''' Created on May 9, 2011 Modified by: Karl, Jesse ''' from twitter.api import Twitter, TwitterError from twitter.oauth import OAuth, read_token_file from optparse import OptionParser import pickle import os import time CONSUMER_KEY='uS6hO2sV6tDKIOeVjhnFnQ' CONSUMER_SECRET='MEYTOS97VvlHX7K1rwHPEqVpTSqZ71HtvoK4sVuYk' DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'ziggster00' DEFAULT_AUTH_FILENAME = '.twitter_oauth' DEFAULT_LASTID_FILENAME = '.twitter_lastid' Response_File = 'Response.txt' public_Status_update_File = 'Status_update.txt' questions_status_update_File = 'question_status.txt' if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-u', '--username', dest='username') parser.add_option('-o', '--oauthfile', dest='oauthfile') parser.add_option('-l', '--lastid', dest='lastid') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() home_dir = os.environ.get('HOME', '') if options.username: username = options.username else: username = DEFAULT_USERNAME if username[0] != '@': username = '@' + username if options.oauthfile: oauth_filename = options.oauthfile else: oauth_filename = home_dir + os.sep + DEFAULT_AUTH_FILENAME oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = read_token_file(oauth_filename) if options.lastid: lastid = options.lastid else: lastid_filename = home_dir + os.sep + DEFAULT_LASTID_FILENAME try: with open(lastid_filename, 'r') as f: lastid = f.readline() except IOError: lastid = '' poster = Twitter( auth=OAuth( oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET), secure=True, api_version='1', domain='api.twitter.com') def status_update(outgoing_text): print '====> Resp =', outgoing_text try: poster.statuses.update(status=outgoing_text) except TwitterError as e: print '*** Twitter returned an error:\n***%s' % e thestring = ['hello?', 'good bye'] "All files need to be the same length as public_Status_update_File" with open(public_Status_update_File, 'r') as f: tweet = pickle.load(f) with open(questions_status_update_File, 'r') as f: question = pickle.load(f) while True: for line in range(len(tweet)): status_update(tweet[line]) # post a status update print tweet[line] print 'Now sleeping... \n' time.sleep(120) # set at 5min but is at 2min print question[line] status_update(question[line]) print 'Now sleeping... \n' time.sleep(120) # set for 2min.