/* * Copyright 2006-2012 Amazon Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates. * Amazon, Amazon.com and Carbonado are trademarks or registered trademarks * of Amazon Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.amazon.carbonado.repo.jdbc; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cojen.util.ThrowUnchecked; import com.amazon.carbonado.FetchException; import com.amazon.carbonado.IsolationLevel; import com.amazon.carbonado.MalformedTypeException; import com.amazon.carbonado.PersistException; import com.amazon.carbonado.Repository; import com.amazon.carbonado.RepositoryException; import com.amazon.carbonado.Storable; import com.amazon.carbonado.Storage; import com.amazon.carbonado.SupportException; import com.amazon.carbonado.Transaction; import com.amazon.carbonado.TriggerFactory; import com.amazon.carbonado.UnsupportedTypeException; import com.amazon.carbonado.capability.IndexInfo; import com.amazon.carbonado.capability.IndexInfoCapability; import com.amazon.carbonado.capability.ShutdownCapability; import com.amazon.carbonado.capability.StorableInfoCapability; import com.amazon.carbonado.info.StorableIntrospector; import com.amazon.carbonado.info.StorableProperty; import com.amazon.carbonado.sequence.SequenceCapability; import com.amazon.carbonado.sequence.SequenceValueProducer; import com.amazon.carbonado.spi.AbstractRepository; import com.amazon.carbonado.txn.TransactionManager; import com.amazon.carbonado.txn.TransactionScope; /** * Repository implementation backed by a JDBC accessible database. * JDBCRepository is not independent of the underlying database schema, and so * it requires matching tables and columns in the database. It will not alter * or create tables. Use the {@link com.amazon.carbonado.Alias Alias} annotation to * control precisely which tables and columns must be matched up. * * @author Brian S O'Neill * @author bcastill * @author Adam D Bradley * @see JDBCRepositoryBuilder */ class JDBCRepository extends AbstractRepository implements Repository, IndexInfoCapability, ShutdownCapability, StorableInfoCapability, JDBCConnectionCapability, SequenceCapability { /** * Attempts to close a DataSource by searching for a "close" method. For * some reason, there's no standard way to close a DataSource. * * @return false if DataSource doesn't have a close method. */ public static boolean closeDataSource(DataSource ds) throws SQLException { try { Method closeMethod = ds.getClass().getMethod("close"); try { closeMethod.invoke(ds); } catch (Throwable e) { ThrowUnchecked.fireFirstDeclaredCause(e, SQLException.class); } return true; } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { return false; } } static IsolationLevel mapIsolationLevelFromJdbc(int jdbcLevel) { switch (jdbcLevel) { case Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE: default: return IsolationLevel.NONE; case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED: return IsolationLevel.READ_UNCOMMITTED; case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED: return IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED; case Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ: return IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ; case Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE: return IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE; } } static int mapIsolationLevelToJdbc(IsolationLevel level) { switch (level) { case NONE: default: return Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE; case READ_UNCOMMITTED: return Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED; case READ_COMMITTED: return Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; case REPEATABLE_READ: return Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ; case SNAPSHOT: // TODO: not accurate for all databases. return Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; case SERIALIZABLE: return Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE; } } /** * Returns the highest supported level for the given desired level. * * @return null if not supported */ private static IsolationLevel selectIsolationLevel(DatabaseMetaData md, IsolationLevel desiredLevel) throws SQLException, RepositoryException { while (!md.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(mapIsolationLevelToJdbc(desiredLevel))) { switch (desiredLevel) { case READ_UNCOMMITTED: desiredLevel = IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED; break; case READ_COMMITTED: desiredLevel = IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ; break; case REPEATABLE_READ: desiredLevel = IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE; break; case SNAPSHOT: desiredLevel = IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE; break; case SERIALIZABLE: default: return null; } } return desiredLevel; } private final Log mLog = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private final boolean mIsMaster; final Iterable mTriggerFactories; private final AtomicReference mRootRef; private final String mDatabaseProductName; private final DataSource mDataSource; private final boolean mDataSourceClose; private final String mCatalog; private final String mSchema; private final Integer mFetchSize; private final boolean mPrimaryKeyCheckDisabled; // Maps Storable types which should have automatic version management. private Map mAutoVersioningMap; // Maps Storable types which should not auto reload after insert or update. private Map mSuppressReloadMap; // Track all open connections so that they can be closed when this // repository is closed. private Map mOpenConnections; private final Lock mOpenConnectionsLock; private final boolean mSupportsSavepoints; private final boolean mSupportsSelectForUpdate; private final boolean mSupportsScrollInsensitiveReadOnly; private final IsolationLevel mDefaultIsolationLevel; private final int mJdbcDefaultIsolationLevel; private final JDBCSupportStrategy mSupportStrategy; private JDBCExceptionTransformer mExceptionTransformer; private final SchemaResolver mResolver; private final JDBCTransactionManager mTxnMgr; // Mappings from IsolationLevel to best matching supported level. final IsolationLevel mReadUncommittedLevel; final IsolationLevel mReadCommittedLevel; final IsolationLevel mRepeatableReadLevel; final IsolationLevel mSerializableLevel; /** * @param name name to give repository instance * @param isMaster when true, storables in this repository must manage * version properties and sequence properties * @param dataSource provides JDBC database connections * @param catalog optional catalog to search for tables -- actual meaning * is database independent * @param schema optional schema to search for tables -- actual meaning is * is database independent * @param forceStoredSequence tells the repository to use a stored sequence * even if the database supports native sequences */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") JDBCRepository(AtomicReference rootRef, String name, boolean isMaster, Iterable triggerFactories, DataSource dataSource, boolean dataSourceClose, String catalog, String schema, Integer fetchSize, Map autoVersioningMap, Map suppressReloadMap, String sequenceSelectStatement, boolean forceStoredSequence, boolean primaryKeyCheckDisabled, SchemaResolver resolver) throws RepositoryException { super(name); if (dataSource == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataSource cannot be null"); } mIsMaster = isMaster; mTriggerFactories = triggerFactories; mRootRef = rootRef; mDataSource = dataSource; mDataSourceClose = dataSourceClose; mCatalog = catalog; mSchema = schema; mFetchSize = fetchSize; mPrimaryKeyCheckDisabled = primaryKeyCheckDisabled; mAutoVersioningMap = autoVersioningMap; mSuppressReloadMap = suppressReloadMap; mResolver = resolver; mOpenConnections = new IdentityHashMap(); mOpenConnectionsLock = new ReentrantLock(true); // Temporarily set to generic one, in case there's a problem during initialization. mExceptionTransformer = new JDBCExceptionTransformer(); mTxnMgr = new JDBCTransactionManager(this); getLog().info("Opening repository \"" + getName() + '"'); // Test connectivity and get some info on transaction isolation levels. Connection con = getConnection(); try { DatabaseMetaData md = con.getMetaData(); if (md == null || !md.supportsTransactions()) { throw new RepositoryException("Database does not support transactions"); } mDatabaseProductName = md.getDatabaseProductName(); boolean supportsSavepoints; try { supportsSavepoints = md.supportsSavepoints(); } catch (AbstractMethodError e) { supportsSavepoints = false; } if (supportsSavepoints) { con.setAutoCommit(false); // Some JDBC drivers (HSQLDB) lie about their savepoint support. try { con.setSavepoint(); } catch (SQLException e) { mLog.warn("JDBC driver for " + mDatabaseProductName + " reports supporting savepoints, but it " + "doesn't appear to work: " + e); supportsSavepoints = false; } finally { con.rollback(); con.setAutoCommit(true); } } mSupportsSavepoints = supportsSavepoints; mSupportsSelectForUpdate = md.supportsSelectForUpdate(); mSupportsScrollInsensitiveReadOnly = md.supportsResultSetConcurrency (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); mJdbcDefaultIsolationLevel = md.getDefaultTransactionIsolation(); mDefaultIsolationLevel = mapIsolationLevelFromJdbc(mJdbcDefaultIsolationLevel); mReadUncommittedLevel = selectIsolationLevel(md, IsolationLevel.READ_UNCOMMITTED); mReadCommittedLevel = selectIsolationLevel(md, IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED); mRepeatableReadLevel = selectIsolationLevel(md, IsolationLevel.REPEATABLE_READ); mSerializableLevel = selectIsolationLevel(md, IsolationLevel.SERIALIZABLE); } catch (SQLException e) { throw toRepositoryException(e); } finally { try { closeConnection(con); } catch (SQLException e) { // Don't care. } } mSupportStrategy = JDBCSupportStrategy.createStrategy(this); if (forceStoredSequence) { mSupportStrategy.setSequenceSelectStatement(null); } else if (sequenceSelectStatement != null && sequenceSelectStatement.length() > 0) { mSupportStrategy.setSequenceSelectStatement(sequenceSelectStatement); } mSupportStrategy.setForceStoredSequence(forceStoredSequence); mExceptionTransformer = mSupportStrategy.createExceptionTransformer(); getLog().info("Opened repository \"" + getName() + '"'); setAutoShutdownEnabled(true); } public DataSource getDataSource() { return mDataSource; } /** * Returns true if a transaction is in progress and it is for update. */ public boolean isTransactionForUpdate() { return localTransactionScope().isForUpdate(); } /** * Convenience method that calls into {@link JDBCStorableIntrospector}. * * @param type Storable type to examine * @throws MalformedTypeException if Storable type is not well-formed * @throws RepositoryException if there was a problem in accessing the database * @throws IllegalArgumentException if type is null */ public JDBCStorableInfo examineStorable(Class type) throws RepositoryException, SupportException { try { return JDBCStorableIntrospector .examine(type, mDataSource, mCatalog, mSchema, mResolver, mPrimaryKeyCheckDisabled); } catch (SQLException e) { throw toRepositoryException(e); } } public IndexInfo[] getIndexInfo(Class storableType) throws RepositoryException { return ((JDBCStorage) storageFor(storableType)).getIndexInfo(); } public String[] getUserStorableTypeNames() { // We don't register Storable types persistently, so just return what // we know right now. ArrayList names = new ArrayList(); for (Storage storage : allStorage()) { names.add(storage.getStorableType().getName()); } return names.toArray(new String[names.size()]); } public boolean isSupported(Class type) { if (type == null) { return false; } try { examineStorable(type); return true; } catch (RepositoryException e) { return false; } } public boolean isPropertySupported(Class type, String name) { if (type == null || name == null) { return false; } try { JDBCStorableProperty prop = examineStorable(type).getAllProperties().get(name); return prop == null ? false : prop.isSupported(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { return false; } } /** * Convenience method to convert a regular StorableProperty into a * JDBCStorableProperty. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if JDBCStorableProperty is not supported */ JDBCStorableProperty getJDBCStorableProperty(StorableProperty property) throws RepositoryException, SupportException { JDBCStorableInfo info = examineStorable(property.getEnclosingType()); JDBCStorableProperty jProperty = info.getAllProperties().get(property.getName()); if (!jProperty.isSupported()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("Property is not supported: " + property.getName()); } return jProperty; } public String getDatabaseProductName() { return mDatabaseProductName; } /** * Any connection returned by this method must be closed by calling * yieldConnection on this repository. */ public Connection getConnection() throws FetchException { try { if (mOpenConnections == null) { throw new FetchException("Repository is closed"); } JDBCTransaction txn = localTransactionScope().getTxn(); if (txn != null) { // Return the connection used by the current transaction. return txn.getConnection(); } // Get connection outside lock section since it may block. Connection con = mDataSource.getConnection(); con.setAutoCommit(true); mOpenConnectionsLock.lock(); try { if (mOpenConnections == null) { con.close(); throw new FetchException("Repository is closed"); } mOpenConnections.put(con, null); } finally { mOpenConnectionsLock.unlock(); } return con; } catch (Exception e) { throw toFetchException(e); } } /** * Called by JDBCTransactionManager. */ Connection getConnectionForTxn(IsolationLevel level) throws FetchException { try { if (mOpenConnections == null) { throw new FetchException("Repository is closed"); } // Get connection outside lock section since it may block. Connection con = mDataSource.getConnection(); if (level == IsolationLevel.NONE) { con.setAutoCommit(true); } else { con.setAutoCommit(false); if (level != mDefaultIsolationLevel) { con.setTransactionIsolation(mapIsolationLevelToJdbc(level)); } } mOpenConnectionsLock.lock(); try { if (mOpenConnections == null) { con.close(); throw new FetchException("Repository is closed"); } mOpenConnections.put(con, null); } finally { mOpenConnectionsLock.unlock(); } return con; } catch (Exception e) { throw toFetchException(e); } } /** * Gives up a connection returned from getConnection. Connection must be * yielded in same thread that retrieved it. */ public void yieldConnection(Connection con) throws FetchException { try { if (con.getAutoCommit()) { closeConnection(con); } // Connections which aren't auto-commit are in a transaction. Keep // them around instead of closing them. } catch (Exception e) { throw toFetchException(e); } } void closeConnection(Connection con) throws SQLException { mOpenConnectionsLock.lock(); try { if (mOpenConnections != null) { mOpenConnections.remove(con); } } finally { mOpenConnectionsLock.unlock(); } // Close connection outside lock section since it may block. con.close(); } boolean supportsSavepoints() { return mSupportsSavepoints; } boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() { return mSupportsSelectForUpdate; } boolean supportsScrollInsensitiveReadOnly() { return mSupportsScrollInsensitiveReadOnly; } /** * Returns the highest supported level for the given desired level. * * @return null if not supported */ IsolationLevel selectIsolationLevel(Transaction parent, IsolationLevel desiredLevel) { if (desiredLevel == null) { if (parent == null) { desiredLevel = mDefaultIsolationLevel; } else { desiredLevel = parent.getIsolationLevel(); } } else if (parent != null) { IsolationLevel parentLevel = parent.getIsolationLevel(); // Can promote to higher level, but not lower. if (parentLevel.compareTo(desiredLevel) >= 0) { desiredLevel = parentLevel; } else { return null; } } switch (desiredLevel) { case NONE: return IsolationLevel.NONE; case READ_UNCOMMITTED: return mReadUncommittedLevel; case READ_COMMITTED: return mReadCommittedLevel; case REPEATABLE_READ: return mRepeatableReadLevel; case SERIALIZABLE: return mSerializableLevel; } return null; } JDBCSupportStrategy getSupportStrategy() { return mSupportStrategy; } Repository getRootRepository() { return mRootRef.get(); } Integer getFetchSize() { return mFetchSize; } /** * Transforms the given throwable into an appropriate fetch exception. If * it already is a fetch exception, it is simply casted. * * @param e required exception to transform * @return FetchException, never null */ public FetchException toFetchException(Throwable e) { return mExceptionTransformer.toFetchException(e); } /** * Transforms the given throwable into an appropriate persist exception. If * it already is a persist exception, it is simply casted. * * @param e required exception to transform * @return PersistException, never null */ public PersistException toPersistException(Throwable e) { return mExceptionTransformer.toPersistException(e); } /** * Transforms the given throwable into an appropriate repository * exception. If it already is a repository exception, it is simply casted. * * @param e required exception to transform * @return RepositoryException, never null */ public RepositoryException toRepositoryException(Throwable e) { return mExceptionTransformer.toRepositoryException(e); } /** * Examines the SQLSTATE code of the given SQL exception and determines if * it is a unique constaint violation. */ public boolean isUniqueConstraintError(SQLException e) { return mExceptionTransformer.isUniqueConstraintError(e); } JDBCExceptionTransformer getExceptionTransformer() { return mExceptionTransformer; } @Override protected void shutdownHook() { // Close all open connections. mOpenConnectionsLock.lock(); try { if (mOpenConnections != null) { for (Connection con : mOpenConnections.keySet()) { try { con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { getLog().warn(null, e); } } mOpenConnections = null; } } finally { mOpenConnectionsLock.unlock(); } if (mDataSourceClose) { mLog.info("Closing DataSource: " + mDataSource); try { if (!closeDataSource(mDataSource)) { mLog.info("DataSource doesn't have a close method: " + mDataSource.getClass().getName()); } } catch (SQLException e) { mLog.error("Failed to close DataSource", e); } } } @Override protected Log getLog() { return mLog; } @Override protected Storage createStorage(Class type) throws RepositoryException { JDBCStorableInfo info = examineStorable(type); if (!info.isSupported()) { throw new UnsupportedTypeException("Independent type not supported", type); } Boolean autoVersioning = false; if (mAutoVersioningMap != null) { autoVersioning = mAutoVersioningMap.get(type.getName()); if (autoVersioning == null) { // No explicit setting, so check wildcard setting. autoVersioning = mAutoVersioningMap.get(null); if (autoVersioning == null) { autoVersioning = false; } } } Boolean suppressReload = false; if (mSuppressReloadMap != null) { suppressReload = mSuppressReloadMap.get(type.getName()); if (suppressReload == null) { // No explicit setting, so check wildcard setting. suppressReload = mSuppressReloadMap.get(null); if (suppressReload == null) { suppressReload = false; } } } return new JDBCStorage(this, info, mIsMaster, autoVersioning, suppressReload); } @Override protected SequenceValueProducer createSequenceValueProducer(String name) throws RepositoryException { return mSupportStrategy.createSequenceValueProducer(name); } @Override protected final TransactionManager transactionManager() { return mTxnMgr; } @Override protected final TransactionScope localTransactionScope() { return mTxnMgr.localScope(); } }