import decimal import gzip from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date from xml.etree import ElementTree __version__ = "1.0" class Book(object): """ A book is the main container for GNU Cash data. It doesn't really do anything at all by itself, except to have a reference to the accounts, transactions, and commodities. """ def __init__(self, guid, transactions=None, root_account=None, commodities=None, slots=None): self.guid = guid self.transactions = transactions or [] self.root_account = root_account self.commodities = commodities or [] self.slots = slots or {} def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.guid) def walk(self): return self.root_account.walk() def find_account(self, name): for account, children, splits in self.walk(): if == name: return account class Commodity(object): """ A commodity is something that's stored in GNU Cash accounts. Consists of a name (or id) and a space (namespace). """ def __init__(self, name, space=None): = name = space def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return "".format(, class Account(object): """ An account is part of a tree structure of accounts and contains splits. """ def __init__(self, name, guid, actype, parent=None, commodity=None, commodity_scu=None, description=None, slots=None): = name self.guid = guid self.actype = actype self.description = description self.parent = parent self.children = [] self.commodity = commodity self.commodity_scu = commodity_scu self.splits = [] self.slots = slots or {} def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.guid) def walk(self): """ Generate splits in this account tree by walking the tree. For each account, it yields a 3-tuple (account, subaccounts, splits). You can modify the list of subaccounts, but should not modify the list of splits. """ accounts = [self] while accounts: acc, accounts = accounts[0], accounts[1:] children = list(acc.children) yield (acc, children, acc.splits) accounts.extend(children) def get_all_splits(self): split_list = [] for account, children, splits in self.walk(): split_list.extend(splits) return sorted(split_list) class Transaction(object): """ A transaction is a balanced group of splits. """ def __init__(self, guid=None, currency=None, date=None, date_entered=None, description=None, splits=None, slots=None): self.guid = guid self.currency = currency = date self.date_entered = date_entered self.description = description self.splits = splits or [] self.slots = slots or {} def __repr__(self): return u"".format(self.guid) def __lt__(self, other): # For sorted() only if isinstance(other, Transaction): return < else: False class Split(object): """ A split is one entry in a transaction. """ def __init__(self, guid=None, memo=None, reconciled_state=None, reconcile_date=None, value=None, quantity=None, account=None, transaction=None, slots=None): self.guid = guid self.reconciled_state = reconciled_state self.reconcile_date = reconcile_date self.value = value self.quantity = quantity self.account = account self.transaction = transaction self.memo = memo self.slots = slots def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.guid) def __lt__(self, other): # For sorted() only if isinstance(other, Split): return self.transaction < other.transaction else: False ################################################################## # XML file parsing def from_filename(filename): """Parse a GNU Cash file and return a Book object.""" return parse(, "rb")) # Implemented: # - gnc:book # # Not implemented: # - gnc:count-data # - This seems to be primarily for integrity checks? def parse(fobj): """Parse GNU Cash XML data from a file object and return a Book object.""" tree = ElementTree.parse(fobj) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != 'gnc-v2': raise ValueError("File stream was not a valid GNU Cash v2 XML file") return _book_from_tree(root.find("{}book")) # Implemented: # - book:id # - book:slots # - gnc:commodity # - gnc:account # - gnc:transaction # # Not implemented: # - gnc:schedxaction # - gnc:template-transactions # - gnc:count-data # - This seems to be primarily for integrity checks? def _book_from_tree(tree): guid = tree.find('{}id').text commodities = [] commoditydict = {} for child in tree.findall('{}commodity'): comm = _commodity_from_tree(child) commodities.append(comm) commoditydict[(,] = comm root_account = None accountdict = {} parentdict = {} for child in tree.findall('{}account'): parent_guid, acc = _account_from_tree(child, commoditydict) if acc.actype == 'ROOT': root_account = acc accountdict[acc.guid] = acc parentdict[acc.guid] = parent_guid for acc in accountdict.values(): if acc.parent is None and acc.actype != 'ROOT': parent = accountdict[parentdict[acc.guid]] acc.parent = parent parent.children.append(acc) transactions = [] for child in tree.findall('{}' 'transaction'): transactions.append(_transaction_from_tree(child, accountdict, commoditydict)) slots = _slots_from_tree( tree.find('{}slots')) return Book(guid=guid, transactions=transactions, root_account=root_account, commodities=commodities, slots=slots) # Implemented: # - cmdty:id # - cmdty:space # # Not implemented: # - cmdty:get_quotes => unknown, empty, optional # - cmdty:quote_tz => unknown, empty, optional # - cmdty:source => text, optional, e.g. "currency" # - cmdty:name => optional, e.g. "template" # - cmdty:xcode => optional, e.g. "template" # - cmdty:fraction => optional, e.g. "1" def _commodity_from_tree(tree): name = tree.find('{}id').text space = tree.find('{}space').text return Commodity(name=name, space=space) # Implemented: # - act:name # - act:id # - act:type # - act:description # - act:commodity # - act:commodity-scu # - act:parent # - act:slots def _account_from_tree(tree, commoditydict): act = '{}' cmdty = '{}' name = tree.find(act + 'name').text guid = tree.find(act + 'id').text actype = tree.find(act + 'type').text description = tree.find(act + "description") if description is not None: description = description.text slots = _slots_from_tree(tree.find(act + 'slots')) if actype == 'ROOT': parent_guid = None commodity = None commodity_scu = None else: parent_guid = tree.find(act + 'parent').text commodity_space = tree.find(act + 'commodity/' + cmdty + 'space').text commodity_name = tree.find(act + 'commodity/' + cmdty + 'id').text commodity_scu = tree.find(act + 'commodity-scu').text commodity = commoditydict[(commodity_space, commodity_name)] return parent_guid, Account(name=name, description=description, guid=guid, actype=actype, commodity=commodity, commodity_scu=commodity_scu, slots=slots) # Implemented: # - trn:id # - trn:currency # - trn:date-posted # - trn:date-entered # - trn:description # - trn:splits / trn:split # - trn:slots def _transaction_from_tree(tree, accountdict, commoditydict): trn = '{}' cmdty = '{}' ts = '{}' split = '{}' guid = tree.find(trn + "id").text currency_space = tree.find(trn + "currency/" + cmdty + "space").text currency_name = tree.find(trn + "currency/" + cmdty + "id").text currency = commoditydict[(currency_space, currency_name)] date = parse_date(tree.find(trn + "date-posted/" + ts + "date").text) date_entered = parse_date(tree.find(trn + "date-entered/" + ts + "date").text) description = tree.find(trn + "description").text slots = _slots_from_tree(tree.find(trn + "slots")) transaction = Transaction(guid=guid, currency=currency, date=date, date_entered=date_entered, description=description, slots=slots) for subtree in tree.findall(trn + "splits/" + trn + "split"): split = _split_from_tree(subtree, accountdict, transaction) transaction.splits.append(split) return transaction # Implemented: # - split:id # - split:memo # - split:reconciled-state # - split:reconcile-date # - split:value # - split:quantity # - split:account # - split:slots def _split_from_tree(tree, accountdict, transaction): split = '{}' ts = "{}" guid = tree.find(split + "id").text memo = tree.find(split + "memo") if memo is not None: memo = memo.text reconciled_state = tree.find(split + "reconciled-state").text reconcile_date = tree.find(split + "reconcile-date/" + ts + "date") if reconcile_date is not None: reconcile_date = parse_date(reconcile_date.text) value = _parse_number(tree.find(split + "value").text) quantity = _parse_number(tree.find(split + "quantity").text) account_guid = tree.find(split + "account").text account = accountdict[account_guid] slots = _slots_from_tree(tree.find(split + "slots")) split = Split(guid=guid, memo=memo, reconciled_state=reconciled_state, reconcile_date=reconcile_date, value=value, quantity=quantity, account=account, transaction=transaction, slots=slots) account.splits.append(split) return split # Implemented: # - slot # - slot:key # - slot:value # - ts:date # - gdate def _slots_from_tree(tree): if tree is None: return {} slot = "{}" ts = "{}" slots = {} for elt in tree.findall("slot"): key = elt.find(slot + "key").text value = elt.find(slot + "value") type_ = value.get('type', 'string') if type_ == 'integer': slots[key] = long(value.text) elif type_ == 'numeric': slots[key] = _parse_number(value.text) elif type_ in ('string', 'guid'): slots[key] = value.text elif type_ == 'gdate': slots[key] = parse_date(value.find("gdate").text) elif type_ == 'timespec': slots[key] = parse_date(value.find(ts + "date").text) elif type_ == 'frame': slots[key] = _slots_from_tree(value) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown slot type {}".format(type_)) return slots def _parse_number(numstring): num, denum = numstring.split("/") return decimal.Decimal(num) / decimal.Decimal(denum)