serde_qs.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Jesse Morgan3 weeks
jesterpm-sso-tools.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Jesse Morgan3 weeks
s3-media-endpoint-rs.gitMicropub Media Endpoint which saves data to S3, written in rust. Jesse Morgan3 weeks
Quill.gitForked from Jesse Morgan4 weeks
mp32rss.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Jesse Morgan3 months
bin.gitVarious scripts to keep in my path. Jesse Morgan8 months
dotfiles.gitMy personal dotfiles Jesse Morgan8 months
srvwww.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Jesse Morgan13 months
chkoauth2.gitchkoauth2 is a CGI-based wrapper to validate OAuth2 tokens. Jesse Morgan14 months
micropub-tools.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Jesse Morgan14 months
reljs.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. Jesse Morgan15 months
emailcanary.gitA canary to test email delivery Jesse Morgan15 months
tcss305-tetris.gitTetris Project from my TCSS 305 class at UW Jesse Morgan16 months
actix-middleware-rfc7662.gitActix-web extractor which validates OAuth2 tokens through an RFC 7662 token intr...Jesse Morgan3 years
flowerpot-service.gitFlowerpot service records water level measurements from plants. Jesse Morgan3 years
flowerpot-device.gitFlowerpot is an esp8266 device that tracks when a plant needs water. This is the...Jesse Morgan3 years
motion-groups-website.gitMotion Church smallgroups search website Jesse Morgan3 years
foursquare-grow.gitThe Foursquare (now Motion Church) Grow website Jesse Morgan4 years
motion-groups-indexer.gitLambdas to index and query smallgroups from Community Church Builder. Jesse Morgan5 years
libdb-rs.gitRust bindings for Berkeley DB 4.8 Jesse Morgan5 years
weewx-hassio-addon.gitWeeWX Weather Station Addon Jesse Morgan6 years
weewx-S3upload.gitForked from Jesse Morgan6 years
ugbudget.gitThe Usable GnuCash Budget Tool Jesse Morgan6 years Jesse Morgan6 years
ccb-api-client-java.gitAn unofficial Java library for accessing the Church Community Builder API Jesse Morgan7 years
Carbonado.gitForked from Jesse Morgan7 years
CarbonadoTestSuite.gitForked from Jesse Morgan7 years
gnucashxml.gitForked from Jesse Morgan8 years
podcast-uploader.gitUtility to upload podcasts to S3 and send the podcast metadata to a server. Jesse Morgan8 years
libdb-sys.gitFFI Bindings for Berkeley DB 4.x Jesse Morgan8 years
podcast-service.gitPodcast Service provides a restful interface for managing a set of podcasts. Jesse Morgan10 years personal downloads site. Jesse Morgan10 years
jk-social-bot.gitTwitter bot from my TCSS 435 Artificial Intelligence class. The goal was to get ...Jesse Morgan10 years
pyIRC.gitForked from Jesse Morgan10 years
insomniaircd_webhook.gitWebhook to automatically load configs for InsomniaIRC Jesse Morgan10 years
insomniaircd_conf.gitConfigs for InsomniaIRC Jesse Morgan10 years
docker-inspircd.gitScripts to build an InspIRCd Docker image Jesse Morgan10 years
docker-pysmtpmock.gitMock SMTP Server which displays the received messages on stdout. Jesse Morgan10 years
jekyll-hook.gitForked from Jesse Morgan10 years
puzzlebox.gitSource for my variation of the puzzle box that led me to my birthday present a f...Jesse Morgan11 years
jesterpm-build-tools.gitCommon ant configs for various projects. Jesse Morgan11 years
router-control.gitRouter control software for a ShinyBow SB-5544 video router. Jesse Morgan12 years
Use-Vim-Like-A-Pro.gitGreat vim tutorial moved to LaTeX (polish translation completed, english is stil...Jesse Morgan13 years
foursquare-community.gitThe Motion Church website Jesse Morgan13 years
Utilaclock.gitSimple clock utility in Java. Opens multiple clocks and countdowns in separate w...Jesse Morgan14 years
TesseractProject.gitGroup Project from TCSS 491 Class (Computational Worlds). In short, a physics en...Jesse Morgan14 years