/* * Copyright 2006 Amazon Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates. * Amazon, Amazon.com and Carbonado are trademarks or registered trademarks * of Amazon Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.amazon.carbonado; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import com.amazon.carbonado.ConstraintException; import com.amazon.carbonado.Cursor; import com.amazon.carbonado.FetchException; import com.amazon.carbonado.FetchNoneException; import com.amazon.carbonado.OptimisticLockException; import com.amazon.carbonado.PersistException; import com.amazon.carbonado.PersistMultipleException; import com.amazon.carbonado.PersistNoneException; import com.amazon.carbonado.PrimaryKey; import com.amazon.carbonado.Query; import com.amazon.carbonado.Repository; import com.amazon.carbonado.RepositoryException; import com.amazon.carbonado.Storable; import com.amazon.carbonado.Storage; import com.amazon.carbonado.Trigger; import com.amazon.carbonado.UniqueConstraintException; import com.amazon.carbonado.cursor.SortedCursor; import com.amazon.carbonado.spi.RepairExecutor; import com.amazon.carbonado.spi.WrappedSupport; import com.amazon.carbonado.stored.*; /** * Runs an extensive set of acceptance tests for a repository. Must be * subclassed to specify a repository to use. * * @author Don Schneider * @author Brian S O'Neill */ public abstract class TestStorables extends TestCase { public static final long sSetId = 0x1L << 0; // 0x0001 public static final long sGetStringProp = 0x1L << 1; // 0x0002 public static final long sSetStringProp = 0x1L << 2; // 0x0004 public static final long sGetIntProp = 0x1L << 3; // 0x0008 public static final long sSetIntProp = 0x1L << 4; // 0x0010 public static final long sGetLongProp = 0x1L << 5; // 0x0020 public static final long sSetLongProp = 0x1L << 6; // 0x0040 public static final long sGetDoubleProp = 0x1L << 7; // 0x0080 public static final long sSetDoubleProp = 0x1L << 8; // 0x0100 public static final long sLoad = 0x1L << 9; // 0x0200 public static final long sTryLoad = 0x1L << 10; // 0x0400 public static final long sInsert = 0x1L << 11; // 0x0800 public static final long sTryInsert = 0x1L << 31; // 0x8000 0000 public static final long sUpdate = 0x1L << 32; // 0x0001 0000 0000 public static final long sTryUpdate = 0x1L << 12; // 0x1000 public static final long sDelete = 0x1L << 33; // 0x0002 0000 0000 public static final long sTryDelete = 0x1L << 13; // 0x2000 public static final long sStorage = 0x1L << 14; // 0x4000 public static final long sCopy = 0x1L << 15; // 0x8000 public static final long sToStringKeyOnly = 0x1L << 16; // 0x0001 0000 public static final long sGetId = 0x1L << 17; // 0x0002 0000 public static final long sCopyAllProperties = 0x1L << 18; // 0x0004 0000 public static final long sCopyPrimaryKeyProperties = 0x1L << 19; // 0x0080 0000 public static final long sCopyUnequalProperties = 0x1L << 20; // 0x0010 0000 public static final long sCopyDirtyProperties = 0x1L << 21; // 0x0020 0000 public static final long sHasDirtyProperties = 0x1L << 25; // 0x0040 0000 public static final long sEqualKeys = 0x1L << 22; // 0x0080 0000 public static final long sEqualProperties = 0x1L << 23; // 0x0100 0000 public static final long sCopyVersionProperty = 0x1L << 24; // 0x0200 0000 public static final long sMarkPropertiesClean = 0x1L << 26; // 0x0400 0000 public static final long sMarkAllPropertiesClean = 0x1L << 27; // 0x0800 0000 public static final long sMarkPropertiesDirty = 0x1L << 28; // 0x1000 0000 public static final long sMarkAllPropertiesDirty = 0x1L << 29; // 0x2000 0000 public static final long sStorableType = 0x1L << 30; // 0x4000 0000 public static final long ALL_SET_METHODS = // 0x00000155; sSetId + sSetStringProp + sSetIntProp + sSetLongProp + sSetDoubleProp; public static final long ALL_GET_METHODS = // 0x000200AA; sGetId + sGetStringProp + sGetIntProp + sGetLongProp + sGetDoubleProp; public static final long ALL_PRIMARY_KEYS = sSetId; // 0x00000001; public static final long ALL_COPY_PROP_METHODS = // 0x003C0000; sCopyAllProperties + sCopyPrimaryKeyProperties + sCopyUnequalProperties + sCopyDirtyProperties + sCopyVersionProperty; public static final long ALL_INTERFACE_METHODS = // 0x43C1FE00; sLoad + sTryLoad + sInsert + sUpdate + sDelete + sStorage + sCopy + sToStringKeyOnly + ALL_COPY_PROP_METHODS + sHasDirtyProperties + sEqualKeys + sEqualProperties + sMarkPropertiesClean + sMarkPropertiesDirty + sMarkAllPropertiesClean + sMarkAllPropertiesDirty + sStorableType; private Repository mRepository; private static int s_Ids = 0; public TestStorables(String s) { super(s); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); if (mRepository != null) { // The test may have thrown exceptions which cause some // repositories to kick off asynchronous repairs. They will // immediately fail since the repository is about to be // closed. This just eliminates uninteresting errors from being // logged. try { RepairExecutor.waitForRepairsToFinish(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } mRepository.close(); mRepository = null; } } /** * Subclasses must implement this method to specify a repository. */ protected abstract Repository newRepository(boolean isMaster) throws RepositoryException; /** * provide subsequent access to the repository so the tests can do fancy things if * interested. * @return */ protected Repository getRepository() throws RepositoryException { if (mRepository == null) { mRepository = newRepository(true); } return mRepository; } /** * Create a random ID to eliminate optimistic lock conflicts due to ID collisions * @param seed * @return */ private int generateId(int seed) { return seed*10000 + ((int)System.currentTimeMillis()) + s_Ids++; } public void test_createAndRetrieve() throws Exception { Storage storageSB = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic sb = storageSB.prepare(); final int id = generateId(0); sb.setId(id); sb.setIntProp(1); sb.setLongProp(1); sb.setDoubleProp(1.1); sb.setStringProp("one"); sb.setDate(new DateTime("2005-08-26T08:09:00.000")); sb.insert(); StorableTestBasic sb_load = storageSB.prepare(); sb_load.setId(id); sb_load.load(); assertEquals(sb, sb_load); // Try re-inserting // First, make sure the system disallows setting pk for loaded object try { sb.setId(id); fail("successfully set pk on loaded object"); } catch (Exception e) { } // Then the more common way: just create an identical new one StorableTestBasic sbr = storageSB.prepare(); sbr.setId(id); sbr.setIntProp(1); sbr.setLongProp(1); sbr.setDoubleProp(1.1); sbr.setStringProp("one"); sb.setDate(new DateTime("2005-08-26T08:09:00.000")); try { sbr.insert(); fail("PK constraint violation ignored"); } catch (UniqueConstraintException e) { } Storage storageMPK = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestMultiPK.class); StorableTestMultiPK smpk = storageMPK.prepare(); smpk.setIdPK(0); smpk.setStringPK("zero"); smpk.setStringData("and some data"); smpk.insert(); StorableTestMultiPK smpk_load = storageMPK.prepare(); smpk_load.setIdPK(0); smpk_load.setStringPK("zero"); smpk_load.load(); assertEquals(smpk, smpk_load); } public void test_storableStorableStates() throws Exception { Storage storageMinimal = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestKeyValue.class); // Start by just putting some targets in the repository for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { insert(storageMinimal, 100+i, 200+i); } StorableTestKeyValue s = storageMinimal.prepare(); StorableTestKeyValue s2 = storageMinimal.prepare(); // State: unloaded // pk incomplete assertInoperable(s, "new - untouched"); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); // new --set(pk)--> loadable incomplete s.setKey1(0); assertInoperable(s, "Loadable Incomplete"); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); s.setKey1(101); assertInoperable(s, "loadable incomplete (2nd)"); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); // loadable incomplete --pkFilled--> loadable ready s.setKey2(201); assertEquals(true, s.tryDelete()); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); s.setKey1(102); s.setKey2(202); assertEquals(true, s.tryDelete()); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); // loadable ready --load()--> loaded s.setKey1(103); s.setKey2(203); s.load(); assertEquals(s.getValue1(), 1030); assertEquals(s.getValue2(), 20300); assertNoInsert(s, "written"); assertNoSetPK(s, "written"); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); s2.setKey1(103); s2.setKey2(203); assertFalse(s2.hasDirtyProperties()); s2.load(); assertFalse(s2.hasDirtyProperties()); assertTrue(s.equalPrimaryKeys(s2)); assertTrue(s.equalProperties(s2)); assertEquals(s.storableType(), s2.storableType()); assertTrue(s.equals(s2)); assertEquals(s, s2); s.setValue1(11); s.setValue2(11111); assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); assertEquals(11, s.getValue1()); assertEquals(11111, s.getValue2()); s2.load(); assertEquals(s, s2); StorableTestKeyValue s3 = storageMinimal.prepare(); s.copyPrimaryKeyProperties(s3); s3.tryUpdate(); assertEquals(s, s3); s.setValue2(222222); assertTrue(s.hasDirtyProperties()); s.load(); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); assertEquals(s, s2); // Update should return true, even though it probably didn't actually // touch the storage layer. assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); s.tryDelete(); assertNoLoad(s, "deleted"); // After delete, saved properties remain dirty. assertTrue(s.hasDirtyProperties()); s.insert(); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); s.load(); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); assertEquals(s, s2); } public void test_storableInteractions() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic s = storage.prepare(); final int id = generateId(111); s.setId(id); s.initBasicProperties(); assertTrue(s.hasDirtyProperties()); s.insert(); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); StorableTestBasic s2 = storage.prepare(); s2.setId(id); s2.load(); assertTrue(s2.equalPrimaryKeys(s)); assertTrue(s2.equalProperties(s)); assertTrue(s2.equals(s)); StorableTestBasic s3 = storage.prepare(); s3.setId(id); s3.tryDelete(); // Should be able to re-insert. s2.insert(); s2.load(); assertTrue(s2.equalPrimaryKeys(s)); assertTrue(s2.equalProperties(s)); assertTrue(s2.equals(s)); // Delete in preparation for next test. s3.tryDelete(); s.setStringProp("updated by s"); // The object is gone, we can't update it assertEquals(false, s.tryUpdate()); // ...or load it try { s2.load(); fail("shouldn't be able to load a deleted object"); } catch (FetchException e) { } } public void test_assymetricStorable() throws Exception { try { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestAssymetric.class); } catch (Exception e) { fail("exception creating storable with assymetric concrete getter?" + e); } try { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestAssymetricGet.class); fail("Created assymetric storabl`e"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestAssymetricSet.class); fail("Created assymetric storable"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestAssymetricGetSet.class); fail("Created assymetric storable"); } catch (Exception e) { } } private void assertNoSetPK(StorableTestKeyValue aStorableTestKeyValue, String aState) { try { aStorableTestKeyValue.setKey1(1111); fail("'set pk' for '" + aState + "' succeeded"); } catch (Exception e) { } } private void assertInoperable(Storable aStorable, String aState) { assertNoInsert(aStorable, aState); assertNoUpdate(aStorable, aState); assertNoLoad(aStorable, aState); assertNoDelete(aStorable, aState); } private void assertNoDelete(Storable aStorable, String aState) { try { aStorable.tryDelete(); fail("'delete' for '" + aState + "' succeeded"); } catch (PersistException e) { } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } } private void assertNoLoad(Storable aStorable, String aState) { try { aStorable.load(); fail("'load' for '" + aState + "' succeeded"); } catch (FetchException e) { } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } } private void assertNoInsert(Storable aStorable, String aState) { try { aStorable.insert(); fail("'insert' for '" + aState + "' succeeded"); } catch (PersistException e) { } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } } private void assertNoUpdate(Storable aStorable, String aState) { try { aStorable.tryUpdate(); fail("'update' for '" + aState + "' succeeded"); } catch (PersistException e) { } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } } private void insert(Storage aStorageMinimal, int key1, int key2) throws PersistException { StorableTestKeyValue s = aStorageMinimal.prepare(); s.setKey1(key1); s.setKey2(key2); s.setValue1(key1*10); s.setValue2(key2*100); s.insert(); } public void test_copyStorableProperties() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic storable = storage.prepare(); InvocationTracker tracker = new InvocationTracker("tracker", false); storable.copyAllProperties(tracker); // unloaded, untouched; nothing happens tracker.assertTrack(0); storable.setId(generateId(1)); storable.setIntProp(1); storable.copyAllProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(0x1 + 0x10); tracker.clearTracks(); storable.initBasicProperties(); storable.copyAllProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(ALL_SET_METHODS); tracker.clearTracks(); storable = storage.prepare(); storable.copyPrimaryKeyProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(0); storable.initPrimaryKeyProperties(); storable.copyPrimaryKeyProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(ALL_PRIMARY_KEYS); tracker.clearTracks(); storable = storage.prepare(); storable.copyUnequalProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(0); storable.setIntProp(0); // this will now be dirty, and equal storable.copyUnequalProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(0x8); storable.setIntProp(1); // this will now be dirty and not equal storable.copyUnequalProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(0x8 | 0x10); // get a fresh one storable = storage.prepare(); storable.setStringProp("hi"); storable.setId(22); storable.copyPrimaryKeyProperties(tracker); storable.copyDirtyProperties(tracker); tracker.assertTrack(0x05); } public void test_copy() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic storable = storage.prepare(); storable.setId(5); storable.setStringProp("hello"); storable.setIntProp(512); storable.setLongProp(45354L); storable.setDoubleProp(56734.234); Storable copy = storable.copy(); assertEquals(storable.getClass(), copy.getClass()); assertEquals(storable, copy); StorableTestBasic castedCopy = (StorableTestBasic) copy; assertEquals(storable.getId(), castedCopy.getId()); assertEquals(storable.getStringProp(), castedCopy.getStringProp()); assertEquals(storable.getIntProp(), castedCopy.getIntProp()); assertEquals(storable.getLongProp(), castedCopy.getLongProp()); assertEquals(storable.getDoubleProp(), castedCopy.getDoubleProp()); } public void test_invalidStorables() throws Exception { try { getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestInvalid.class); fail("prepared invalid storable"); } catch (RepositoryException e) { } } public void test_invalidPatterns() throws Exception { // Minimal -- try setting with no PK Storage storageMinimal = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestMinimal.class); StorableTestMinimal s = storageMinimal.prepare(); assertNoInsert(s, "new (minimal)"); s.setId(generateId(0)); s.insert(); // Basic -- try combinations of PK, fields // First, fill in all the fields but no PK Storage storageBasic = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic sb = storageBasic.prepare(); assertNoInsert(sb, "new (basic)");; sb.setIntProp(0); sb.setIntProp(1); sb.setLongProp(1); sb.setDoubleProp(1.1); sb.setStringProp("one"); sb.setDate(new DateTime("2005-08-26T08:09:00.000")); assertNoInsert(sb, "SB: Storable incomplete (pkMissing)"); sb.setId(generateId(2)); sb.insert(); // Now try leaving one of the fields empty. sb = storageBasic.prepare(); final int id = generateId(3); sb.setId(id); sb.setIntProp(0); sb.setIntProp(1); sb.setLongProp(1); sb.setDoubleProp(1.1); try { sb.insert(); fail(); } catch (ConstraintException e) { } sb = storageBasic.prepare(); sb.setId(id); try { sb.load(); fail(); } catch (FetchNoneException e) { } } public void test_nonDestructiveUpdate() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic s = storage.prepare(); int id = generateId(3943945); s.setId(id); s.setStringProp("hello"); s.setIntProp(56); s.setLongProp(99999999999999999L); s.setDoubleProp(Double.NaN); s.insert(); s = storage.prepare(); s.setId(id); s.setIntProp(100); assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); assertEquals("hello", s.getStringProp()); assertEquals(100, s.getIntProp()); assertEquals(99999999999999999L, s.getLongProp()); assertEquals(Double.NaN, s.getDoubleProp()); s = storage.prepare(); s.setId(id); s.load(); assertEquals("hello", s.getStringProp()); assertEquals(100, s.getIntProp()); assertEquals(99999999999999999L, s.getLongProp()); assertEquals(Double.NaN, s.getDoubleProp()); } public void test_updateLoadSideEffect() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic s = storage.prepare(); final int id = generateId(500); s.setId(id); s.setStringProp("hello"); s.setIntProp(10); s.setLongProp(123456789012345L); s.setDoubleProp(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); s.insert(); s = storage.prepare(); s.setId(id); assertEquals(id, s.getId()); assertEquals(0, s.getIntProp()); assertEquals(0L, s.getLongProp()); assertEquals(0.0, s.getDoubleProp()); assertFalse(s.hasDirtyProperties()); // Even if nothing was updated, must load fresh copy. assertTrue(s.tryUpdate()); assertEquals(id, s.getId()); assertEquals(10, s.getIntProp()); assertEquals(123456789012345L, s.getLongProp()); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, s.getDoubleProp()); } public void test_versioning() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersioned.class); StorableVersioned s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(500); s.setValue("hello"); try { // Require version property to be set. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } s.setVersion(1); try { // Cannot update that which does not exist. s.update(); fail(); } catch (PersistNoneException e) { } s.insert(); s.setVersion(2); try { // Record version mismatch. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { } s.setVersion(1); s.setValue("world"); s.tryUpdate(); assertEquals(2, s.getVersion()); assertEquals("world", s.getValue()); // Since no properties changed, update does not increase version. assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); assertEquals(2, s.getVersion()); // Simple test to ensure that version property doesn't need to be // dirtied. s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(500); s.load(); s.setValue("hello"); assertTrue(s.tryUpdate()); } public void test_versioningWithLong() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersionedWithLong.class); StorableVersionedWithLong s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(500); s.setValue("hello"); try { // Require version property to be set. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } s.setVersion(1); try { // Cannot update that which does not exist. s.update(); fail(); } catch (PersistNoneException e) { } s.insert(); s.setVersion(2); try { // Record version mismatch. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { } s.setVersion(1); s.setValue("world"); s.tryUpdate(); assertEquals(2, s.getVersion()); assertEquals("world", s.getValue()); // Since no properties changed, update does not increase version. assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); assertEquals(2, s.getVersion()); } public void test_versioningWithObj() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersionedWithObj.class); StorableVersionedWithObj s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(generateId(500)); s.setValue("hello"); try { // Require version property to be set. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } s.setVersion(null); try { // Cannot update that which does not exist. s.update(); fail(); } catch (PersistNoneException e) { } s.insert(); assertNull(s.getVersion()); s.setVersion(2); try { // Record version mismatch. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { } s.setVersion(null); s.setValue("world"); s.tryUpdate(); assertEquals((Integer) 1, s.getVersion()); assertEquals("world", s.getValue()); s.setValue("value"); s.tryUpdate(); assertEquals((Integer) 2, s.getVersion()); assertEquals("value", s.getValue()); // Since no properties changed, update does not increase version. assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); assertEquals((Integer) 2, s.getVersion()); } public void test_versioningWithLongObj() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersionedWithLongObj.class); StorableVersionedWithLongObj s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(500); s.setValue("hello"); try { // Require version property to be set. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } s.setVersion(null); try { // Cannot update that which does not exist. s.update(); fail(); } catch (PersistNoneException e) { } s.insert(); assertNull(s.getVersion()); s.setVersion(2L); try { // Record version mismatch. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { } s.setVersion(null); s.setValue("world"); s.tryUpdate(); assertEquals((Long) 1L, s.getVersion()); assertEquals("world", s.getValue()); s.setValue("value"); s.tryUpdate(); assertEquals((Long) 2L, s.getVersion()); assertEquals("value", s.getValue()); // Since no properties changed, update does not increase version. assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); assertEquals((Long) 2L, s.getVersion()); } public void test_initialVersion() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersioned.class); StorableVersioned s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(987); s.setValue("hello"); assertEquals(0, s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals(1, s.getVersion()); s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(12345); s.setValue("world"); assertEquals(0, s.getVersion()); s.setVersion(56); assertEquals(56, s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals(56, s.getVersion()); } public void test_initialVersionWithLong() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersionedWithLong.class); StorableVersionedWithLong s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(987); s.setValue("hello"); assertEquals(0, s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals(1, s.getVersion()); s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(12345); s.setValue("world"); assertEquals(0, s.getVersion()); s.setVersion(56); assertEquals(56, s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals(56, s.getVersion()); } public void test_initialVersionWithObj() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersionedWithObj.class); StorableVersionedWithObj s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(987); s.setValue("hello"); assertNull(s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals((Integer) 1, s.getVersion()); s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(12345); s.setValue("world"); assertNull(s.getVersion()); s.setVersion(56); assertEquals((Integer) 56, s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals((Integer) 56, s.getVersion()); } public void test_initialVersionWithLongObj() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersionedWithLongObj.class); StorableVersionedWithLongObj s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(987); s.setValue("hello"); assertNull(s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals((Long) 1L, s.getVersion()); s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(12345); s.setValue("world"); assertNull(s.getVersion()); s.setVersion(56L); assertEquals((Long) 56L, s.getVersion()); s.insert(); assertEquals((Long) 56L, s.getVersion()); } public void test_versioningMissingRecord() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersioned.class); StorableVersioned s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(500); s.setValue("hello"); s.insert(); // Now delete it from under our feet. StorableVersioned s2 = storage.prepare(); s2.setID(500); s2.delete(); s.setValue("world"); s.tryUpdate(); s.insert(); // Delete it again. s2.delete(); // Update without changing and properties must still reload, which should fail. assertFalse(s.tryUpdate()); } public void test_versioningDisabled() throws Exception { // Make sure repository works properly when configured as non-master. Repository repo = newRepository(false); Storage storage = repo.storageFor(StorableVersioned.class); StorableVersioned s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(500); s.setValue("hello"); try { // Require version property to be set. s.tryUpdate(); fail(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { } s.setVersion(1); assertEquals(false, s.tryUpdate()); s.insert(); s.setVersion(2); assertEquals(true, s.tryUpdate()); s.setVersion(1); s.setValue("world"); s.tryUpdate(); assertEquals(1, s.getVersion()); assertEquals("world", s.getValue()); RepairExecutor.waitForRepairsToFinish(10000); repo.close(); repo = null; } public void test_sequences() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableSequenced.class); StorableSequenced seq = storage.prepare(); seq.setData("hello"); seq.insert(); assertEquals(1L, seq.getID()); assertEquals(1, seq.getSomeInt()); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), seq.getSomeIntegerObj()); assertEquals(1L, seq.getSomeLong()); assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1L), seq.getSomeLongObj()); assertEquals("1", seq.getSomeString()); assertEquals("hello", seq.getData()); seq = storage.prepare(); seq.setData("foo"); seq.insert(); assertEquals(2L, seq.getID()); assertEquals(2, seq.getSomeInt()); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2), seq.getSomeIntegerObj()); assertEquals(2L, seq.getSomeLong()); assertEquals(Long.valueOf(2L), seq.getSomeLongObj()); assertEquals("2", seq.getSomeString()); assertEquals("foo", seq.getData()); seq = storage.prepare(); seq.setSomeInt(100); seq.setSomeLongObj(null); seq.setData("data"); seq.insert(); assertEquals(3L, seq.getID()); assertEquals(100, seq.getSomeInt()); assertEquals(null, seq.getSomeLongObj()); seq = storage.prepare(); seq.setData("world"); seq.insert(); assertEquals(4L, seq.getID()); assertEquals(3, seq.getSomeInt()); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(4), seq.getSomeIntegerObj()); assertEquals(4L, seq.getSomeLong()); assertEquals(Long.valueOf(3L), seq.getSomeLongObj()); assertEquals("4", seq.getSomeString()); } public void test_oldIndexEntryDeletion() throws Exception { // Very simple test that ensures that old index entries are deleted // when the master record is updated. There is no guarantee that the // chosen repository supports indexes, and there is no guarantee that // it is selecting the desired index. Since the index set is simple and // so are the queries, I think it is safe to assume that the selected // index is what I expect it to be. Repositories that support // custom indexing should have more rigorous tests. Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasicIndexed.class); StorableTestBasicIndexed s = storage.prepare(); final int id1 = generateId(1); s.setId(id1); s.setStringProp("hello"); s.setIntProp(3); s.setLongProp(4); s.setDoubleProp(5); s.insert(); s = storage.prepare(); final int id6 = generateId(6); s.setId(id6); s.setStringProp("hello"); s.setIntProp(8); s.setLongProp(9); s.setDoubleProp(10); s.insert(); s = storage.prepare(); final int id11 = generateId(11); s.setId(id11); s.setStringProp("world"); s.setIntProp(3); s.setLongProp(14); s.setDoubleProp(15); s.insert(); // First verify that queries report what we expect. Don't perform an // orderBy on query, as that might interfere with index selection. Query q = storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("hello"); List list = q.fetch().toList(); assertEquals(2, list.size()); if (list.get(0).getId() == id1) { assertEquals(id6, list.get(1).getId()); } else { assertEquals(id6, list.get(0).getId()); } q = storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("world"); list = q.fetch().toList(); assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertEquals(id11, list.get(0).getId()); q = storage.query("intProp = ?").with(3); list = q.fetch().toList(); assertEquals(2, list.size()); if (list.get(0).getId() == id1) { assertEquals(id11, list.get(1).getId()); } else { assertEquals(id11, list.get(0).getId()); } // Now update and verify changes to query results. s = storage.prepare(); s.setId(id1); s.load(); s.setStringProp("world"); s.tryUpdate(); q = storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("hello"); list = q.fetch().toList(); assertEquals(1, list.size()); assertEquals(id6, list.get(0).getId()); q = storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("world"); list = q.fetch().toList(); assertEquals(2, list.size()); if (list.get(0).getId() == id1) { assertEquals(id11, list.get(1).getId()); } else { assertEquals(id11, list.get(0).getId()); } q = storage.query("intProp = ?").with(3); list = q.fetch().toList(); assertEquals(2, list.size()); if (list.get(0).getId() == id1) { assertEquals(id11, list.get(1).getId()); } else { assertEquals(id11, list.get(0).getId()); } } public void test_falseDoubleUpdate() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic s = storage.prepare(); s.setId(56789); assertFalse(s.tryUpdate()); assertFalse(s.tryUpdate()); } public void test_dateTimeIndex() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableDateIndex.class); DateTimeZone original = DateTimeZone.getDefault(); // Set time zone different than defined in storable. DateTimeZone.setDefault(DateTimeZone.forID("America/Los_Angeles")); try { DateTime now = new DateTime(); StorableDateIndex sdi = storage.prepare(); sdi.setID(1); sdi.setOrderDate(now); sdi.insert(); sdi.load(); assertEquals(now.getMillis(), sdi.getOrderDate().getMillis()); // Time zones will differ, since adapter is applied upon load. assertFalse(now.equals(sdi.getOrderDate())); Query query = storage.query("orderDate=?").with(now); // Tests that adapter is applied to index. Otherwise, consistency // check will reject loaded storable. StorableDateIndex sdi2 = query.tryLoadOne(); assertNotNull(sdi2); } finally { DateTimeZone.setDefault(original); } } public void test_joinCache() throws Exception { Storage uaStorage = getRepository().storageFor(UserAddress.class); Storage uiStorage = getRepository().storageFor(UserInfo.class); UserAddress addr = uaStorage.prepare(); addr.setAddressID(5); addr.setLine1("123"); addr.setCity("Seattle"); addr.setState("WA"); addr.setCountry("USA"); addr.insert(); UserInfo user = uiStorage.prepare(); user.setUserID(1); user.setStateID(1); user.setFirstName("John"); user.setLastName("Smith"); user.setAddress(addr); assertEquals("Seattle", user.getAddress().getCity()); user.insert(); addr.setCity("Bellevue"); addr.tryUpdate(); // Should still refer to same address instance. assertEquals("Bellevue", user.getAddress().getCity()); UserAddress addr2 = uaStorage.prepare(); addr2.setAddressID(5); addr2.setCity("Kirkland"); addr2.tryUpdate(); // Should still refer to same address instance. assertEquals("Bellevue", user.getAddress().getCity()); // Force reload of user should flush cache. user.load(); assertEquals("Kirkland", user.getAddress().getCity()); addr2.setCity("Redmond"); addr2.tryUpdate(); // Should still refer to same address instance. assertEquals("Kirkland", user.getAddress().getCity()); // Update of user should flush cache (even if nothing changed) assertEquals(true, user.tryUpdate()); assertEquals("Redmond", user.getAddress().getCity()); addr2.setCity("Renton"); addr2.tryUpdate(); // Should still refer to same address instance. assertEquals("Redmond", user.getAddress().getCity()); // Update of user should flush cache (when something changed) user.setFirstName("Jim"); assertEquals(true, user.tryUpdate()); assertEquals("Renton", user.getAddress().getCity()); addr2.setCity("Tacoma"); addr2.tryUpdate(); // Should still refer to same address instance. assertEquals("Renton", user.getAddress().getCity()); // Delete of user should flush cache assertEquals(true, user.tryDelete()); assertEquals("Tacoma", user.getAddress().getCity()); addr2.setCity("Shoreline"); addr2.tryUpdate(); // Should still refer to same address instance. assertEquals("Tacoma", user.getAddress().getCity()); // Failed load of user should flush cache assertEquals(false, user.tryLoad()); assertEquals("Shoreline", user.getAddress().getCity()); addr2.setCity("Vancouver"); addr2.tryUpdate(); // Should still refer to same address instance. assertEquals("Shoreline", user.getAddress().getCity()); // Insert of user should flush cache user.insert(); assertEquals("Vancouver", user.getAddress().getCity()); } public void test_updateReload() throws Exception { Storage uiStorage = getRepository().storageFor(UserInfo.class); UserInfo user = uiStorage.prepare(); user.setUserID(1); user.setStateID(1); user.setFirstName("John"); user.setLastName("Smith"); user.setAddressID(0); user.insert(); UserInfo user2 = uiStorage.prepare(); user2.setUserID(1); user2.setFirstName("Jim"); user2.tryUpdate(); assertEquals("John", user.getFirstName()); user.tryUpdate(); assertEquals("Jim", user.getFirstName()); user2.setFirstName("Bob"); user2.tryUpdate(); assertEquals("Jim", user.getFirstName()); user.setLastName("Jones"); user.tryUpdate(); assertEquals("Bob", user.getFirstName()); assertEquals("Jones", user.getLastName()); } public void test_deleteState() throws Exception { Storage uiStorage = getRepository().storageFor(UserInfo.class); UserInfo user = uiStorage.prepare(); user.setUserID(1); user.setStateID(1); user.setFirstName("John"); user.setLastName("Smith"); user.setAddressID(0); user.insert(); UserInfo user2 = uiStorage.prepare(); user2.setUserID(1); user2.tryDelete(); assertFalse(user.tryLoad()); // Should be able to change pk now. user.setUserID(2); assertFalse(user.tryUpdate()); user.setUserID(1); user.insert(); user2.tryDelete(); assertFalse(user.tryUpdate()); // Should be able to change pk now. user.setUserID(2); assertFalse(user.tryUpdate()); user.setUserID(1); user.insert(); user2.tryDelete(); user.setFirstName("Jim"); assertFalse(user.tryUpdate()); // Should be able to change pk now. user.setUserID(2); assertFalse(user.tryUpdate()); user.setUserID(1); user.insert(); assertEquals("Jim", user.getFirstName()); } public void test_deleteUpdate() throws Exception { Storage uiStorage = getRepository().storageFor(UserInfo.class); UserInfo user = uiStorage.prepare(); user.setUserID(1); user.setStateID(1); user.setFirstName("John"); user.setLastName("Smith"); user.setAddressID(0); user.insert(); // Just want to change first name now user.setFirstName("Bob"); // Concurrently, someone else deletes the user UserInfo user2 = uiStorage.prepare(); user2.setUserID(1); assertTrue(user2.tryDelete()); assertFalse(user.tryUpdate()); // Update failed... perhaps we should try again... (wrong decision) // Concurrently, someone inserts a different user with re-used id. (wrong decision) user2 = uiStorage.prepare(); user2.setUserID(1); user2.setStateID(1); user2.setFirstName("Mike"); user2.setLastName("Jones"); user2.setAddressID(0); user2.insert(); // Trying the failed update again should totally blow away the sneaked in insert. assertTrue(user.tryUpdate()); assertEquals("Bob", user.getFirstName()); assertEquals("Smith", user.getLastName()); // The failed update earlier dirtied all the properties, including ones // that were not modified. As a result, the second update replaces all // properties. This is a special edge case destructive update for which // there is no clear solution. If just the one property was changed as // instructed earlier, then the record would have been corrupted. This // feels much worse. This can still happen if the record was not // originally fully clean. // The cause of the error is the user creating a new record with a // re-used id. This problem could be prevented using transactions, or // it might be detected with optimistic locking. } public void test_deleteOne() throws Exception { Storage uiStorage = getRepository().storageFor(UserInfo.class); UserInfo user = uiStorage.prepare(); user.setUserID(1); user.setStateID(1); user.setFirstName("Bob"); user.setLastName("Smith"); user.setAddressID(0); user.insert(); user = uiStorage.prepare(); user.setUserID(2); user.setStateID(1); user.setFirstName("Bob"); user.setLastName("Jones"); user.setAddressID(0); user.insert(); user = uiStorage.prepare(); user.setUserID(3); user.setStateID(1); user.setFirstName("Indiana"); user.setLastName("Jones"); user.setAddressID(0); user.insert(); try { uiStorage.query("lastName = ?").with("Jones").deleteOne(); fail(); } catch (PersistMultipleException e) { } List list = uiStorage.query().fetch().toList(); assertEquals(3, list.size()); uiStorage.query("lastName = ? & firstName = ?").with("Jones").with("Bob").deleteOne(); list = uiStorage.query().orderBy("userID").fetch().toList(); assertEquals(2, list.size()); assertEquals("Bob", list.get(0).getFirstName()); assertEquals("Smith", list.get(0).getLastName()); assertEquals("Indiana", list.get(1).getFirstName()); assertEquals("Jones", list.get(1).getLastName()); } public void test_triggers() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersioned.class); class InsertTrigger extends Trigger { Object mState; @Override public Object beforeInsert(StorableVersioned s) { assertEquals(1, s.getID()); mState = new Object(); return mState; } @Override public void afterInsert(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { assertEquals(1, s.getID()); assertEquals(mState, state); } }; InsertTrigger it = new InsertTrigger(); assertTrue(storage.addTrigger(it)); StorableVersioned s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(1); s.setValue("value"); s.insert(); assertTrue(it.mState != null); assertTrue(storage.removeTrigger(it)); class UpdateTrigger extends Trigger { Object mState; int mVersion; @Override public Object beforeUpdate(StorableVersioned s) { assertEquals(1, s.getID()); mState = new Object(); mVersion = s.getVersion(); return mState; } @Override public void afterUpdate(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { assertEquals(1, s.getID()); assertEquals(mState, state); assertEquals(mVersion + 1, s.getVersion()); } }; UpdateTrigger ut = new UpdateTrigger(); assertTrue(storage.addTrigger(ut)); s.setValue("value2"); s.update(); assertTrue(ut.mState != null); assertTrue(storage.removeTrigger(ut)); class DeleteTrigger extends Trigger { Object mState; @Override public Object beforeDelete(StorableVersioned s) { assertEquals(1, s.getID()); mState = new Object(); return mState; } @Override public void afterDelete(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { assertEquals(1, s.getID()); assertEquals(mState, state); } }; DeleteTrigger dt = new DeleteTrigger(); assertTrue(storage.addTrigger(dt)); s.delete(); assertTrue(dt.mState != null); assertTrue(storage.removeTrigger(dt)); } public void test_triggerFailure() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableVersioned.class); class InsertTrigger extends Trigger { boolean failed; @Override public Object beforeInsert(StorableVersioned s) { throw new RuntimeException(); } @Override public void afterInsert(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { fail(); } @Override public void failedInsert(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { failed = true; } }; InsertTrigger it = new InsertTrigger(); assertTrue(storage.addTrigger(it)); StorableVersioned s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(1); s.setValue("value"); try { s.insert(); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } assertTrue(it.failed); class UpdateTrigger extends Trigger { boolean failed; @Override public Object beforeUpdate(StorableVersioned s) { throw new RuntimeException(); } @Override public void afterUpdate(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { fail(); } @Override public void failedUpdate(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { failed = true; } }; UpdateTrigger ut = new UpdateTrigger(); assertTrue(storage.addTrigger(ut)); s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(1); s.setVersion(3); s.setValue("value"); try { s.update(); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } assertTrue(ut.failed); class DeleteTrigger extends Trigger { boolean failed; @Override public Object beforeDelete(StorableVersioned s) { throw new RuntimeException(); } @Override public void afterDelete(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { fail(); } @Override public void failedDelete(StorableVersioned s, Object state) { failed = true; } }; DeleteTrigger dt = new DeleteTrigger(); assertTrue(storage.addTrigger(dt)); s = storage.prepare(); s.setID(1); try { s.delete(); fail(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } assertTrue(dt.failed); } public void test_triggerChecks() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTimestamped.class); StorableTimestamped st = storage.prepare(); st.setId(1); st.setValue("value"); try { st.insert(); fail(); } catch (ConstraintException e) { // We forgot to set submitDate and modifyDate. } // Install trigger that sets the timestamp properties. storage.addTrigger(new Trigger() { @Override public Object beforeInsert(Timestamped st) { DateTime now = new DateTime(); st.setSubmitDateTime(now); st.setModifyDateTime(now); return null; } @Override public Object beforeUpdate(Timestamped st) { DateTime now = new DateTime(); st.setModifyDateTime(now); return null; } }); st.insert(); assertNotNull(st.getSubmitDateTime()); assertNotNull(st.getModifyDateTime()); DateTime dt = st.getModifyDateTime(); Thread.sleep(500); st.setValue("foo"); st.update(); assertTrue(st.getModifyDateTime().getMillis() >= dt.getMillis() + 450); } public void test_hashCode() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); StorableTestBasic stb = storage.prepare(); // Just tests to make sure generated code doesn't throw an error. int hashCode = stb.hashCode(); } public void test_stateMethods() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(Order.class); Order order = storage.prepare(); assertUninitialized(true, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); assertDirty(false, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); assertClean(false, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); order.setOrderID(1); assertUninitialized(false, order, "orderID"); assertUninitialized(true, order, "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); assertDirty(false, order, "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); assertDirty(true, order, "orderID"); assertClean(false, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); order.setOrderNumber("123"); order.setOrderTotal(456); order.setAddressID(789); assertUninitialized(false, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal"); assertUninitialized(true, order, "orderComments"); assertDirty(true, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal"); assertDirty(false, order, "orderComments"); assertClean(false, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); // Get unknown property try { order.isPropertyUninitialized("foo"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // Get unknown property try { order.isPropertyDirty("foo"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // Get unknown property try { order.isPropertyClean("foo"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // Get join property try { order.isPropertyUninitialized("address"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // Get join property try { order.isPropertyDirty("address"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } // Get join property try { order.isPropertyClean("address"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } order.insert(); assertUninitialized(false, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); assertDirty(false, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); assertClean(true, order, "orderID", "orderNumber", "orderTotal", "orderComments"); } public void test_count() throws Exception { test_count(false); } public void test_countIndexed() throws Exception { test_count(true); } private void test_count(boolean indexed) throws Exception { Storage storage; if (indexed) { storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasicIndexed.class); } else { storage = getRepository().storageFor(StorableTestBasic.class); } assertEquals(0, storage.query().count()); StorableTestBasic sb = storage.prepare(); sb.setId(1); sb.setIntProp(1); sb.setLongProp(1); sb.setDoubleProp(1.1); sb.setStringProp("one"); sb.insert(); assertEquals(1, storage.query().count()); assertEquals(0, storage.query().not().count()); assertEquals(1, storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("one").count()); assertEquals(0, storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("two").count()); sb = storage.prepare(); sb.setId(2); sb.setIntProp(2); sb.setLongProp(2); sb.setDoubleProp(2.1); sb.setStringProp("two"); sb.insert(); sb = storage.prepare(); sb.setId(3); sb.setIntProp(3); sb.setLongProp(3); sb.setDoubleProp(3.1); sb.setStringProp("three"); sb.insert(); assertEquals(3, storage.query().count()); assertEquals(0, storage.query().not().count()); assertEquals(1, storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("one").count()); assertEquals(1, storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("two").count()); assertEquals(1, storage.query("stringProp = ?").with("three").count()); assertEquals(2, storage.query("stringProp = ?").not().with("one").count()); assertEquals(2, storage.query("stringProp = ?").not().with("two").count()); assertEquals(2, storage.query("stringProp = ?").not().with("three").count()); assertEquals(2, storage.query("stringProp > ?").with("one").count()); assertEquals(0, storage.query("stringProp > ?").with("two").count()); assertEquals(1, storage.query("stringProp > ?").with("three").count()); } public void test_fetchAfter() throws Exception { Storage storage = getRepository().storageFor(ManyKeys2.class); final int groupSize = 4; final int aliasing = groupSize + 1; int total = 0; for (int a=0; a query = storage.query().orderBy(orderBy); Cursor cursor = query.fetch(); Comparator comparator = SortedCursor.createComparator(ManyKeys2.class, orderBy); int actual = 0; ManyKeys2 last = null; while (cursor.hasNext()) { actual++; ManyKeys2 obj = cursor.next(); if (last != null) { assertTrue(comparator.compare(last, obj) < 0); } if (actual % aliasing == 0) { cursor.close(); cursor = query.fetchAfter(obj); } last = obj; } assertEquals(total, actual); // Try again in reverse orderBy = new String[] {"-a", "-b", "-c", "-d", "-e", "-f"}; query = storage.query().orderBy(orderBy); cursor = query.fetch(); actual = 0; last = null; while (cursor.hasNext()) { actual++; ManyKeys2 obj = cursor.next(); if (last != null) { assertTrue(comparator.compare(last, obj) > 0); } if (actual % aliasing == 0) { cursor.close(); cursor = query.fetchAfter(obj); } last = obj; } assertEquals(total, actual); // Try again with funny mix of orderings. This will likely cause sort // operations to be performed, thus making it very slow. orderBy = new String[] {"-a", "b", "-c", "d", "-e", "f"}; query = storage.query().orderBy(orderBy); cursor = query.fetch(); comparator = SortedCursor.createComparator(ManyKeys2.class, orderBy); actual = 0; last = null; while (cursor.hasNext()) { actual++; ManyKeys2 obj = cursor.next(); if (last != null) { assertTrue(comparator.compare(last, obj) < 0); } if (actual % aliasing == 0) { cursor.close(); cursor = query.fetchAfter(obj); } last = obj; } assertEquals(total, actual); } private void assertUninitialized(boolean expected, Storable storable, String... properties) { for (String property : properties) { assertEquals(expected, storable.isPropertyUninitialized(property)); } } private void assertDirty(boolean expected, Storable storable, String... properties) { for (String property : properties) { assertEquals(expected, storable.isPropertyDirty(property)); } } private void assertClean(boolean expected, Storable storable, String... properties) { for (String property : properties) { assertEquals(expected, storable.isPropertyClean(property)); } } @PrimaryKey("id") public interface StorableTestAssymetricGet extends Storable{ public abstract int getId(); public abstract void setId(int id); public abstract int getAssymetricGET(); } @PrimaryKey("id") public interface StorableTestAssymetricSet extends Storable{ public abstract int getId(); public abstract void setId(int id); public abstract int setAssymetricSET(); } @PrimaryKey("id") public interface StorableTestAssymetricGetSet extends Storable{ public abstract int getId(); public abstract void setId(int id); public abstract int getAssymetricGET(); public abstract int setAssymetricSET(); } public static class InvocationTracker extends StorableTestBasic implements WrappedSupport { String mName; long mInvocationTracks; boolean mTrace; public InvocationTracker(String name) { this(name, false); } public InvocationTracker(final String name, boolean trace) { mName = name; mTrace = trace; clearTracks(); } public void clearTracks() { mInvocationTracks = 0; } public long getTracks() { return mInvocationTracks; } public void assertTrack(long value) { assertEquals(value, getTracks()); clearTracks(); } public void setId(int id) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("setId"); mInvocationTracks |= sSetId; } // Basic coverage of the primitives public String getStringProp() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("getStringProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sGetStringProp; // 0x2 return null; } public void setStringProp(String aStringThing) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("setStringProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sSetStringProp; // 0x4 } public int getIntProp() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("getIntProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sGetIntProp; // 0x8 return 0; } public void setIntProp(int anInt) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("setIntProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sSetIntProp; // 0x10 } public long getLongProp() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("getLongProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sGetLongProp; // 0x20 return 0; } public void setLongProp(long aLong) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("setLongProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sSetLongProp; // 0x40 } public double getDoubleProp() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("getDoubleProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sGetDoubleProp; // 0x80 return 0; } public void setDoubleProp(double aDouble) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("setDoubleProp"); mInvocationTracks |= sSetDoubleProp; // 0x100 } public DateTime getDate() { return null; } public void setDate(DateTime date) { } public void load() throws FetchException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("load"); mInvocationTracks |= sLoad; // 0x200 } public boolean tryLoad() throws FetchException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("tryLoad"); mInvocationTracks |= sTryLoad; // 0x400 return false; } public void insert() throws PersistException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("insert"); mInvocationTracks |= sInsert; // 0x800 } public boolean tryInsert() throws PersistException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("tryInsert"); mInvocationTracks |= sTryInsert; return false; } public void update() throws PersistException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("update"); mInvocationTracks |= sUpdate; } public boolean tryUpdate() throws PersistException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("tryUpdate"); mInvocationTracks |= sTryUpdate; // 0x1000 return false; } public void delete() throws PersistException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("delete"); mInvocationTracks |= sDelete; } public boolean tryDelete() throws PersistException { if (mTrace) System.out.println("tryDelete"); mInvocationTracks |= sTryDelete; // 0x2000 return false; } public WrappedSupport createSupport(Storable storable) { return new InvocationTracker(mName, mTrace); } public Storage storage() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("storage"); mInvocationTracks |= sStorage; // 0x4000 return null; } public Storable copy() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("copy"); mInvocationTracks |= sCopy; // 0x8000 return null; } public String toStringKeyOnly() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("toStringKeyOnly"); mInvocationTracks |= sToStringKeyOnly; // 0x10000 return null; } public int getId() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("getId"); mInvocationTracks |= sGetId; // 0x20000 return 0; } public void copyAllProperties(Storable storable) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("copyAllProperties"); mInvocationTracks |= sCopyAllProperties; // 0x40000 } public void copyPrimaryKeyProperties(Storable storable) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("copyPrimaryKeyProperties"); mInvocationTracks |= sCopyPrimaryKeyProperties; // 0x80000 } public void copyUnequalProperties(Storable storable) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("copyUnequalProperties"); mInvocationTracks |= sCopyUnequalProperties; // 0x10 0000 } public void copyDirtyProperties(Storable storable) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("copyDirtyProperties"); mInvocationTracks |= sCopyDirtyProperties; // 0x20 0000 } public boolean hasDirtyProperties() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("hasDirtyProperties"); mInvocationTracks |= sHasDirtyProperties; // 0x200 0000 return false; } public boolean equalPrimaryKeys(Object obj) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("equalPrimaryKeys"); mInvocationTracks |= sEqualKeys; // 0x40 0000 return true; } public boolean equalProperties(Object obj) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("equalProperties"); mInvocationTracks |= sEqualProperties; // 0x80 0000 return true; } public void copyVersionProperty(Storable storable) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("copyVersionProperty"); mInvocationTracks |= sCopyVersionProperty; // 0x100 0000 } public void markPropertiesClean() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("markPropertiesClean"); mInvocationTracks |= sMarkPropertiesClean; // 0x400 0000 } public void markAllPropertiesClean() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("markAllPropertiesClean"); mInvocationTracks |= sMarkAllPropertiesClean; // 0x800 0000 } public void markPropertiesDirty() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("markPropertiesDirty"); mInvocationTracks |= sMarkPropertiesDirty; // 0x1000 0000 } public void markAllPropertiesDirty() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("markAllPropertiesDirty"); mInvocationTracks |= sMarkAllPropertiesDirty; // 0x2000 0000 } public Class storableType() { if (mTrace) System.out.println("storableType"); mInvocationTracks |= sStorableType; // 0x4000 0000 return Storable.class; } public boolean isPropertyUninitialized(String name) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("isPropertyUninitialized"); return false; } public boolean isPropertyDirty(String name) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("isPropertyDirty"); return false; } public boolean isPropertyClean(String name) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("isPropertyClean"); return false; } public boolean isPropertySupported(String name) { if (mTrace) System.out.println("isPropertySupported"); return false; } public Repository getRootRepository() { return null; } public Trigger getInsertTrigger() { return null; } public Trigger getUpdateTrigger() { return null; } public Trigger getDeleteTrigger() { return null; } } }