBRARYDIRS)) CPPDEPFLAGS = -MMD -MP -MF .dep/$<.dep CPPINOFLAGS := -x c++ -include $(ARDUINOCOREDIR)/Arduino.h AVRDUDEFLAGS += $(addprefix -C , $(AVRDUDECONF)) -DV AVRDUDEFLAGS += -p $(BOARD_BUILD_MCU) -P $(SERIALDEV) AVRDUDEFLAGS += -c $(BOARD_UPLOAD_PROTOCOL) -b $(BOARD_UPLOAD_SPEED) LINKFLAGS += -Os -Wl,--gc-sections -mmcu=$(BOARD_BUILD_MCU) # figure out which arg to use with stty (for OS X, GNU and busybox stty) STTYFARG := $(shell stty --help 2>&1 | \ grep -q 'illegal option' && echo -f || echo -F) # include dependencies ifneq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "clean" -include $(DEPFILES) endif # default rule .DEFAULT_GOAL := all #_______________________________________________________________________________ # RULES .PHONY: all target upload clean boards monitor size bootloader all: target target: $(TARGET).hex upload: target @echo "\nUploading to board..." @test -n "$(SERIALDEV)" || { \ echo "error: SERIALDEV could not be determined automatically." >&2; \ exit 1; } @test 0 -eq $(SERIALDEVGUESS) || { \ echo "*GUESSING* at serial device:" $(SERIALDEV); \ echo; } ifeq "$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_PATH)" "caterina" stty $(STTYFARG) $(SERIALDEV) speed 1200 sleep 1 else stty $(STTYFARG) $(SERIALDEV) hupcl endif $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDEFLAGS) -U flash:w:$(TARGET).hex:i clean: rm -f $(OBJECTS) rm -f $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).hex $(ARDUINOLIB) *~ rm -rf .lib .dep boards: @echo "Available values for BOARD:" @sed -nEe '/^#/d; /^[^.]+\.name=/p' $(BOARDSFILE) | \ sed -Ee 's/([^.]+)\.name=(.*)/\1 \2/' \ -e 's/(.{12}) *(.*)/\1 \2/' monitor: @test -n "$(SERIALDEV)" || { \ echo "error: SERIALDEV could not be determined automatically." >&2; \ exit 1; } @test -n `which screen` || { \ echo "error: can't find GNU screen, you might need to install it." >&2 \ exit 1; } @test 0 -eq $(SERIALDEVGUESS) || { \ echo "*GUESSING* at serial device:" $(SERIALDEV); \ echo; } screen $(SERIALDEV) size: $(TARGET).elf echo && $(AVRSIZE) --format=avr --mcu=$(BOARD_BUILD_MCU) $(TARGET).elf bootloader: @echo "Burning bootloader to board..." @test -n "$(SERIALDEV)" || { \ echo "error: SERIALDEV could not be determined automatically." >&2; \ exit 1; } @test 0 -eq $(SERIALDEVGUESS) || { \ echo "*GUESSING* at serial device:" $(SERIALDEV); \ echo; } stty $(STTYFARG) $(SERIALDEV) hupcl $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDEFLAGS) -U lock:w:$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_UNLOCK):m $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDEFLAGS) -eU lfuse:w:$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_LFUSES):m $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDEFLAGS) -U hfuse:w:$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_HFUSES):m ifneq "$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_EFUSES)" "" $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDEFLAGS) -U efuse:w:$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_EFUSES):m endif ifneq "$(BOOTLOADERHEX)" "" $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDEFLAGS) -U flash:w:$(BOOTLOADERHEX):i endif $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDEFLAGS) -U lock:w:$(BOARD_BOOTLOADER_LOCK):m # building the target $(TARGET).hex: $(TARGET).elf $(OBJCOPY) -O ihex -R .eeprom $< $@ .INTERMEDIATE: $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).elf: $(ARDUINOLIB) $(OBJECTS) $(CC) $(LINKFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(ARDUINOLIB) -lm -o $@ %.o: %.c mkdir -p .dep/$(dir $<) $(COMPILE.c) $(CPPDEPFLAGS) -o $@ $< %.o: %.cpp mkdir -p .dep/$(dir $<) $(COMPILE.cpp) $(CPPDEPFLAGS) -o $@ $< %.o: %.cc mkdir -p .dep/$(dir $<) $(COMPILE.cpp) $(CPPDEPFLAGS) -o $@ $< %.o: %.C mkdir -p .dep/$(dir $<) $(COMPILE.cpp) $(CPPDEPFLAGS) -o $@ $< %.o: %.ino mkdir -p .dep/$(dir $<) $(COMPILE.cpp) $(CPPDEPFLAGS) -o $@ $(CPPINOFLAGS) $< %.o: %.pde mkdir -p .dep/$(dir $<) $(COMPILE.cpp) $(CPPDEPFLAGS) -o $@ $(CPPINOFLAGS) $< # building the arduino library $(ARDUINOLIB): $(ARDUINOLIBOBJS) $(AR) rcs $@ $? .lib/%.c.o: %.c mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(COMPILE.c) -o $@ $< .lib/%.cpp.o: %.cpp mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(COMPILE.cpp) -o $@ $< .lib/%.cc.o: %.cc mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(COMPILE.cpp) -o $@ $< .lib/%.C.o: %.C mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(COMPILE.cpp) -o $@ $< # Local Variables: # mode: makefile # tab-width: 4 # End: