/* * Copyright 2006 Amazon Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates. * Amazon, Amazon.com and Carbonado are trademarks or registered trademarks * of Amazon Technologies, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.amazon.carbonado.qe; import java.io.IOException; import org.cojen.util.BeanPropertyAccessor; import com.amazon.carbonado.Cursor; import com.amazon.carbonado.FetchException; import com.amazon.carbonado.IsolationLevel; import com.amazon.carbonado.PersistException; import com.amazon.carbonado.PersistMultipleException; import com.amazon.carbonado.Storage; import com.amazon.carbonado.Storable; import com.amazon.carbonado.Transaction; import com.amazon.carbonado.Query; import com.amazon.carbonado.filter.ClosedFilter; import com.amazon.carbonado.filter.Filter; import com.amazon.carbonado.filter.FilterValues; import com.amazon.carbonado.filter.OpenFilter; import com.amazon.carbonado.filter.RelOp; import com.amazon.carbonado.info.Direction; import com.amazon.carbonado.info.OrderedProperty; import com.amazon.carbonado.util.Appender; /** * Abstract query implementation which uses a {@link QueryExecutor}. * * @author Brian S O'Neill */ public abstract class StandardQuery extends AbstractQuery implements Appender { // Values for this query, which may be null. private final FilterValues mValues; // Properties that this query is ordered by. private final OrderingList mOrdering; private volatile QueryExecutor mExecutor; /** * @param values optional values object, defaults to open filter if null */ protected StandardQuery(FilterValues values) { this(values, null); } /** * @param values optional values object, defaults to open filter if null * @param ordering optional order-by properties */ protected StandardQuery(FilterValues values, OrderingList ordering) { mValues = values; if (ordering == null) { ordering = OrderingList.emptyList(); } mOrdering = ordering; } public Class getStorableType() { return getRootStorage().getStorableType(); } public Filter getFilter() { FilterValues values = mValues; if (values != null) { return values.getFilter(); } return Filter.getOpenFilter(getStorableType()); } public FilterValues getFilterValues() { return mValues; } public int getBlankParameterCount() { return mValues == null ? 0 : mValues.getBlankParameterCount(); } public Query with(int value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(long value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(float value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(double value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(boolean value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(char value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(byte value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(short value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query with(Object value) { return newInstance(requireValues().with(value)); } public Query withValues(Object... values) { if (values == null || values.length == 0) { return this; } return newInstance(requireValues().withValues(values)); } public Query and(Filter filter) throws FetchException { FilterValues values = mValues; Query newQuery; if (values == null) { newQuery = getRootStorage().query(filter); } else { newQuery = getRootStorage().query(values.getFilter().and(filter)); newQuery = newQuery.withValues(values.getValues()); } return mOrdering.size() == 0 ? newQuery : newQuery.orderBy(mOrdering.asStringArray()); } public Query or(Filter filter) throws FetchException { FilterValues values = mValues; if (values == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Query is already guaranteed to fetch everything"); } Query newQuery = getRootStorage().query(values.getFilter().or(filter)); newQuery = newQuery.withValues(values.getValues()); return mOrdering.size() == 0 ? newQuery : newQuery.orderBy(mOrdering.asStringArray()); } public Query not() throws FetchException { FilterValues values = mValues; if (values == null) { return new EmptyQuery(getRootStorage(), mOrdering); } Query newQuery = getRootStorage().query(values.getFilter().not()); newQuery = newQuery.withValues(values.getSuppliedValues()); return mOrdering.size() == 0 ? newQuery : newQuery.orderBy(mOrdering.asStringArray()); } public Query orderBy(String property) throws FetchException { return newInstance(mValues, OrderingList.get(getStorableType(), property)); } public Query orderBy(String... properties) throws FetchException { return newInstance(mValues, OrderingList.get(getStorableType(), properties)); } public Cursor fetch() throws FetchException { return executor().fetch(mValues); } public Cursor fetchAfter(S start) throws FetchException { OrderingList orderings; if (start == null || (orderings = mOrdering).size() == 0) { return fetch(); } Class storableType = getStorableType(); Filter orderFilter = Filter.getClosedFilter(storableType); Filter lastSubFilter = Filter.getOpenFilter(storableType); BeanPropertyAccessor accessor = BeanPropertyAccessor.forClass(storableType); Object[] values = new Object[orderings.size()]; for (int i=0;;) { OrderedProperty property = orderings.get(i); RelOp operator = RelOp.GT; if (property.getDirection() == Direction.DESCENDING) { operator = RelOp.LT; } String propertyName = property.getChainedProperty().toString(); values[i] = accessor.getPropertyValue(start, propertyName); orderFilter = orderFilter.or(lastSubFilter.and(propertyName, operator)); if (++i >= orderings.size()) { break; } lastSubFilter = lastSubFilter.and(propertyName, RelOp.EQ); } Query newQuery = this.and(orderFilter); for (int i=0; i cursor = fetch(); boolean result; try { if (cursor.hasNext()) { S obj = cursor.next(); if (cursor.hasNext()) { throw new PersistMultipleException(toString()); } result = obj.tryDelete(); } else { return false; } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (txn != null) { txn.commit(); } return result; } catch (FetchException e) { throw e.toPersistException(); } finally { if (txn != null) { txn.exit(); } } } public void deleteAll() throws PersistException { Transaction txn = enterTransactionForDelete(IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED); try { Cursor cursor = fetch(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { cursor.next().tryDelete(); } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (txn != null) { txn.commit(); } } catch (FetchException e) { throw e.toPersistException(); } finally { if (txn != null) { txn.exit(); } } } public long count() throws FetchException { return executor().count(mValues); } public boolean printNative(Appendable app, int indentLevel) throws IOException { return executor().printNative(app, indentLevel, mValues); } public boolean printPlan(Appendable app, int indentLevel) throws IOException { return executor().printPlan(app, indentLevel, mValues); } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = getRootStorage().hashCode() * 31; if (mValues != null) { hash += mValues.hashCode(); } return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj instanceof StandardQuery) { StandardQuery other = (StandardQuery) obj; return getRootStorage().equals(other.getRootStorage()) && (mValues == null ? (other.mValues == null) : (mValues.equals(other.mValues))); } return false; } public void appendTo(Appendable app) throws IOException { app.append("Query {type="); app.append(getStorableType().getName()); app.append(", filter="); Filter filter = getFilter(); if (filter instanceof OpenFilter || filter instanceof ClosedFilter) { filter.appendTo(app); } else { app.append('"'); filter.appendTo(app, mValues); app.append('"'); } if (mOrdering != null && mOrdering.size() > 0) { app.append(", orderBy=["); for (int i=0; i 0) { app.append(", "); } app.append(mOrdering.get(i).toString()); } app.append(']'); } app.append('}'); } private FilterValues requireValues() { FilterValues values = mValues; if (values == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Query doesn't have any parameters"); } return values; } /** * Return the root Storage object that the query is operating on. */ protected abstract Storage getRootStorage(); /** * Enter a transaction as needed by the standard delete operation, or null * if transactions are not supported. * * @param level minimum desired isolation level */ protected abstract Transaction enterTransactionForDelete(IsolationLevel level); /** * Return a new or cached executor. * * @param values optional values object, defaults to open filter if null * @param orderings order-by properties, never null */ protected abstract QueryExecutor getExecutor(FilterValues values, OrderingList orderings); /** * Return a new or cached instance of StandardQuery implementation, using * new filter values. The Filter in the FilterValues is the same as was * passed in the constructor. * * @param values optional values object, defaults to open filter if null * @param orderings order-by properties, never null */ protected abstract StandardQuery newInstance(FilterValues values, OrderingList orderings); private StandardQuery newInstance(FilterValues values) { return newInstance(values, mOrdering); } private QueryExecutor executor() { QueryExecutor executor = mExecutor; if (executor == null) { mExecutor = executor = getExecutor(mValues, mOrdering); } return executor; } }