* */ require_once "base.inc.php"; class Post { private $info; private $indatabase = false; public function __construct($info=null) { $this->info = is_null($info) ? array() : $info; if ($info !== null and isset($info['id'])) { $this->indatabase = true; } else { $this->indatabase = false; } } public static function getById($id) { $where = "id='$id'"; return Post::getPost($where); } public static function getBySecretId($secretid) { $where = "secretid='$secretid'"; return Post::getPost($where); } private static function getPost($where) { $query = "SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS createdts FROM post WHERE $where"; $db = getDatabase(); $row = $db->fetchAssocRow($query); if ($row) { $post = new Post(); $post->info = $row; $post->indatabase = true; return $post; } else { return false; } } public function save() { $db = getDatabase(); // Cleanup Info foreach ($this->info as $key=>$value) $info[$key] = addslashes($value); // Remove artifical fields. unset($info['createdts']); // Save or create? if ($this->indatabase) { try { $db->update('post', $info, "WHERE `id`='". $this->getId() ."'"); return true; } catch (Cif_Database_Exception $e) { return false; } } else { // Creating... set special fields. $info['stage'] = 'verification'; $info['secretid'] = uniqid(); $info['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); try { $ret = $db->insert('post', $info); if ($ret) { $this->info['id'] = $ret; $this->info['stage'] = 'verification'; $this->info['secretid'] = $info['secretid']; } return true; } catch (Cif_Database_Exception $e) { return false; } } } public function getId() { return $this->info['id']; } public function getSecretId() { return $this->info['secretid']; } public function getName() { return htmlspecialchars($this->info['name']); } public function setName($value) { $this->info['name'] = $value; } public function getDescription() { return htmlspecialchars($this->info['description']); } public function setDescription($value) { $this->info['description'] = $value; } public function getStage() { return $this->info['stage']; } public function approve() { if ($this->getStage() == 'moderation') { $this->info['stage'] = 'approved'; $this->sendAcceptance(); } } public function verify() { if ($this->getStage() == 'verification') { $this->info['stage'] = 'moderation'; } } public function reject($message='') { $this->info['stage'] = 'rejected'; $this->sendRejection($message); } public function getCreated() { return $this->info['created']; } public function getEmail() { return $this->info['email']; } public function setEmail($value) { $this->info['email'] = $value; } public function setCategory($value) { $this->info['category_id'] = $value; } public function getAge() { $diff = time() - $this->info['createdts']; if ($diff < 60) { return floor($diff) ." seconds ago"; } else if ($diff < 3600) { return floor($diff / 60) ." minutes ago"; } else if ($diff < 86400) { return floor($diff / 3600) ." hours ago"; } else if ($diff < 604800) { return floor($diff / 86400) ." days ago"; } else { return floor($diff / 604800) . " weeks ago"; } } public function getLocation() { return $this->info['location']; } public function addImage($file) { // TODO: Verify file type // TODO: Unique name for file. $newfile = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['uploads']; if (move_uploaded_file($file, $newfile)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public function sendValidation() { $email = new Email($this->getEmail()); $email->setSubject($GLOBAL['CONFIG']['sitetitle'] . " Email Validation"); $url = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['urlroot'] . '/validate.php?id=' . $this->getSecretId(); $email->appendMessage("Please click on the link below to verify your email address.\n\n"); $email->appendMessage($url); $email->send(); } public function sendAcceptance() { $email = new Email($this->getEmail()); $email->setSubject($GLOBAL['CONFIG']['sitetitle'] . " Posting Approved"); $email->appendMessage("Your posting titled ". $this->getName() ." has been approved by our moderation team.\n\n"); $url = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['urlroot'] . '/postings/' . $this->getId() .'.html'; $email->appendMessage("You can view your post at $url."); $email->send(); } public function sendRejection($message='') { $email = new Email($this->getEmail()); $email->setSubject($GLOBAL['CONFIG']['sitetitle'] . " Posting Rejected"); $email->appendMessage("Your posting titled ". $this->getName() ." has been rejected by our moderation team.\n\n"); if ($message != '') { $email->appendMessage("The moderator left the following comment\n"); $email->appendMessage($message); } $email->send(); } } ?>